《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Walk


After a while the doctor says that it is okay to leave. You help Joji up, "I can walk from here." smiled Joji. You walk out of the hospital to see Ian next to a car. "Hey." you smile. Ian waves hello. Joji smiles and gets into the car. "Max is in the other car over there." Ian pointed to a car near by. "Take it easy with him." winked Ian as he went to the car, Max was in.

You get in the drivers seat, "Want breakfast?" you asked. Joji smiled, "Lily might have something ready at home." explained Joji. You start the car and turn right to head towards Joji's house.

You pull up in front of the house to see Joji's dad. "Hey..." whispered Joji as he got out slowly. "In my office now..." ordered Joji's dad. You give a thumbs up to Joji and a smile. Joji whispers back, "I am going to die..." You laugh and head towards the kitchen.

Lily sees you walk in and smiles, "How did it go last night?" asked lily. You smile and sit down, "It went great... I beat Joji in Candy Land." you laugh. Lily laughs with you and gives you a plate with pancakes. "Sorry... But me and Joji's dad want Joji to stay here for the day..." explained Lily. "That's okay... Besides I want to have a time to myself today..." you explain. "Than you might want to go now..." explained Lily. You smile as you take your plate and run to the car.

You get to the car and start the engine. You pull out and don't know where you are going, "I can find my way to a park..." you whisper to yourself. You soon see a lake. "That's a great spot..." you smile as you try and find a parking lot. You finally found a parking lot and park in it. You hope out and take one pancake with you to eat on the way.


You sit in front of the lake on the ground, You get your phone out and start to dial your mom, "Hey..." you whisper. "Your dad is not here." Your mom explained. You let out a sigh, "Where are you guys right now?" you asked. "In a hotel." answered your mom. You sigh and look at your other hand that is not holding you phone, "I am not going to New York any time soon..." you whispered. "Why is that?" asked your mom. "Because.... I am out with some friends going somewhere..." you whispered. "Where?" asked your mom. "To... Somewhere in the world..." you try to explain. Joji hasn't told you where you are going next. "(Y/N) You are heading to New York right now..." hissed your mother as she hanged up on you.

You sigh and fall back onto the grass. You hear some footsteps coming towards you. You sit up to see Sam. "I knew you seem familiar." smiled Sam as he sat next to you. You smile, "Hey." Sam gets a serious face, "Is Joji okay?" asked Sam. "Yes." you smile, "How did you know that Joji was at the hospital?" you asked with a confused face. "Joji is famous. I am kidding. Lily called Jake last night, he than told everyone." explained Sam. You nod your head, "Be careful...." whispered Sam. "Why?" you asked. "Joji had two girlfriends here. They might be out to get you." explained Sam. You laugh but Sam stays serious. "I am serious... Joji's girlfriends want him back... So be careful." repeated Sam. You nod your head while trying to hold in your laughter.

Sam helps you up, "Now for the real question... Who were you on the phone with?" asked Sam. You sigh, "You won't tell Joji...?" you asked. Sam smiled, "I am not a spy. I come as a friend." You look at your hands again, "Okay.... Well... I was on the phone with my mom... She wants me to go back to New York.... I don't want too..." you confess and the heavy feeling in you chest goes away. Sam nods, "That... That is a problem..." whispered Sam. You nod your head in agreement. "Don't tell Joji..." you whisper. Sam nods his head. "I won't but tell him... Okay?" you think about it and shake your head no. "I know if, I go back my parents will kill me." you try to explain. "But Joji can help you." explained Sam. You shake your head again. "I don't want to stress him out right now..." you whisper. Sam shakes his head as well, "If your parents do something stupid, what will happen than?" asked Sam. You laugh, "Don't worry Sam... But don't you dare tell Joji about this." you hiss. Sam puts his hands up and starts to walk away. "This conversation stays between us..." laughed Sam.


You laugh to yourself as you wave good-bye to Sam. You head back to the car, "Hopefully... My parents aren't mean to Joji..." You start the car and head back towards Joji's house. On the way, you think about taking some pictures. "I'll stop somewhere near another lake..." you tell yourself. The when you see petals flying around. You look around to see some trees."This is perfect..." you whisper to yourself as you stop the car in a parking spot and get out.

You sit in front of the trees with a river behind them. You take out your camera from your backpack and point it everywhere and move it around, That's when you get pushed. "Crap..." you hit your knee on some rocks and can feel something wet around your knees, blood. You look at your jeans to see red. "Great..." you whisper. You stand up and shake off the pain, "What's the problem?" you asked two girls laughing. "You are the girl who was with Joji yesterday?" asked one of the girls. "Yes..." you hiss. "He was my ex." smiled the girl with blond hair. You roll your eyes as you stuff the camera back into your backpack and started to walk back to the car.

"Joji was a bad boy!" shouted the blond one. You smile as you set your backpack down. "Want to say that again?" you asked walking back towards the girls. They start to take some steps back. "He... I... He was a nice guy." smiled the blonde. You smile, "I am so sorry..." you whisper as you run right into her. The girl loses her balance and falls right into the river. The girl's friend looks at you, "Hold on..." she smiled but before she can say anything else, a body runs right into her and she falls into the river too.

You look up to see Sam. "I hate people who judge Joji." He explained. You laugh and high five him. "I do too." you smile.

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