《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Calvin


Joji's Point of View-- "Where is she?" I asked Julie who was enjoying our pizza. "I told you, she went out with another guy." repeated Julie for the hundredth time. "I didn't hear her talk to anyone." hissed Ian. "Because... the guy was actually cute." explained Julie as she finished the pizza. "Where did they go?" asked Max. "I have no idea... This was actually his idea." added Julie.

I get out of the shop and walk around, "Where are you going?" asked Ian. Max comes out next with the box of pizza. "I am going to walk around..." I whispered. "Why?" asked Ian. "They couldn't of had gone to far..." I explained. "But who is she with?" asked Max. "I am not sure... But I am guessing that it is Calvin..." I explained.

Your Point of View-- You had a wonderful time with Calvin... When you were only thinking that Calvin was Joji. "Look... I had a wonderful time... But it is time for me to leave..." you whispered. Calvin laughs and takes out the keys for the handcuffs.

Joji comes into the arcade and punches Calvin in the jaw, "God... That hurt..." whispered Joji as he shook the pain away from his hand. You fall down with Calvin to the floor. "Ow..." you whisper when you hit the floor. "What the..." Joji see the handcuffs, "Are you serious?" asked Joji pointing at the handcuffs. "This is so she won't escape... Don't worry." whispered Calvin in pain. He gets you out of the handcuffs. "There..." whispered Calvin.

You stand up and about to hug Joji but he starts to walk away. You look back at Calvin, who is getting up but you kick him back down, "Just stay down until we all leave..." you hissed. Calvin stays on the floor. You follow Joji quickly.


"How was my acting?" laughed Joji when you got outside. "Your what?" you ask. "My acting?" asked Joji as Max came and showed you the pizza box. "You were..." you are about to ask a question but Ian runs over, "Run!" he shouts. Joji takes your arm and runs.

"Why are we running?!" you shout. "Because... Julie is following us!" explained Joji as he poke Max and pointed somewhere. Max shakes his head and grabs Ian. You get pulled behind a dumpster. "Why here?" you whisper. Joji shrugs and looks out for Julie.

She than runs right pass you. Joji pulls you into the alley. "Ever had a bonfire?" asked Joji. You shake your head no. Ian comes from behind, "It is fun! I remember my times from camp.... Always got beat up and found my bed wet because I peed myself. I am do proud that I picked the top bunk." Ian smiled.

You laugh and sit down around some trash, "Why are we here?" you ask. Max takes out a match and lights the trash around you on fire, "Is this against the law?" you asked. Ian shrugs and take the pizza box and starts to eat the piece of pizza, "Want some?" asked Max and he takes the pizza box from Ian. "Sure." you smile when Max passes you the pizza box.

"Do you guys do this all the time?" you asked. "Nope... First time." smiled Ian. Your eyes get wide, "Don't worry, we won't burn down something." laughed Max. Joji takes the pizza box from you and gets a piece. "You guys are just the craziest friends I have..." you laugh. "What about Jane?" asked Joji. "She is a whole other story..." you add on.


You guys continue to pass around the pizza. "Why is there pineapple on the pizza?" asked Max. "Because it makes the pizza wonderful!" shouted Ian as he threw the empty box of pizza at Max. "And ham... Like what the... Why are you are so dumb!" shouted Joji. Ian pushes Joji off the log he is sitting on. "Ow... That hurt..." whispered Joji. "You have anything to complain about?" asked Ian to you. "Well... The bacon doesn't make sense..." you whisper. Ian hugs you, "That was Max..." whispered Ian as he blocked the pizza box from hitting you.

"Bacon on pizza is the most wonderful thing in this planet!" shouted Max. You laugh, " Bacon alone is the wonderful thing not on pizza." you laughed. Max rolls his eyes.

Joji and Ian try to take down the fire. You and Max start to head off the Joji's house. Joji and Ian catch up to you and Max quick.

"For tomorrow, we are heading out somewhere new." smiled Joji. "So start packing up." smiled Ian. You laugh until your phone rings, "Pick it up..." whispered Max. You pick up the phone, "Hello..." you whisper. "(Y/N) get your butt over to New York! Now!" shouted your father and than he hangs up on you.

Joji, Ian and Max look at you, "Who was that?" asked Ian. "Wrong number..." you laugh and start to walk again. "No... That couldn't be..." whispered Max. "You live in New York..." added Joji. You sigh, "That was my father... He is waiting for me in New York... But he doesn't need me right now..." you add. "He sounds like you do..." whispered Max. You roll your eyes, "Don't you dare take me to New York!" you shout.

Joji's Point of View-- "Taking her to New York is the right thing to do... But taking her to the next part of the world... Sounds like the best thing to do right now." I think to myself while walking home.

Your Point of View-- you are just worried that Your parents will soon come after you.

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