《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Cafe


You grab Sam's arm and run back to your backpack and drag Sam towards the car, "Hurry! In!" you shout as you get in the car yourself. "Why?" asked Sam. You point towards the two girls with messed up hair and make-up. Sam doesn't over think it and gets into the car. "Drive!" he shouts as both the girl start running towards the car. You pull out of the parking and drive. "Where?" you asked. "Turn right!" ordered Sam.

You finally lose the two girls, "There is a cafe up ahead..." whispered Sam. You nod and see the cafe sign. You park in front of the cafe. "I need... To talk with you..." whispered Sam as he got out of the car. You walk out with him.

You sit at a table while Sam gets two coffees. "Here..." smiled Sam. You take the cup. Sam sits in front of you, "I didn't want to tell Joji on the first day and I also can't tell him now..." whispered Sam. "Tell him what?" You asked, curious. "I have cancer..." whispered Sam as he looked down to the ground. "How long?" you asked. "About 5 months..." whispered Sam. "There is still hope..." you whispered as you got up. "What?" asked Sam. "I have no access to work here in Japan but... I probably can..." you grabbed Sam's arm and walk him to the car. "What?" asked Sam. "I will explain later... Get me to the closet clinic..."

Sam leads you to a small clinic. "You are in luck my parents own this clinic." smiled Sam. "Than... Can I use their stuff?" you asked. "What?" Sam started to freak out. "Don't worry. I have a degree in medical field." you smiled. Sam looked at you with serious eyes, "You are dating a guy who lives off of YouTube money." laughed Sam. "I do the YouTube thing too..." you whispered. Sam stops laughing, "What?" he whispered. "Like...You know... I will explain later!" you shouted as you followed Sam pass the waiting room and back into the medicine room.


"Hey Sam." smiled a lady coming out of nowhere. "Hey... (Y/N)... this is my mom." smiled Sam. You wave hello and she waves back, "Why are you here?" asked his mother. "My friend... She wanted to come." explained Sam. "I actually need to work with some medicine." you explained. His mother looks at you weird, "Don't worry. I have a degree in medical field." you explain. She smiles, "The room is all yours." she smiled as she walked to her computer.

You work and mix some medicine together. "Okay.. Than Sam it will just be a pinch." you explained. Sam backs up, "What!?" shouted Sam. You sigh, "I have cured a kid from cancer... I can do it again." you laughed as you stabbed him with the needle. "What the?" asked Sam's mother as she turned around from the computer. She takes the needle from you, "What did you do!" she shouts as she looks over Sam. "That will cure his cancer..." you whispered. Sam's mother looks at you, "I think it is time for you to leave..." she whispered. You walk out the door.

You get in the car, "I was just trying to help..." you whispered as you start the car and head towards Joji's house. When you get out of the car, you see Lily in the front of the house alone with a sad face, "What happened?" you asked. "Joji has some company... It is best if you stay out here with me..." explained Lily as she passed you a cup of tea.

You sit down on a chair, "Who is inside?" you asked. "Two girls... They were both wet and mean and rude and...I wish Joji would just lose contact with those girls..." explained Lily. You remember about the girls that you and Sam pushed into the river. "Lily.... Those two girls are wet because Sam and I, pushed them in..." you whispered. Lily's eyes widen and then you hear her laugh so loud, "Oh my! (Y/N) nice job!" she laughed. You giggle with her but that's when the door opens.


"It was her!" shouted the blonde. Joji comes out to see you with wide eyes. You smile. "You pushed them in?" asked Joji. "It wasn't only me! Sam pushed one of them in!" you explained. Joji shakes his head, "I am so disappointed in you..." whispered Joji. "Mom... I am going to walk them to their house... I will be back and when I do... You better have an explanation (Y/N)" Joji gets his stuff and walks the girls home.

You sigh and sit back into the chair, that's when you hear your phone ring. You check to see that Joji texted you, "I am proud of you! You go Girl!" you laugh as you read the text. You show Lily, who laughs louder than you. "Now... Why?" asked Lily. "They said Joji was a bad boy... So... If they see me as a good girl... Well... They were very wrong. Besides, they shouldn't say such things about Joji." you explain. Lily nods her head. "Sam was always a good friend... Is that him right now?" you see Lily as she points to Sam and his mother running towards you.

"Lily! Get me inside! Now!" you shout but Sam's mother is with a smile, running towards. "Why?" asked Lily but before you could go in. Sam lifts you off the ground, "Thank you... So much!" he smiled. You look at Sam's mother who holds up a few papers, "I tested Sam to see, if you didn't get him more sick... But apparently the cancer cells went down." explained Sam's mother. You smile, "It was nothing." you blush. "You had cancer..." you heard a voice say.

Sam moves out of your way to see Joji with tears in his eyes, "Joji.. I can explain!" shouted Sam. But Joji hugs him and you at the same time. "Thank you... So much." whispered Joji into your ear. "I am sorry for not telling you..." cried Sam into Joji's shoulder. "Nah man, it's cool." smiled Joji as you three stand there. "Besides... I heard you pushed a girl into the river today." laughed Joji. "Don't remind me..." laughed Sam.

Joji's Point of View-- "Even though (Y/N) messed up my life with that kiss... She is fixing it slowly every time, she is with me... I love this amazing girl..." I thought to myself as I hugged both Sam and (Y/N).

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