《Brilliant Brushes︱Graphic & Bio STUDIO | OPEN》『 Zuri 』- Unavailable



I love reading, occasionally baking (though I'm not the best) I also like to watch movies and write stories

Aesthetics, simple book covers

Manipulated and complicated book covers

I do aesthetics, simple book covers, GIFs and animated GIFs

I'm not sure I like most things, though I'm not the best with horror


two or 3 days at most

Yeah I will

Credit, and a follow


Title of the book:

Author's name:

Subtitle/Quote/Phrase (If applicable):

Genre of your book:

Short summary of the book:


Type of cover (Simple, Dark, Manipulated etc..):

Any face claims, if yes which ones:

If not face claim, what particular objects:

Anything specific (Colour scheme, fonts, objects etc..):

LGBTQ+ or Mature?:

Is the book published?:

Payment completed?:

Rules followed?:

Tag your designer & other people who might be interested (5+):


Face claim:

Description of the character/person:


Specific quote/Phrase/Line on the aesthetic:


Choice of colours(at least 2-3):

Specifications needed:

Grid type (3,4,5):

Other details:

Payment completed?:

Rules followed?:

Tags (5+):


Book title (Do you want to add it in the GIF?):

Author(Do you want to add it in the GIF?):

Genre of Book:

Text Wanted On GIF:


Colour scheme:

Faceclaims (If applicable):

Objects (If applicable):

Extra details and/or ideas:

Payment completed:

Rules followed:

Tag your designer & tags (5+):

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