《Kita's little sister》0.1



'Hmmm nii-chan left for volleyball practice already?' Y/N thought "GRANDMA IM HEADING TO SCHOOL NOW! BE CAREFUL ON YOUR WAY TO YOUR FRIEND'S HOUSE!" I said to my grandma. Before I left the kitchen I went to grab my bento when I saw my older brother's bento "Nii-chan forgot his bento? He must been in a rush this morning to forget his bento. I'll give it to him during lunch then!". I took my bento and my brother's bento then left for school.

Time skip to lunch

(No one's POV)

*Bell rings for lunch* "Ok class! That's it your next class will be home economics! Have a nice lunch". Everyone started packing up, I already finished packing up so I grabbed my bento and my brother's bento. I left my class to look for my brother's class. I got to my brother's class but didn't see him anywhere so I asked someone if they knew where he was. "E-e-excuse m-me do you k-know where K-kita Shinsuke is?" I asked a male "Ah yes he should be in gym 2 he usually eats lunch with his teammates!" " T-t-thank you senpai!" I bowed to the taller male which he said "no problem". I left the class to find gym 2 to deliver my brother's lunch "who knew giving your brother's lunch was such a quest?"

(Akagi's POV)

'Sigh the twins are fighting again when can they ever just stop fighting?!' I thought. I was still questioning myself till I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone knock on the gym door. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the door, since I was the closest I went to see who was at the door. When I opened the door I saw a shortish girl she had white hair with black tips. 'Her hair looks the same as kita-San's hair' I thought but pushed that thought away and asked the girl what she needed. "Oh hello how can I help you? Wait. Please don't tell my your one of Atsuma's fangirls!" I said to the girl but she just looked at me and said "N-no senpai! I'm l-l-looking for K-kita s-shinsuke" "Oh uh one second please!" I said before turning around "Can someone get kita!?" I said then heard a "you called?" And turned to see kita. "Uh yeah a girl's here to see you!" Before kita could ask who they were the girl rushed into the gym and ran to kita yelling "Nii-chan!" Everyone was quite till "NII-CHAN?!"

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