《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Epilouge


a/n: so, this is the epilouge

julia 2 was painful for me so i did not finish it

sorry not sorry

enjoy the styles wedding as the epilouge, though!

-jules & m



"How do I look?" I inquired after fastening my tie.

Julia tapped her chin and hummed, "Do a spin,"

Chuckling, I spun round and ended in a model pose, making my little girl giggle. "You look dashing, Daddy."

"And you, my beautiful little flower-girl, look absolutely gorgeous," I told her, heaving her off the floor where she'd been coloring a picture. She laughed loudly as I held her upside down and tickled her.

"I'm going to laugh the day you drop her on her face," Louis commented on entering the room.

Still laughing, I set Julia down and glanced at Louis. "Aren't you a bucket of cheer, then,"

"I'm buzzing," Louis seconded, fixing his hair in the mirror. "Who said you have to wear suits to a wedding?"

"It is tradition, Uncle Lou," Julia said to him.

A smile played across Louis' lips. "Is that why you're actually in a dress?"

Julia groaned, "Daddy Zayn said I have to."

"Don't worry, Jules. You can strip down at the reception,"

"Well, maybe not strip down," I interjected. "But you can change clothes if you'd like."

"Aunt Dani says I look like a angel," Julia commented proudly.

"More like the devil," Louis provoked.

"Hey!" Julia exclaimed, starting a playful wrestle match with her uncle. I just chortled and watched my daughter, praying she didn't manage to rip the only dress I'd ever gotten her to wear.

When the war was over, Julia ran up and tugged on my trousers. "Daddy, where are my flowers?"

I glanced around the dressing room in pursuit of the basket with white rose petals. I found the object of interest and knelt down next to her, "You know what to do, I presume,"

Julia nodded and made grabby hands at the basket, "I has to throw them on the ground just like Granny Anne showed me,"

"Very good. And we're not going to run down the aisle, right?"

"Yes, Daddy," she sighed impatiently.

"And we aren't going to interrupt Daddies during the ceremony, correct?" I continued just to irritate her.

"Goodness, yes, Daddy, we had this talk on the drive here!"

I lifted an eyebrow at her, "You better drop that attitude, young lady, or you won't be allowed to spend any more time with your Uncle Louis."

"Hey, punish the kid, not me," Louis spoke humorously.

Julia nodded. "I'm sorry. Can I please have my flowers now? I not going to mess up the wedding, I promise,"

I handed her the basket, "Don't throw them until it's time."

Julia plopped on the ground and began playing with the flowers in the basket. I grinned, and then sat behind her, slyly attempting to tame the wild, curly beast of hair that she inherited from me. She whined as I combed through it with my fingers.

"You're pulling!" She groaned, trying to pull her head away.

"I'm sorry, Angel, but just sit still for a moment. I have to put the pretty bow in your hair," I told her.

With much more trouble, I finally tied the pink ribbon in her hair. She stood up and trudged over to the mirror, and frowned. "I look like a daffodil."

I laughed and knelt down next to her, "I think you look lovely, Jules,"


She crossed her skinny arms over her chest as her bottom lip protruded. "I just want to put jeans on,"

"Well, this is just for one day. You can go back to your usual attire tomorrow, I promise," I pecked her cheek then stood up and checked the time. I grinned widely.

"Time to go, Darling,"


I watched fondly as Julia began slowly ambling down the aisle, tossing the white rose petals from her basket. I noticed, however, that she'd taken the pink ribbon that matched her dress out of her hair. She shot me a cheeky smirk. I shook my head, still not able to shake the smile that crept onto my face.

Next down the aisle were the "grooms-maids" and grooms-men, which were just the rest of the boys, my sister, and Zayn's sisters. When everyone was in place, the doors opened again, this time relieving the most beautiful thing in the entire world.

Zayn walked down the aisle next, clad in a white suit. His dark brown hair was styled in a perfect quiff, his hazel-eyes shimmering and a grin across his lips.

My heart raced a little faster when he reached the altar and stood in front of me. Tears dared to emit from my eyes, but I held them back with all my might.

Our eyes connected momentarily, and he smiled at me. I grinned back and chewed on my bottom lip as the officiate, called Tom, began the ceremony.

To be completely honest, I ignored the words that were said. It was very tedious. I glanced at Louis, and he was tapping his foot impatiently and glaring at the old man who was dragging out the ceremony. I stifled a laugh then turned my attention to Tom.

When it came time to say our vows, I went first. Thanks to my awkwardness, I probably sounded like a knob.

"Uh, I promise to love and, uh, care for you and I will in every way be faithful to your love. I will always be, um, honest with you, kind, patient, and forgiving. I promise to, um, to try to be on time,"

I glanced up from the paper I read the vows off of and caught a glimpse of his lovely smile. As a result, my face lit up and I began trailing off of my pre-planned vows.

"But most of all, I promise to be there for you always. Through the thick and thin of our crazy career, sicknesses, tragedies, and through any harsh trials with our beautiful daughter. I promise to take care of her, and raise her properly and thank you daily for the gorgeous little girl that we had the rare and wonderful opportunity of creating together," I heard a noise come from Julia as she recognized herself being mentioned. I smiled wider and continued.

"I will forever be grateful to be blessed with the beautiful, kind, loving, and amazing angel that you are. You changed my life for the better, and I'm the happiest man in the world to be stood before you today; one of the best days of my life. I will spend an eternity thanking you for all you've done for me, and I will make it my person mission to see that beautiful smile on your face every day. I love you,"

Zayn beamed at me when I finished, then looked to Tom, "Can I kiss him now?"

The crowd of friends and family, and myself and Tom, laughed. I scanned the audience and all the women's eyes were teary, and some of the lads were asleep. I directed my attention back to my fiancé as he began saying his vows.



I've performed on stage in front of thousands of people literally hundreds of times. I've even performed in Madison Square Garden, and The O2 Arena in London. I was on the X-Factor, auditioning by myself and performing with the other boys.

Yet I was extremely nervous to say my vows in front of my family members and soon-to-be husband. Nonetheless, I cleared my throat and began.

"You are my everything; my lover, my protector, my teacher, the father of my child. You're the source of my happiness, you're my inspiration. You're truly the most incredible person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I will love and cherish you, honor and respect you, care for you and treasure you for as long as I live. I love you,"

I directed my gaze to Harry, whose green eyes turned glossy. We winked at me, and then gaped at Tom again. I stood impatiently, waiting until the part where I get to kiss my husband.

"Do you, Harry, take Zayn to be your husband, to cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you live, to trust and honor him, to love him faithfully through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with him this day?"

Harry sniffled, and then nodded his head, "I do,"

"And Zayn, do you take Harry to be your husband, to cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow-"

"Bloody hell, obviously I do or I wouldn't be here," I interrupted Tom. "I do, now tell him to kiss me."

Tom chuckled, "Harry, you may kiss your impatient groom."

With a broad smile on his lips, he kissed me passionately. The familiar feeling of butterflies overtook my being and I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him back with everything in me.

We were finally married.


It's a wonderful feeling; to finally be married to the man I've been in love with for 5 years. To finally walk around with my daughter and my husband. To be able to say Zayn Styles.

But mostly, to know that we took the next step in our relationship. Not only do we have an incredible daughter that reminds me of the man I love in so many ways, but we're finally legally married. With rings and everything! Everything feels right. Perfect.

Liam grinned, "Good. I'm so happy for you, two. Your vows were really lovely,"

"And sappy as hell," Louis added, walking from behind Liam.

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks, Liam."

"Alright, mate?" Liam asked me as I watched Zayn and Julia dance together.

I nodded, "The best I've ever been,"

Louis smiled, "I'm only joking. I'm very proud of you, Haz,"

"Thank you,"

"So, why'd you wait so long for the wedding?" Liam inquired.

"We wanted to wait until Julia was able to be the flower girl," I explained.

"She did a surprisingly great job," he nodded.

I chortled, "I was a bit nervous, to be honest. I thought she might trip over herself and start bawling."

"Nah, that little cupcake did great. She made me take the ribbon out of her hair," Louis said with a simper.

I sighed, "She didn't make you do anything, she's four. And it looked so damn cute on her,"

Louis shrugged, "She said her hair didn't like it. That the curls 'want what they want'."

Liam laughed, "She still looked absolutely lovely."

"Thanks, Liam. When are you planning on popping the question with Danielle?"

"Soon, I think," Liam nodded. "I'm just a bit nervous to do it."

"It's a lot harder than it looks," I told him.

"Thanks for the reassurance, mate,"

As we three laughed, Julia came running up to Louis and shouting, "Uncle Lou, Uncle Lou, c'mon!"

"Whoa, Jules, hold on," Louis gasped, setting down his drink as the little girl tried tugging him away. "Where am I going?"

"I want you to dance with Uncle Niall!" She exclaimed, still trying to lug the 25 year old with her tiny hands.

"Why do you want me to dance with Uncle Niall?" Louis asked nervously, blushing slightly.

"Because he's lonely. C'mon!"

Finally, Louis gave in and followed Julia onto the dance floor.

"Looks like you raised a little match maker," Liam pointed out.

I smirked, "That's my girl."

A slow song began blaring through the speaks, and I glanced out at the dance floor, where Louis was speaking with the blushing Niall. I found it extremely coincidental that a slow song played right as Julia had told Louis to dance with Niall. I looked at the D.J. stand to find my the little girl slipping the man controlling the music 20 pounds.

I laughed aloud, then searched the room for my husband. I found him standing about and I snaked my arms round his waist from behind, and whispered in his ear, "Would you like to dance?"

Zayn rested his arms over mine and turned to face me, "I'd love to."

We shared a sweet kiss then stepped onto the dance floor. I rested my hands on his hips and his arms went around my neck.

"You're so beautiful," I told him for the millionth time in the 5 years that we were together.

He grinned, "And so are you. This is the best day ever,"

I nodded in agreement then sang the Spongebob tune, "It's the best day ever,"

"Stop," Zayn chuckled at my childishness.

I laughed and pressed a kiss to his cheek then whispered, "Do you think Lou and Niall are going to hook up?"

Zayn sighed, "I doubt it. Neither of them will admit they like each other even though it's so blatantly obvious that a 4-year-old sees it."

"She bribed the D.J. into playing a slow song so they could dance," I enlightened him humorously.

Zayn's hand flew over his mouth, "Did she really?"

Laughing, I nodded, "Gave the bloke 20 pounds,"

"Goodness, that girl," Zayn shook his head.

"She's weird. But she's beautiful, just like her Daddy,"

"I think she's more like you, honestly," Zayn counterclaimed.

"Nah," I disagreed. "She's got those big hazel eyes that are exactly yours."

"Everyone says that,"

"It's true." I assured him.

Zayn lent forward and rested his head on my shoulder. "I love you, Hazz,"

I kissed his forehead, "I love you, too,"


The rest of the reception was proper fun, mostly consisting of Julia running around, trying to take off her dress, and dancing with near to everyone. I piled everything in the car after changing into jeans and a t-shirt.

Harry jogged out behind me out of his suit as well, carrying the sleeping Julia. "I think she might have drank some alcohol."

"What?!" I demanded, eyes wide.

"Relax, Baby, I'm joking," Harry chortled. "I've just never seen her pass out so simply."

I released a sigh of relief and took the child's dormant body in my arms. Trying my best not to wake her, I placed her in her booster seat, then got in the passenger's seat of Harry's car.

We began driving off, away from the now empty reception venue. I glanced back at Julia to make sure her seatbelt was secure. Once satisfied, I laid my back against the head-rest. "I hope she stays asleep,"

"So do I. But she'll probably wake up when we get home,"

I sighed and allowed my heavy eyelids to slide shut. "We should do something fun while she's asleep."

"What do you have in mind?" Harry inquired presumptuously.

I smirked. "A board game,"

Harry hummed, "Not what I had in mind initially, but whatever you want, Babe."

"And what did you have in mind?" I questioned, biting down on my lip.

I opened my eyes to see Harry glance back at Julia, then turn his attention back to me. He sang quietly and suggestively, "Sex, baby, let's talk about you and me,"

I chuckled and shook my head. "You're too loud."

"What do you mean I'm too loud?"

"You'll wake Julia up with all your 'Uhh, Zayn,'" I mocked his voice.

His cheeks turned rosy, "Shut it. At least I don't scream."

I widened my eyes. "That was a one-time occurrence, Harry, I told you,"

"Yeah, if one-time occurrences happen consecutively,"

I covered my face, "Would you shut it?"

"Don't worry, Babe. I find it extremely hot,"

"What's hot?" Julia inquired groggily.

"Nothing." Harry and I said in nervous unison.

"Where are we going?" She posed.

I turned back to see her rubbing her big eyes. I grinned, "We're going home, Baby girl."

"I want more cake," she pouted. "Can I have more cake?"

"Based on what I had to clean off your face, I think you had plenty tonight." I spoke with humor in my tone.

Julia smiled, making myself grin wider. Her smile reminded me of Harry; kind of lopsided, but still perfect. Slightly awkward but adorable. "Daddies, does Uncle Lou love Uncle Niall?"

"I don't think so, Jules," Harry told her, eyes still focused on the road ahead.

"Why not?"

"Niall and Louis like girls," He continued to explain quite plainly.

Julia seemed perplexed. "You mean like Uncle Liam?"

"Yup," I confirmed.

"So when they have little babies, the babies won't have two daddies?"

"No, usually babies have a mommy and a daddy."

"Then why do I have two daddies?" she perked her head at me.

"Because you're special, Darling," I spoke with a grin.

"I'm glad I don't have a mommy. I love my two Daddies," Julia yawned, stretching out her tiny body.

"Your Daddies love you, too. Very, very much."

With that, Julia drifted off to sleep with a happy grin plastered across her lips as she clutched the stuffed unicorn she'd been obsessed with since birth; and the only thing that she enjoyed that was remotely girly. Although she called it Cedric.

I gazed at her fondly, "Give me your mobile, Hazz, she looks absolutely precious."

"Don't you think we have enough photos of her asleep yet?" Harry asked with a chuckle as he reached into his pocket.

"No, no, we will never have enough," I argued, taking his phone.

I snapped a picture of Julia. She was absolutely adorable when she slept. He chubby cheeks puffed out, and her bottom lip stuck out.

My heart swelled with joy and admiration. I'm the luckiest man in the world; a beautiful daughter and wonderful husband here on the day of my wedding. And next week my husband and I would be off to Paris for our honeymoon. I couldn't possibly be more content.

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