
Please dont skip, read this. It's important.

Dear readers,

Just recently I got to know by a reader asking me if I have pulished my book on any other site under a different name.

1- Maliha Mian is my original name, I don't use any pen names. If I had to be on any other writing site, I'll go with my original name everywhere.

2- No, I did not post 'abstract theories' on any other site under any different name.

So I found out someone has stolen my entire work, only bothered to change the names partially and posted it on a site named Telly updates. I've never heard of this site before but I took the time to check it and confirm the news. To my dissapointment this person has not only copied entire of my book but also taken credits of my writing. Showing no creativity to even as little as just take the idea or plot and develop her own writing skills. No. She copy pasted my book with slight changes of the names.


I am really dissapointed since abstract theories has been really close to my heart. It has taken me alot of efforts and time to write it.

Therefore, I request everyone to file a complain about this book for violation of copyrights to this site or email them to take down this book ()

I want this book down and I'm requesting you readers to help me out here.

If you know of any other ways how I can complain about this person or take actions against her, please do let me know. Or else I wont feel safe anymore on wattpad as a writer and will take down all my works.


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