《Kita's little sister》0.11


(Timeskip to 11:30)

(No one's POV)

"Y/N YOU READY?!" "YEAH!" "GOOD", 'it's already 11:30? That was fast, well at least I'm finished!' Y/N thought. Y/N ran down the stairs almost tripping "alright! Let's get going shall we?" Kita chuckled "we shall".

(Timeskip to 12:00)

(Suna's POV)

Most of the team was already here the only ones that aren't is Y/N and kita, "where are they" "shut your mouth piss hair" "HEY" sigh here we go again, why does the twins have to fight right now. Y/N, kita pls come soon!

Just then I felt something or someone jump on my back "SUNA!" oh its Y/N.....wait- Y/N?! "AHHH god you scared the living he-" before I could say the H E L L word kita gave me that stare, yeah that stare, the stare that's telling you not to do something or else. "I-I mean you scared me! Haha" I laughed nervously. "Well good morning to you too suna! And you can't say it's not morning!" I watched Y/N take her phone out "see its 12:09 am! Its morning!" I couldn't help but smile at her childishness "yeah yeah I see its morning" "hehe" how is our manager related to our captain?!

(I'm so sorry I took so long to write a new chapter! I just haven't found any motivation but I'll try to update as much as possible! Also thank you so much for reading ! It means alot!)

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