《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 23


"I give her all my love, that's all I do. And if you saw my love, you'd love her too. I love her," I sang quietly to my sleeping baby girl.

It was 9:00 in the morning, and I'm reasonably sure I'm the only one awake after Zayn's exhaustion overtook him. I was so proud of him; my wonderful, fantastic, amazing boyfriend that gave me the most precious thing in the world. The thing that I was currently holding in my arms.

It was the most beautiful sight; my newborn child in peaceful rest. The pigments of her skin had made her slightly tanned color appear. The bottom of her heart-shaped lips protruded as tiny breaths escaped her mouth. Her little nose was a bit red, and her chubby cheeks possessed a pink tinge. Dark, long lashes almost reached the top of her cheeks as they were loosely shut.

My whole perspective on the world has shifted. It's not all about the band anymore, or all about when we'll release our next album. It was Julia Kaylynn Styles, and Zayn Javaad Malik. My life was revolving around the significant life-form in my arms, swaddled in a soft white blanket. Nothing is more beautiful than her; there's nothing worth more to me than her. No money, nor fame, nor amount of material objects will ever mean more to me than this one tiny human being does.

I bounced my leg up and down, steadily rocking her. I couldn't help but chortle a bit when she stirred, small lips stretching wide and a noiseless yawn being released. She is so cute. I love her so, so much.

As I gazed upon her, I noticed her eyelids begin to lift. My heart swelled with pride and joy as she gradually opened her eyes for the first time. I released a happy kind of squeal. Although, it was still manly because of my morbid tone. Okay, it was semi-girly, but cut me some slack, alright, I was pretty darn happy.

"Zayn!" I called joyously.

He groaned, which usually meant "Shut up and go away, Hazz, I don't want to hear another knock-knock joke". I chuckled, then averted my attention down to the newly woken girl.

It took a few moments to determine the quality of her eyes; but once they rested on me I could tell they were ginormous. They made her appear even more innocent and adorable. They were a perfect greenish-brown kind of hazel, mostly brown, though. They were his eyes; Zayn's eyes.

Tears began to fall again as I fell in love with the baby all over again. I saw flashes of my beautiful boyfriend in her warm, shimmering eyes. The adoration for this precious little girl that I had was almost painful.

"Zayn, babe, you've got to wake up; Julia's open her eyes!" I exclaimed, trying to arouse him.

"She what?" Zayn muttered sleepily, rubbing his tired eyes.

I carefully got on my feet and slowly ambled over to Zayn's hospital bed. I seated myself on the edge, still supporting Julia with my arms. "Look," I estatically encouraged.

After a yawn, Zayn gazed upon our little baby. Her saucer-like eyes flicked around her. Once they settled on Zayn they didn't leave. I think she had a sense of familiarity.

"Oh my gosh," Zayn gasped, touching his hand to his mouth. "Her eyes,"

"They're your's," I told him fondly. I smiled as I scrutinized his reaction.

The eyes he shared with Julia turned glossy, "She's perfect, Harry. Thank you for her,"

I pressed a kiss atop his head, "No, thank you for carrying her."


"I love her. I love you! I love both of you so much, Hazz, so, so much." He sniffled. "Give her to me,"

"Hell no!" I said as he made grappy hands towards the child. "You've gotten to hold her for the past 8 and half months. It's Daddy Harry's turn."

Zayn scoffed, "She was in my bloody stomach, you knob. Please?"

I sighed and unwillingly handed the baby over to Zayn. I catiously let her rest in Zayn's arms. He laughed quietly as her midget-like arms stretched out. "Hi, baby girl,"

Small noises escaped Julia's lips as her minature fists clenched and unclenched. Zayn gingerly pressed a kiss to her knuckles, his lips almost being the same size as just one of her hands.

"How much does she weigh?" Zayn curiouisly inquired.

"Eight pounds, six ounces," I answered proudly.

Zayn grinned happily down at her, then lent in and kissed her little nose. "You're so beautiful, baby Julia. Daddies love you,"

"Yes we do," I agreed, admiring the pair of them. This precious moment must be captured on my iPhone.

I took my mobile phone out of the pocket of my skinny jeans and lifted it towards them, "Smile!"

"Hazz, no, I look dreadful," Zayn pouted in protest.

"C'mon, instagram needs this moment," I pleaded. "And you, my love, are incapable of looking bad in any way."

Zayn rolled his eyes, "One picture."

I cheered then snapped an adorable picture of Zayn smiling next to our little girl. I posted the picture with the caption "Julia Kaylynn Styles- August 8, 2013".

"When are the boys coming?" Zayn asked as Julia began drifting off to sleep yet again.

I shrugged, "When they decide to awaken from their slumber. I know your mum's on the way, and mine didn't get the memo yet, I don't think."

Zayn nodded, "Mind texting them again? Julia's got to do a few tests in a couple hours,"

I said yes then went to work texting everyone to either wake them up or inform them. Once done, I put the phone away and smiled at my boyfriend. "I love you, Zayn. So much."

He grinned back, "I love you, too, Hazza. Kiss me,"

"Gladly," I muttered with a cheeky smirk. I leaned over and pressed my lips upon his, feeling the same butterflies flutter in my stomach. We both smiled through the kiss. We separated when my phone buzzed.

I quickly checked to read a message from Louis;

I grinned, "The boys will be on their way soon. I'm guessing 20 minutes if Lou's incharge."

Zayn laughed lightly, then regarded the small child, "Are you ready to meet your uncles? They're really funny and crazy,"

Julia responded to his voice by reaching out to him with her tiny hand. He allowed her to grasp his finger in her clutch. "Her hand is so small,"

Zayn and I spent the next 30 minutes placing our hands up to the baby's and comparing size and snapping photos when she fell asleep again. Moments after, there was a light knock on the wooden door.

"Come in," I called from the bed.

After that was said, Liam, Louis, and Niall quietly entered the room. Their faces lite up when they caught a glimpse of the unconcious miracle.

"She's so fuc- bloody adorable," Louis corrected himself, cautious of the pure child in his presence.

Niall just smiled widely, staring wordlessly at Julia. Liam followed Niall's overwhelmed actions. Zayn grinned at Liam, "Would you like to hold her?"


Before Liam could even utter a reply, Louis stepped in front of him, hand raised. "Oh heck no, I will be the first uncle to hold my niece,"

Nobody dared to object further (which I found quite funny. We were all frightened of the sass master when though he was probably the smallest. Well, I woudln't call it fear... more like a very healthy respect.). Louis gingerly picked up the small child and held her in his arms.

"Be careful," I nervously warned him. I bite my lip and watch with wary eyes as Louis sat on the chair adjacent to the hospital bed.

"I got this, Hazz, I have four younger sisters," Louis assured, grinning down at the dormant baby. "Hey, Julia. It's nice to meet you," he began whispering to the little girl. "I'm your uncle Lou, and also your favorite. Your other uncles are lame. I love you the most. And I'm gonna help protect and take care of you. Although, you more than likely don't even need me since you were lucky enough to have the daddies that you do. They love you more than life itself. And I think you're pretty cute, but you need a cute little nickname. How about Jules? Do you like that? Yeah, you do. Because rule number one is you don't argue with your Uncle Lou. He's right even when he's wrong. Got it? Good girl,"

We all chuckled a bit at this. However, I had a bit of an internal freak-out when Louis passed my child to her Uncle Liam. I could tell I was going to be one of those over-protective fathers.

"Hi, Jules," Liam greeted, using the adorable name Louis had granted her. "I'm Liam. You're beautiful. You remind me of your daddies so much. Your daddies and uncles love you so much; especially your Uncle Liam. Don't listen to Uncle Lou,"

"Hey, we will not corrupt the child's mind. Especially because she already knows I love her most," Louis argued.

I got all fidgety again when Niall held her, "Oh gosh- Niall be careful with her, please? Niall, Niall- s-sit down with her- oh gosh,"

"Harry, relax, he's fine," Zayn said softly.

Niall stared at me momentarily with a perplexed expression. "What, do you think I'm going to throw-punch her or something? I'm not that dumb, Harold."

Niall flicked his blue eyes down to my beautiful Julia. "What's up, kiddo? How do you like the world so far? Yeah, it's pretty cool. Apparently Lou loves you the most, but I still love you loads."

I grinned at all of the boys as they continued to interact with the baby. "I think they love her as much as we do," I muttered to Zayn.

He shook his head, "Not possible."

My ring-tone began to play as I watched the four other boys play with Julia. I picked up my mobile phone and slid it open, "Hello?"

"Hello, Sunshine. We should be there soon. I'm sorry it's taking so long, we didn't get the news until this morning," Mum explained from the other line.

I grinned merrily, "It's alright, Mum. Thanks loads for coming. You're going to love her; she's precious."

"I'm sure I will. I can't wait to meet the little one! I'll see you soon, I love you bunches!"

"I love you, too," I spoke before pressing the end button.

I peered at Harry, who looked as if he was going to pass out.

"Louis, she's not even one day old yet be careful," Harry whined.

"Harry, I'm not going to- Oh no!" Louis said with a fake dramatic tone, pretending to drop Julia.

I had to gasp a bit myself, but I knew Louis wasn't actually going to drop her. But Harry is a lot more panicky about this than I am.

"Okay, okay, give her to me, don't do that, that was not even remotely funny, no," Harry rambled on as he transferred Julia from Louis to himself. I stifled a laugh at my boyfriend. And I thought he was over-protective of me.

Louis just chuckled and shook his head, "Oh ye of little faith,"

"I have little bloody faith when you nearly drop a newborn," Harry grumbled, trying to calm down the now crying child. "See, you made her cry."

"I didn't not make her cry. You took her away from me, that made her cry,"

"Yes, I'm sure she loves almost falling onto a linoleum floor,"

"What was that? I couldn't hear your over your bull-shi-"

"Boys, if you don't stop arguing she's going to cry even more," Niall spoke, shaking his head as Julia wailed loud and high-pitched.

"Maybe she's hungry?" I suggested, discomforted by the terrible cries.

"I'll ask the nurse's for some food," Harry said before pressing the button to summon the nurse while patting Julia's back with his huge hand.

Louis plugged his ears, "At least we know she inherited the high-notes from Zayn,"

"That is quite a terrible sound, someone feed that child," Niall exclaimed.

"She is a newborn, lads. This is the only way she can let us know something's wrong," I tried to explain.

We waited a few moments for the nurse to enter with baby formula. Harry sat down and began feeding her as she made her way out.

"Harry, your mum says that she'll be here soon with Gemma," Liam regarded Harry, looking at his mobile phone.

Harry lifted an eyebrow, "Why didn't she tell me?"

"Because she loves me better," Liam joked. "No, she said you wouldn't pick up."

"I guess I am a bit preoccupied," Harry grinned down at Julia, who was finally silenced by the bottle containing her sustenance.


"She is so perfect, boys, I'm so proud," Mum said with an endearing smile as she sat next to Anne, holding the baby.

"Thanks," Harry in I said in unison, grinning and holding hands as he sat next to me on the hospital bed.

"She looks so much like Zayn," Doniya gushed, grinning at the baby girl as she scrutinized her over Mum's shoulder. Safaa and Waliyha couldn't come because they were still in school.

"I think she looks a lot like Harry, too," Mum counterclaimed.

"Poor kid," Gemma said with a smirk.

"Thanks, Gem," Harry spoke with an eye roll.

We all chuckled a bit before Anne spoke up, "She's just beautiful,"

"Ah, that means she looks like her Uncle Lou as well," Louis added smugly.

Anne chuckled, "Sure she does, Lou."

"What's her full name?" Mum inquired before she gingerly passed the baby to Gemma.

"Julia Kaylynn Styles," Harry answered happily.

Comments about how cute the name and the baby were arose from the women. I glanced over at Louis, Liam, and Niall and they were bored out of their minds. Nonetheless, everyone who I cared about was here in this room and it was perfect.

That's when Harry stood up and ambled across the room. I was confused for a second as he rummaged through his coat pockets for something. He held something behind his back and approached.

"You know, Zayn," Harry began. "My surname is Styles, Julia's surname is Styles. There's just one more thing to do,"

My hands flew over my mouth when Harry got down on one knee. He relieved a small, velvet box from behind his back and opened it, showing a ring, "Zayn Javaad Malik; father of my beautiful child, and love of my life. I have loved you for three years now, and will continue to love you for the rest of my life. I want to be with you always., and make more wonderful children. No amount of time with you will ever be long enough; but let's start with forever. A lifetime with my best friend and our gorgeous little girl. So, would you do me the honor of being your husband?"

A chorus of awes sounded from the small audience in the room. Tears were free-falling down my face accompanied by a large grin. I nodded my head vigorously. "Yes! A million times yes,"

With a huge smile, Harry slid the ring onto my finger. I glanced down at it, then threw myself at Harry and hugged him tightly. He encased my body in his arms and held me close. "I love you, Babe,"

"I love you, too, Harry. So, so much,"

With that, I shared a sweet kiss with my fiance.

I held Julia in my arms as I teetered back and forth on the rocking-chair. I sang to her softly as her heavy eyelids finally slid over her big hazel eyes that she got from Zayn. I grinned at the now sleeping baby and planted a kiss to her forehead.

I stood to my feet and carefully set her in the crib, tucking her in. "Goodnight, my angel. Daddy loves you,"

"I love you, too, Daddy," Zayn spoke in a high-pitched voice from the doorway. I turned to him and chuckled.

"Hi, Julia,"

Zayn laughed as gestured for me to come to him. I waltzed over to him and took his smaller hand in my larger one. We stepped out into the corridor, closing the door to her room. I snaked my arms round Zayn's waist and rested my forehead against his. He smiled at me, "I want Julia to be the flower girl at the wedding."

"She's not even one yet, Babe," I spoke as he twirled a strand of my hair in his finger.

"Then let's wait until she's ready,"

"That'll be like four years." I pined.

"You can wait," Zayn spoke with a grin, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips. I shut my eyes and savored the taste of his lips.

"I can't wait, Baby. I want to marry you," I whined when he pulled away.

His beautiful eyes gazed into mine, "Just imagine how cute our little girl will be, walking down the aisle on our big day,"

The thought brought a grin to my lips, "Fine. One condition,"


"Kiss me."

Zayn pulled me down to meet his lips and we kissed passionately. Things became heated quickly, and I found Zayn's tongue in my mouth, exploring it vigorously. I moaned and gripped his waist slightly.

I pressed his back against the wall and ground my hips into his, desperately kissing his perfect lips. Groans and whimpers filled the air as we snogged hungrily.

"Hey, lads, is Jules asleep? I have something- Really? This is literally the fourth time," Louis spoke, interrupting our make-out session again.



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