《Doomsday》38. Back


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18+ chapter!🥵


"Cupcakes for us.", Theo said loudly as he entered into their room, followed by his brothers.

Heaven looked at him to find only three cupcakes on plate. She almost pouted at him but then she remembered that she was angry so she turned her face back and started watching the tv show.

"Wow it's amazing.", Agasthya praised loudly and the sounds of them eating and laughing made her stomach grumble. Her mouth watered as the sweet smell of cupcakes filled her nostrils.

"Do you want some baby?", Raffaele asked offering his half eaten cupcake to her. She glared at him angrily and covered her face with the blanket making them chuckle.

A few seconds later, the sound of her sniffles reached their ears making them stand up and run towards her.

"Shit! Shit! Shit. I'm so sorry baby. This was Agasthya's plan, I promise.", Theodore said as he picked her up and sat her down on his lap.

Agasthya gave him a glare as he took Heaven's hand in his.

"He's a liar princess. I didn't do shit.", He said pouting making her almost laugh.

"I told these idiots not to do this but they never listen to me.", Raffaele said kicking his foot on the floor like a little kid making her giggle.

"You want cupcake love?", Agasthya asked kissing her head and she gave an eager nod.

Theo's hand rubbed her stomach. Touching her always calm then down.

"Here it is.", He said as he made her eat it with his own hands. The other two looked at them lovingly. Afterall it was such an adorable sight.

"Daddies are sorry babygirl. We will tell you everything beforehand from now on. We promise.", Raffaele said kissing her head.

"I forgive you.", She murmured to them making them relax and smile.

She hugged them tightly as they smelt her hair and body as if to remember everything. They were such clingy babies.

"Well guess what ? We'll not have to go to the clinic again for injections. Your reports came out good.", Agasthya said kissing her face again and again. The room filled with her delightful laughs and their chuckles.

"You're teasing me.", She complained as Raffaele's member rubbed against her kitty.

"What? I'm not even doing anything.", He said smirking as he continued rubbing back and forth.


His hand travelled into her panties as he opened up her folds with his fingers making her legs close around his hand.

"Open them up.", He ordered dominantly as he pinched her clit. She opened up her legs immediately making him praise her.

Agasthya kissed her hungrily and their tongues molded together into a fight for dominance which Heaven lost at the end.

"Ahhhh daddy.", She moaned as he pushed three fingers into her. Her juices coated her inner thighs as her whole body shook in pleasure in their arms.

"Are you going to come for daddy?", He asked picking up his pace while Agasthya removed her clothes. Theo licked his lips as he saw his wife being pleasured. It was a sight for sore eyes.

"Uhhh d--daddy.", She moaned loudly as he bit on her neck from behind. Her pussy clenched around his fingers and she came. Pulling his fingers out, he pushed them inside her mouth.

"Suck.", He commanded and she obeyed.

"Good girl.", He cooed pushing them deeper making her gag and eyes water.

Theodore sucked her boobs which looked red and angry. They were getting heavier and he loved them.

Heaven grabbed his hair as he bit and sucked liked a baby. Before she could comprehend anything, she was filled with two cocks, one in her kitty and one in her behind. Agasthya glared at them as he looked at his caged dick making the brothers chuckle.

"Come here.", Theodore ordered and opened the cage making him sigh. His dick stood hard and alert near heaven's mouth. Like a good girl, she opened her mouth and took him in.

It was the first time that she had done anything like this from her side. They watched with hooded eyes as she took him deeper into her mouth gagging but not stopping.

It seems pregnancy hormones have made their wife bold and horny.

"You are daddy's good girl.", Agasthya cooed as he pushed himself in her throat. His hand grabbed her throat as she nodded. They fucked her slowly and gently in the starting but she didn't want them to be gentle.

"Daddy....harder.", she moaned making them groan. If she wants harder, then they will give her harder.

"Ahh...daddy...uhhmmmm.", she groaned as she came harder than ever before.

"Fuck....I love your pussy.", Theo said playing with her clit as he slowed down his movements. Raffaele's place was already taken by Agasthya as he fucked her tight pucker which loved to swallow him whole.


"D--daddy...please.", she begged as their movements slowed down denying her orgasm.

"Tsk.tsk..not so soon brat. Today you made daddies so mad.", Agasthya murmured sucking at her neck leaving red purple marks.

Raffaele smirked as she gave him her tearful eyes making him harder in her hand.

"Come on, be a good girl and make daddies cum first.", He cooed at her and she started moving her hand up and down on his length. She took him in his mouth but this time, he was incharge as he pushed her head lower on his shaft. Her holes clenched around their slowly moving dicks making them lose their minds. Their movements hastened as they fucked her supporting her small bump. She came apart for the third time in last few minutes but they didn't stop. Her throat and her both holes were sore but she was enjoying everything too much to say anything else.

Raffaele filled her mouth with his cum and saw her gagging on it. He loved seeing her gag over his cock. It is such a beautiful sight always.

The other two made her come twice again before they themselves filled her up with their cum.

She was still rightly wrapped around them making them hard again but they didn't move. She was tired, her eyes were droopy and it was past midnight.

"Shh drink this.", Raffaele said as he came with a glass of water mixed with her medicine. She has to drink it till her fourth month, right now she was just getting started with her second month.

She made small voices as she drank the whole glass making them smile.

"Do you want to eat anything before you sleep princess?", Agasthya asked as he kissed the side of her head.

They pulled themselves out and carried her to the bathroom to wash her up and make her pee. Although they love seeing her covered in their scents but shw would feel sticky so they cleaned her up and made her pee much to her dismay.

They didn't want her getting up in sleep to pee knowing very well that pregnancy makes bladder weak.

"Ok eat this.", Theo said bringing a small plate of strawberries and lemon to her. She shook her head and closed her eyes making him sigh.

Suddenly she opened up her eyes as her hand covered her mouth making them alert.

She put her feet down but before she could move, Agasthya picked her up and put her near toilet seat and she started vomiting. The doctor had warned them about morning sickness too. Small tears ran down her eyes as she puked everything out that she ate.

They kept rubbing her back to make her feel better.

"It's okay. It's okay baby.", Raffaele said taking her near washbasin and helping her gargle and wash her face. Her lips were in a pout as she brushed her teeth.

"I don't feel good daddy.", She said as her eyes watered. Why does she have to be such a baby who keeps crying at everything? She complained to herself.

"Well you're pregnant.", Her inner voice said giggling. What the hell!

"I thought it was all a dream. Where were you?", Heaven asked bewildered.

"I'm a part of you Heaven. You are special. Ask your husbands about it. They will tell you everything.", She said and vanished again.

"Princess what are you thinking?", Theo asked as he made her eat strawberry with a lemon. What a combo!

"Umm I want to ask you three something.", She said rubbing her hands.

"Yes love. You can ask anything.", Agasthya said rubbing her stomach.

"But promise me, you won't lie?", She said giving them her pinky making them laugh.

They put her pinkies in her smaller one and she nodded happily.

"There is a voice in my head... I know it's weird but she says I'm special and she's my protector. I just talked to her.", She said as her hands scratched her arms. Raffaele grabbed her hands in his and thought about it.

They have heard from their father once that God had created a special person to keep the devils in peace. They listened to him very less due to his boring lectures on humanity and peace but they remember this chapter of his. Does this mean that she was that special person and they were the devils?

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