《His Little Psycho》22- Hablas Espanol?


Later that day, he takes me home. The rest of my weekend was spent either with him, or using my phone to talk to him. I also caught up on some homework. My college readiness teacher told me to start sending in applications to colleges. I didn't bother because I won't live to see college anyways.

Marcus is in that class with me though. He asked if I had sent in any applications and when I said no, he insisted that I do that.

He stayed over Sunday night. He slept on the couch, and I of course slept in my bed.

Monday, April 1st

I was scared, but I couldn't let him know that. Hell, why not? He already knows I have anxiety.

My plan to keep my worries a secret failed when I began to have a panic attack and Marcus rushes to my side to help me. His presence helped me recover faster. He asked what I was worried about.

"Everyone at school hates me, and they don't know we are friends again."

He frowns.

"I'm so sorry. I will stick with you the entire day. No one will touch you or say shit to you unless they want their ass kicked."

I laugh, despite the fact that I'm still scared.


We enter the building. Stares. Every direction I look, there are stares.

Jackson and James walk up to us. They give Marcus a strange look. I give them an angry look.

"Chill, Rose. They only did it because I told them to." Marcus says.

"Y'all cool now?" James asks.

"Yeah." Marcus answers.

"Was all that stuff true?" Jackson asks.

Before anyone can respond, he adds "If so, that's mad weird bro.".

James laughs.

Marcus scowls at them.

"Get lost before I choke your ass to death." He tells them both.


They walk away.

He wasn't lying about staying with me the entire day. He cane with me everywhere. It prevented confrontation, but didn't stop the stares.

At lunch, he and I sat alone. We were the only ones at the table until Kayla joined. Kayla made Marcus aware of the fact that she could watch me in theatre, and when I went to the restroom, since he couldn't.

That was good because I had to use the bathroom. I went, and when I returned to the cafeteria, it was hard to get back to my table.

Students were crowded around, holding phones, recording what had to be a fight. I push through the people, ignoring Kayla telling me to wait. People call me names as I go by. I stop when the fight is right in front of me. it was Marcus and some other boy. The bit is obviously becoming to weak to fight. It will no longer be considered self defense. With this in my mind, I walk up to Marcus and pull him away by the hand. He resists, but once he locks eyes with me, he calms down.

"What happened?" I ask him, pulling him outside the school.

He catches his breath, runs his hand through his hair, and explains.

"He was talking about you. As soon as you left he walked up and started running his mouth so I lifted him up by his surrender and warned him. He didn't listen so I did what I had to do."

I grab his hands. They are shaking and he has sweat coming down his face. Kayla runs up to us.

"That's going to have some major consequences." She says.

Right as she says it, three cop cars pull up to the school.

We had to make a decision. Run off campus fast, or go into the building and accept consequences. We luck see the second option and walked to the office. Kayla was dismissed and me and Marcus are sat down with the principal. Before a word is spoken, two police officers enter the office.


After Marcus explains that I didn't do anything, I am dismissed. I decided to wait in the waiting area outside the office.

Marcus comes out after 30 minutes, and I stand up.

"What happened?" I ask him.

"Two week suspension and they're taking out charges for assault." He says emotionless.

"I'm so sorry-" I begin, but he interrupts me.

"No, don't be. You're worth it and I'd do it over again." He says, giving me a reassuring smile despite the fact that his mom is going to be pissed.

He is sent home and I check out early so I can accompany him to his house. My hopes were his mom would understand if I told her why he did it.


We arrive at his house. His mom had already been called so she was waiting outside. We both get out the car.

"Hi I'm Karolina, nice to meet you." She says, smiling at me. She had a complexion slightly darker than Marcus' and she had darker, straighter hair.

"I'm Brianna." I reply.

She turns to Marcus. He smiles, but her smile fades.

"What on planet Pluto were you thinking?" She asks him.

"No hagas esto delante de ella." He says in Spanish.

"No me dices que hacer. ¿Por que demonios luchaste con ese chico?" She asks.

"Esta chica a mi lado significa todo para mí, y la amo. Ese chico estaba hablando mierda de ella." Marcus says.

I had no clue what they were saying.

"¿Esta tu novia?" She asks him.

"No, pero tal vez algun día. Aunque la amo. Ella ha pasado por muchas cosas y necesita agregar nada a su plato." He says.

"¿Que dijo él de ella?" His mom asks him.

"Si lo repito, querré arrancarle la cabeza." Marcus replies.

"Entiendo tu razón. Esta hermosa chica probablemente no merece ser mal hablada."

"Ella no. Ella no hace nada malo. Ella ha tiendo una vida difícil." He says.

"¿Como es eso?" She asks.

"Ella es similar a mí, mamá. Pero ella ha pasado por cosas peores. Ella sufre de muchas enfermedades mentales." He tells her.

"¿Que más?"

"No es mi historia para contar."

His mom nods.

"Stay for dinner?" She offers with a sweet smile.

"Sure." I say, returning the smile.

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