《Kita's little sister》0.6


(No one's POV)

After that incident everyone started to stretch while Y/N filled up the team's water bottles. Y/N looked at the other teams water bottles and saw they were empty. Since they didn't have a manager she thought she would help them out abit. She walked up to aoba johsai's coaches and asked them for the team's bottles "um excuse me, I was going to go fill up my team's water bottles and was wondering if you wanted me to do yours while I'm at it?" "Oh yes thank you! We don't have a manager so that would help alot!" The coaches smiled at Y/N before handing her the water bottles. Once Y/N got the team's bottles she walked to shiratorizawa coaches and asked the same which they gradly excepted.

(Inarizaki POV)

We watched kita freak out because he didn't see Y/N in the gym. "Kita your sister went to fill the water bottles" coach said which calmed Kita down alot but he said he would go help her, which the coach nodded in reply. "Where's our water bottles?" We heard from the other side of the court "shit did we forget them at school?" "No boys inarizaki's manager went to fill our water bottles while she was filling inarizaki's bottles because we didn't have a manager" the other teams sighed in relief but stopped and asked "inarizaki's manager? Why would she do that?" "Like I said we don't have a manager and probably from kindness. She seems to be a very nice girl" the teams nodded in reply, "nii-chan we need to give these to shiratorizawa and aoba johsai!" We all heard and looked at the door.

(Aoba johsai POV)

Inarizaki's manager walked up to us with our water bottles "here you go!" She smiled at us before leaving to shiratorizawa.


(Shiratorizawa POV)

We watched inarizaki's manager give aoba johsai's water bottles then walk over to us and gave us our water bottles "here you go all fill up!" "Ah thank you!" "No problem sir!" She bowed "come on nii-chan" she said to he brother before walking away.

(Kita POV)

I watched my little sister give the other two teams their water bottles, "here you go all fill up!" "Ah thank you!" "No problem sir! Come on nii-chan!" She said in which I nodded in response. Once we got back to the others they went to Y/N right away and helped her carry the bottles which Y/N just took them away before they could take any "No! I'm fine! You take care of yourselves and get ready for the practice matches!" They all looked at her and she had a face that got them so scared they ran off "you too nii-chan!" And when she's like this I can't say no to her "sigh, alright but if you need anything come talk to me. Ok?" "Ok nii-chan!" She smiled at me which made me smile back at her before going on the court to warm up.

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