《love in between -Khun x reader- Tower of god-》Ep. 26


"Hey, let's do something crazy." Khun proposed, after tying up the two regulars.

we ran towards the high building to the rest of the sweet and sour team. "this is taking too long!" I grabbed Khun by the arm. "gosh! you're a slow runner!"

he complained, "not my fault I'm not a dae-" he stayed silent as I carried him bridal style. I heard a whistle behind me. Khun hid his face behind his hand, mumbling, "it's supposed to be the other way around."

It's fun messing him. he acts all though and crap, but then when you flirt with him or do stuff like this, he turns into a fluffy pudding. the same goes for me.

we flirt with each other, yes. But is there another meaning to it other than just to mess with each other?

I don't know.


"If you don't want to lose him, give up the gun and stand up, Chang Blaroad!!" Wangnan huffed, Khun and I followed after him, huffing tiredly as well, my breath burning my throat

Wangnan had his gun pointed towards the red insane man's head. "how did you get here?"

"by running." I elbowed his side. "oof-"

"he meant, I ran here and he carried me up the stairs in exchange, almost fell, and ended up with me carrying him. again." I scoffed. "you... you're still sticking with him."

"Long time no see Chinese-named-man-who-isn't-Chinese-probably." I gave him a bubbly smile.

"you're still acting as his lapdog i see."

we stared at each other's eyes. Me smiling, while he emotionlessly glared at me. "now that we met, let's compromise, Chang." Khun added with a smile.


Khun shot the two with the light bullets and they slowly disappeared with a halo on top of their heads. "see you later, lapdog." he gave me a middle finger. I whipped one of my own.


"Khun, now it's time to find miseng and prince!" Goseng exclaimed. "no, we should give them up for now." Khun declined. "we can't go looking for those who we can't get in contact."

they looked at me hopefully. geez! I feel like a family! Khun as the dad that always declines everything they say while I'm the mother who the kids always sucked up to because I keep giving them whatever they want.


was that too specific?

I sighed, "no. Khun's right."

and when we both say no, they rebel.

"Damn Khun! what should I do!?" Wangnan groaned, "I don't know. it was your idea so do it yourself." Khun answered with a hint of annoyance. "If you keep trying to save everyone like this, you're going to lose everyone. you should see the difference between your wish and reality."

Khun's face shifted uncomfortably as he traced the ID of the girl. "Verdi?!"

"Verdi the doll maker?!" I continued for Khun, "the one from Shibisu's team?" He didn't have to drag me along, I already began running.

"Khun!" Wangnan said after some time, "the octopus is shining!"


"the octopus is going bling-bling!"

"there's no choice! Kill that thing!" Khun ordered. Wangnan answered with a panicked tone, "what!? with what!?" Khun grumbled, "poke it with the horn!"


oh, Bam... still as sweet as ever...

"I can feel like my heart is shattering into pieces. Khun, help me." I dramatically sighed. he sighed. our bodies pressed against each other as we hid behind a broken pillar.

"Let's go get Wangnan." He started walking to where Wangnan is after Bam and his team left. he placed a hand in his pocket while the other intertwined itself with mine. I don't know what this gesture was supposed to mean, but I felt comfortable so I didn't pull back. I never have.


I smiled.

considering the situation we are in, I felt happy.

I didn't know, but Khun was smiling under his breath too.


Khun stared at the entity in front of us. I didn't really know how to react.

"K-Khun... is that a croc-"

"Don't speak. my head hurts." he grabbed his head, looking down. "who are you calling crocodile, huh turtle?!" Khun proceeded to cover his face with a groan, battling the stress that is pilling in his head already.

Wangnan stared at the crocodile, in shock of being called a turtle the first time in his life.

"I'm Rak Wraithraiser." he crossed his arm. "I shouldn't have convinced Khun to make a team with you on the floor of the test," I added.

"crocodile..." Khun frowned, "how did you get here."

"the red turtle told me about this before the incident at Arlene's hand." he's probably talking about Hwaryun. "Hwaryun?" I asked. "Yes, the red turtle told me to meet you here."

Khun looked at his hands. "can you leave for a bit. sorry." he looked at Wangnan. he got up and left the room.

"you... how much do you know?" Khun squinted his eyes and furrowed his brows at Rak. "everything that you know. that the yellow turtle betrayed us and that Black turtle is alive." Khun's face turned into a sad expression. "blue turtle, why are you hesitating?"

I left the room slowly. knowing what's to come and I don't have the energy to deal with this.

"Khun's friend came here?" the Yeon girl asked. "yeah. our old teammate." I came up from behind her, muttering. I sat down beside Yeon as she sent a glare. "What?" I lifted the fork up to my mouth. "so who's your friend? a cyborg?"

"well," a bang echoed through the room. they all looked behind, shocked to see Khun leaning against the wall. "damn crocodile." he muttered. I casually ate the blue colored jelly.

this is fine. this is normal.

everything is good.

everything is okay.

Rak sent another punch towards Khun.

yeah. everything is fine.

I got up from my seat and pulled the crocodile back as Khun walked away. Rak trashed around, screaming.

This happens often. This is


"why Khun is so obsessed about what happened to him on the floor of the test." Dann said. I pressed my ears against the door. "and then he met you. It was a joy Khun will never forget."

I smiled, "hey you! Is the Dino in there?" the Yeon girl asked. "yeah. Why?"

"I need to take pictures."

I moved away from the door, letting them barge in.

I put my hands in my pockets - A habit I got from Khun - and walked away.

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