《Stronger as One (Completed)》23. Road trippin' 🌶️🌶️


The next 15 hours were pretty intense for everyone. They found Amy as she attempted to flee when she realised just how badly she had screwed up. It turned out that she had stupidly played right into the hands of the kidnappers, who had approached her weeks before they took Natalia. In fact, she was the one who had also given them information on Natalia's usual running routes, leading to her injury with the trap.

Her confession was not easy to extract but from what I understood, seeing as I was not allowed to join, Rafe had used a fair amount of Alpha coercion and commanding to get her to talk.

The depths of Amy's desperation had become clear once she had revealed that the reason she helped those guys kidnap Natalia was because they had promised her to eliminate the old Alpha Macalister and to provide her with a mating potion for Rafe, enabling her to finally achieve her dream of becoming Luna.

Luckily, neither her, nor the kidnappers were smart enough during their meet-ups because their rendez-vous took place in crowded places with plenty of cameras around, which allowed us to obtain the license plate of the kidnappers. It was just a matter of a phone call for my contacts in London to get me the information that I needed with the plate's details. Unfortunately, the van was a rental, taken out by a Jaden Jones, a fake name. Nevertheless, using the description I had provided them with, as well as the databases of known aliases, my contacts were able to narrow down the location of one of the guys to an area in Buckinghamshire, just north-east of London. We then provided them with a description of the mansion where Rafe had been held years earlier and left them to pinpoint the exact place where Natalia was held. Either way, we had a long drive down to London, so they could work further on that as we made our way.

"I am not going to try to stop you, sis, as I know that you are stubborn just like mother and that there is no convincing you otherwise once you have set your mind on something!" Lucien said as he hugged me goodbye.

"You are right, Luc. I have to do this!"

"I know. Just be careful, will you. And watch out with those three, Aurelie- I am not sure which one I trust less around you!" he said as he tilted his head to where Callum, Aiden and Rafe were standing.

"I'm a big girl, Lucien. I can handle three cocky boys." I smiled as we let go.

"You are amazing, Riley! Please take care of yourself and come back in one piece- this little one is already excited to meet his aunty." Anna rubbed her growing belly as she embraced me as well.

"I will. Can't wait to meet him or her either. We should be back in 2-3 days anyway, so you will barely realise that I am gone. Plus, I can't be away for too long or Mr. Beta here will ruin all of the pack's warriors with his terrible discipline." I nudged Connor, making him laugh.

"It's called motivation, Riley- I still have so much to teach you." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and a wink. "Don't do anything too wild with those three. Or just don't do anything I wouldn't do......which, let's be honest, leaves you with a hell of a lot of things to try."


"Shut the fuck up, Connor!" Lucien interjected and I burst out laughing. I hadn't realised it until now but I had grown attached to this place over the past few weeks, and the thought of leaving it behind, even for a short while, was making me miss it already.

I grabbed my bag and started walking towards my travel companions for the next couple of days. Aiden met me half the way and grabbed my bag, much to Callum's displeasure while Rafe rolled his eyes.

"So, how did you get Cyrus to agree to you coming along?" I asked, knowing how uninterested Aiden's Alpha had been in involving his clan in anything that did not affect them directly.

"Let's say that we did not see eye to eye on this mission."

"Oh. What does that mean?"

"That I am no longer Beta of the Red Dragons Clan," Aiden stated so matter-of-factly that one could easily get confused that he was talking about the weather or some other trivial topic.

"What? Aiden, what happened?" I knew by now how important being an Alpha or Beta was in the shifter world and it could not have been easy for Aiden to step down as Beta to his clan.

"It's okay, really. He gave me an ultimatum and I picked. Cyrus has never cared about the other shifters and working with them, which we have always argued about. I still had to formally support his decisions though. But this is not something that I was going to cave in on. Rafe was there for me when my own family severed its ties with me as I joined the Red Dragons clan, and Natalia is like a sister to me. I would always pick them, so it made sense that I have up my Beta role."

I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to hug him, seeing as we had pretty much only just met. But I felt the urge to do something, so I grabbed his free hand and squeezed it gently.

"You are a good man, Aiden! Not many would give up being second-in-command to rescue their best friend's sister."

"Yeah, well, not many people have the bond that Rafe and I have. We may be from different kinds but we are close to siblings as it comes for people who are not related by blood. We've been through a lot together, so I would never turn my back on him in such a moment. And someone needs to keep the two of you from killing each other." He chuckled as he put my bag in the trunk.

The drive down to London was rather awkward for most parts with all that testosterone in such a small, confined space. I tried to lighten the mood by asking them various questions about what it was like to be a bear and dragon shifter, which only seemed to annoy Rafe more but I didn't care. If I had to be stuck with all of them for hours, I might as well get some useful information out of them.

Half the way through the journey I woke up from my quick nap as we stopped to fill up the car. The boys all got out, eager to stretch the legs, while I remained inside. The further they walked away from the car, the more I was able to have a look at the three of them together. Each one of them was sex-on-a-stick with their chiseled muscular bodies. Their personalities were completely different and yet I found them ridiculously attractive for different reasons.


Suddenly I found myself wondering what it would be like to be each of them. Well, I already knew what it was like to be with Callum who had given me a night of wild, rough, yet somewhat gentle passion. Maybe that's why right now I found myself more intrigued about what sleeping with Rafe or Aiden would be like. Even so, my mind wondered in a surprising direction as I suddenly imagined myself naked with the three of them pleasuring me. All I could feel were 3 pairs of hands all over my body, and then a hot tongue flicking my clit and invading my core, while someone was kneading my breasts and sucking on my nipples as a thick big cock was teasing my lips before I opened my mouth to take it all in.

I found myself opening my eyes that I didn't even realise were closed. I was back in the car and there was no one to pleasure me but myself. With the arousal from the images in my mind still running high, I found myself desperately wanting a release. I looked up and I saw Rafe walking back towards the car. Shit, was he able to smell how turned on I was right now? Damn wolf shifters and their super senses!

I squeezed my legs together hoping that it would prevent him from sensing anything. My panties were wet from the dirty thoughts that had just reigned my mind and I ached to slip a hand under my jeans and give myself some relief. For a moment I was tempted to do it. But just as my hand started sliding downwards, I looked out and I saw Rafe looking right at me. His face didn't give anything away but his eyes, oh his eyes. He knew, he must have smelled it.

I pulled the handle of the door and I bolted out of the car straight for the ladies room, which, thankfully, was in the complete opposite direction of where the boys were. I barged inside the bathroom like I was in urgent need of help. To be honest, I was- but not the kind of need that anyone can help me with. Maybe I was not well after all. Yeah, that was it. My hormones must have been playing some strange tricks on me- how else could I explain being so horny about not one but three shifters. I had never even had a threesome.

Come on, Riley! You can get through this. Think about the least sexy thing you can come up with. Yeah, that should work. Okay, I could do this. Doing admin stuff. Yes- that was it. I hated doing admin stuff. Bills, paperwork. That was so annoying and so not sexy. Till I imagined that idiot Rafe Macalister pushing all the papers away from my imaginary desk and laying me out on the table, sliding one hand up my thigh and under my dress until he reached my core and teased me through the fabric of my silky underwear. Shit, this is the opposite of what I am meant to be thinking about.

Okay, attempt two. Annoying house chores. Hoovering. That was going to work. I imagined myself cleaning my house, hoovering the floor in the living room. There was nothing exciting about that. Slowly though, my mind conjured the image of a hot body pressed against me as I leaned forward. Strong muscular hands grabbed my hips and I felt the growing erection behind me. I turned around and there was Aiden Hayes, looking at me with eyes burning with lust, making heat pool in my stomach.

Third time lucky, right? Fixing a car engine. That's what my dad and I used to do on the weekends to relax when I was a teenager, so there was definitely nothing erotic about it. Or so I thought before sexy muscular Callum Andrews entered my imagination, shirtless and covered in oil.

Suddenly I snapped out of my haze. What the hell was wrong with me? This was wrong. I was holled up in the bathroom of a random petrol station on the M6, getting turned on thinking about these hot shifters that I was travelling with. This was not me at all. Could it be that this stupid tattoo affected me somehow? Whatever it was, I had to get my act together quickly because I had to face the guys at some point.

I splashed my face with some water and headed back to the car.

"Riley!" I heard Callum say as he walked out of the station. "Are you okay? You seem a bit flushed."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I paused for a few second, unsure how to continue. "I think I am just feeling a bit motion sick. You know, being human and all."

Callum laughed and I relaxed a little. "You are a terrible liar, Aurelie Moreau, but I will let you off this time. Come on, let's get back to the car."

The rest of the journey went by very quickly, especially as my mind finally decided to be kind to me and let me sleep without turning my dreams into wet dreams. The sun was starting to set when we neared London. My phone buzzed as I got a text from my contacts with the address that we needed.

We had a much better chance attacking by surprise in the early hours of the following morning, so we all agreed that it would be best to get some rest and my house seemed like the best place to do so. Plus, I was eager to see my home if for a little bit.

We pulled up in front of my house nd I left the boys to unload the car, making my way to the front door. I reached for the door to unlock it but instead I found it ajar. What the hell- was there someone in my house?

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