《His Little Psycho》15- picking favorites


Authors Note: I don't think any of the readers thought this, but I feel like this needs to be here just in case someone did. I AM NOT IN ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM DISCRIMINATING AGAINST ANY RACE. I support any and every race, religion, etc. I support everyone. I do not discriminate. When I introduce new characters into the story, I like to describe them very thoroughly. In order to do so, I must mention their race. Also, when I read that last chapter over, I get confused on who's who. (Collin, Titus, Kayvan).

So here, this may help.

Collin ~ Light-skin/Mixed/Black+White. Has an Afro. Very chill personality, but talks. Kinda bad lol.

Titus ~light skin. He has a nice haircut. Cuz he's a kool kid. He has hazel eyes. He's kinda bad too. Just like Collin.

Kayvan ~ Asian/Pale-ish. He has silky brownish red hair. He has dark brown eyes. He's a quiet, good kid. He hangs with the wrong crowd I guess lol.

Hope that cleared some things up. I try to find people on google or celebrities that look like my story characters, but I can't find one for every character. If I do find one, they will be at the beginning of the story. :))

Enjoy this chapter. xoxo


I think about what I'm supposed to say. The blade was out.

"Did it cut you?" I ask.

"No.." He says.

"But why was it here?" He asks.

"I don't know." I lie.

"Yes you do. Were you tryna kill us?" He jokes, but his face returns serious again.

I grab my arm in nervousness. My heart is speeding up.

"Why was it there?" He asks again, quietly and calmly.

"I got a package yesterday." I lie.

"I opened it but then you called and I forgot to put away the box cutter." I continue to lie.

That lie was pretty damn good.

I can't believe I thought of that on the spot.

"You apparently forgot to close the blade too." He says, sarcastically, closing the blade.

I laugh, trying to hide my nervousness.

He tosses it to me, and I quickly put it in my nightstand.

We hang out and he doesn't bring up the box cutter again. I can't stop overthinking it, though. I overthink everything.

We all fall asleep. Me and Marcus fall asleep beside each other on the tiny couch, Collin falls asleep on the other couch. Kayvan falls asleep on the floor, poor Kayvan. Titus fell asleep in the recliner. Lucky Titus. I lie awake. Marcus is crushing me. He scoots closer, and I get angry and shove him. He falls off the couch.


"Damn. Ugh..Shit. What the hell was that for?" He asks, his voice tired and raspy.

"You were crushing me." I say, simply.

"Damn." He says, walking to my kitchen.

He gets himself a bottle of water, and heads up the stairs.

"You are not sleeping in my room, leaving me on the couch." I say.

"Then come up here." He says.

I look at poor Kayvan.

"Help me move Kayvan to the couch." I tell Marcus.

"You favorite Kayvan, don't you?" He asks, with a smirk.

"No." I lie.

"I call favoritism!" He shouts, sarcastically.

"Lower your voice!" I hiss.

"Sorry, mom." He says, jokingly.

"He's not necessarily my favorite..I just like his personality." I say.

"You like him because he's just like you." Marcus Says.

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"He's just like you. When he first met me, he was so distant. He had such an attitude, yet he was so quiet. He's so shy, but he will speak his mind if you piss him off." Marcus explains.

We move over to Kayvan and I grab his shoulders, and Marcus grabs his legs. He stirs in his sleep.

"This is evil." I whisper.

"He'll live." Marcus Says.

We set him on the couch gently. Then we go upstairs.

I lay in the bed and he joins me.

"Scoot over." He says.

"I don't have to scoot over, it's a full sized bed." I say.

That's not necessarily huge, but big enough.

"Ugh, fine." He says.

He bends his knees and his knee jabs my back. I turn over and hit him multiple times.

"Ow. Feisty."

I hit him again, just to make him mad.

"Abusive." He mumbles.

I turn back over and try to go to sleep.

4:02 AM

We are in the car, heading to New York.

"Mommy? You're alive?" I ask, shocked.

Except now I'm 17 instead of a little girl, and my dad isn't in the car. My mom looks at me in the mirror. Her face is extremely messed up, like it was in the wreck.

"Nope, and neither are you." My mom says.

"Y-yes I am" I stutter.

"No you're not." She says.

"Look at your dad."

I'm crying at this point.

I look out the front windshield. My dad is driving a truck in the distance, he is laughing hysterically.

"Tell your daddy thank you." My mom says.

"For what?" I ask, tears pouring down my face.

"For killing us." She says.


The truck hits the car.

I shoot awake. I'm crying hysterically and I'm out of breath. I've had this nightmare multiple times before. Marcus sits up.

"Rose, are you okay?" He asks worriedly, in a a raspy tired voice.

I try to catch my breath.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks.

"No." I say, truthfully.

"Okay. Whatever it was, just know you're okay now. Go back to sleep." He says.

"What about school tomorrow?" I ask him.

"We don't have to go. We can clean up and leave before your dad gets back. We can go out to eat or something with Collin, Titus, and Kayvan." He says.

I nod, wiping the tears from my face.

"Go back to sleep, Rose." He says.

Rose. Why is he calling me by my last name? Only him. He's the only one who would do something weird like that. Weirdo. A nice, funny, kind, weirdo. Sorta.

I lay back down. I sit there for two minutes, turning and adjusting my position, before an arm grabs me, and pulls me.

I shriek.

"Shh.." Marcus Says.

"What the hell are you-" I ask, but I am interrupted.

"I'm tired. You won't stay still. Go to sleep."

I'm too tired to argue, so I go to sleep with him holding me tight to his chest.



Wednesday, February 27th

(a/n): I know that technically, since it was 4:02am in the last segment of the story, it was already the 27th, but I'm just gonna ignore it lol because it may be confusing if I put a new date when it's supposed to be the middle of the night.

I wake up to the sound of laughing and mumbling. Me and Marcus wake up at the same time.

"Were y'all cuddling?" Kayvan asks in his small voice.

"No, she wouldn't stay still so I put her in a headlock." Marcus lies, his voice tired and raspy. He runs his hand through his hair.

"That wasn't no headlock." Titus Says.

Marcus rushes over to Titus.

"I'll show you a headlock." Marcus grumbles, jokingly, putting Titus into a headlock.

Collin has his headphones in and is listening to music. He and Kayvan move away from the two crazy people.

"Alright guys. I have a fun task for you." I say, a fake smile on my face.

"What is it?" Titus asks.

Kayvan and Collin look up at me and raise their eyebrows.

"It's called, clean up time!" I say, faking to be exited.

Kayvan and Marcus laugh.

Collin and Titus roll their eyes and groan.

"First destination: Downstairs!" Marcus shouts.

We all go downstairs and begin to clean up.

Then we clean my room.

"Did everyone bring overnight stuff?" Marcus asks.

"No one brought overnight stuff." Collin remarks.

Marcus rolls his eyes jokingly.

"Well us boys are gonna have to stink at breakfast." Marcus shrugs.

I palm my face.

Collin and Titus shrug, Kayvan looks disgusted.

Kayvan walks up to me.

"Do you have a plain sweater I can wear?" He asks, in his small voice.

"Yeah." I say, smiling.

He smiles back.

"Everyone is going to take a shower. Kayvan, then Collin, then Titus." I say.

"Why does Kayvan get to go first?"

"He seemed the most disgusted by not being clean." I shrug.

They also shrug in agreement.

I go into the hallway closet and get a towel and washcloth. I hand it to Kayvan. He mumbles a thank you and then goes into the bathroom. I grab a black sweater out of my closet. He was wearing an orange sweater. I don't know if he wanted some of my leggings. They would fit him. They would just look like loose black pants. I go into the bathroom and bring him the sweater. He is in the shower, and I set it on the sink counter.

"Brianna?" He says.


"Do you have any pants I can wear?" He asks.

"I have leggings. They'll probably look like normal black pants on you." I say.

"I don't care what they look like, I just want pants."

I think for a moment. He's a dude, it would probably be uncomfortable to go without underwear.

"Don't get out yet." I tell him.

"I have an idea."

I leave and go up to Marcus.

"Can you run to the store and get a pack of boxers for the boys?" I say.

"Sure." He says.

He leaves without another word.

If u wanna see what Kayvan looks like, then go to the beginning of the story, and you will see his name and a link to what he looks like, along with other characters.

You don't have to tell me he looks like he should be in BTS or sum because I am very well aware of what he looks like 😂

Same for the other kids, their links are at the top too.

Also, I don't plan on making these kids big characters. I might change my mind but idk.

bye beautiful ❤️

and if ur a boy.

bye handsome ❤️

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