《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 22


Everything seemed to stop.

Harry ran over to where I was at the steps and slowly led me to the couch. His eyes were wide and I could tell his emotions were just as mixed up and wild as mine.

"S-stay here," He said shakily as he ran upstairs to grab me some sweats. I sighed deeply and rubbed my stomach with one hand while the other supported my aching back. Harry raced down the steps, nearly falling again, with sweatpants in hand. He held my shoulders as I slowly stepped out of my jeans and underwear. I carefully slid on my new underwear and sweatpants with much help from Harry who was a mess at the moment.

"I'll g-get the bag." The poor boy was terrified. I gave him a reassuring smile as he dashed back up the steps. I decided to grab my phone a send a text to everyone.

I heard a loud thump from upstairs followed by a string of profanity causing me to chuckle. Harry finally came charging downstairs with a duffle bag on his shoulder. He scooped up his keys and hurried out the door, slamming it shut behind him. I stood in the center of our living room completely confused for about a minute before a flustered looking Harry comes back into the flat.

"Oh my god I almost forgot you!"

I could not contain my laughter as I made my way over to Harry and we left the flat together. We were just about to push open the glass doors leading outside when my next contraction hit. I huffed loudly and gripped my stomach. Harry looked at me worriedly as I stood there and waited for the contraction to fade. I checked my phone to see what time it was so I could measure how far apart my contractions were.

"It's okay, I'm fine, babe. Let's just get to the hospital, yeah?" I told him with a slight smirk. I love how he's scared shitless. You'd think he was the pregnant one! Once we got ourselves sorted again, Harry led me outside. The were a few paps outside, nothing major, I shielded my face as we went to the car. Harry opened my door for me and gave me hand climbing into the car before jogging around to his side and got in. He dropped the keys more than once trying to get it into the ignition. Finally the car revved up and Harry was pulling out of the car park gripping the wheel with all his might to stop his hands from trembling.

Meanwhile, I was responding to everyone's excited text messages. I glanced up from my phone and focused on Harry who was tapping the wheel and staring fixedly on the road. I let him be. I figured he needed to get his head together. Harry swerved around cars as he pushed the speed limit. He received many angry honks and even a few obscene gestures from other people on the road. We were on the highway when my next contraction hit. I took a sharp intake of breath as both hands flew to my bump. I checked the time on my phone which read 11:50PM.

"Twenty five minutes apart." I said through clenched teeth. Harry didn't respond. He just pressed the gas pedal harder and sped down the highway. "Babe, BABE, slow down it's ok we have plenty of time." I reached for his hand and slowly massaged it trying to release his tension. This had me wondering. Why is he all of the sudden flipping out? I decided to voice my opinion to my anxious boyfriend. "Harry what's going on? Why are you so jumpy? You seemed fine before?" My voice was soft and soothing.


"I just need to get you to the hospital I'm fine. Don't worry about me I just want you and Julia to be safe. I'm fine," he mumbled eyes still fixed on the road. He could put up this mask that he was ok, but I can tell he's not by the way his voice quavered.

"Harr-" I started.

"I'm fine." Harry interrupted.

I pursed my lips and settled back into my chair. I obviously wasn't gonna get anything else out of him so I let it go. Harry finally slowed down as we neared the exit to the hospital. We were pretty close. I could see it looming above some of the smaller buildings around it. I wondered how Harry hasn't gotten pulled over yet as we sped past even more cars. Finally, we pulled into the hospital lot. And Harry scrambled out of the car and around to my side. I slowly got out of the car with a little help from Harry. Together we made our way into the hospital.

I stood in the lobby as Harry rushed to the front desk, a little more panicky than necessary. "My, uh, my boyfriend is in labor can we, like, get a nurse or something?"

The front desk lady glanced over at me before typing on her computer and pressing a button on something. Minutes later, nurses came rushing out with a wheelchair. They were wheeling me to the maternity ward with Harry trailing behind when a contraction came. I groaned a little and shifted in discomfort. trying not to let on how much it actually hurt. It went away as soon as we reached a room. I was wheeled inside and instructed to put on the hospital gown I was given. I waddled into the adjacent bathroom and put on the hospital gown. I was then told to sit on the bed as the went to get my doctor. I slumped against the pillows and looked over at Harry who was just staring at me bouncing his leg up and down.

"Babe, you need to calm down. I'm the one who's about to push a baby out my ass." I chuckled at him. A few minutes later a nurse came bustling through the door.

"I'm just here to check your dilation. If you could just tuck your knees in for me..." she trailed off as she pulled on her elastic gloves. I did as she asked and brought my legs to my chest. I waited in anticipation as she examined me.

She finally looked up at me, "Right now you are four centimeters. I will be back to check you in about an hour. Call in if your contractions get at least ten minutes apart or if something doesn't feel right." She said with a smiled as she pulled off the gloves and exited the room. I gazed over at Harry.

"So what are we gonna do now?" I inquired.

"Waddup!" The door was flung wide open and the boys came in, their arms weighed down with presents, cards, stuffed animals, and bright pink balloons that read 'It's A Girl!'

"Oh god," I mumbled as my three best mates surrounded me, larger than life smiles plastered on their faces, even though it was midnight.

"How are you doing?" Liam asked.

"Fine I gue-ah" I hissed as another contraction struck, causing everyone to worry. "Please don't, I'm fine." I assured everyone around me. I groaned as the pain faded and I relaxed again. I had a creeping feeling this labor was going to be anything but short.



Hours have passed and the waiting has just become unbearable. It's early in the morning, and I'm tired and hurting. I can feel Julia right between my legs. I glanced over at Harry who was sound asleep in a stiff looking hospital chair. The boys had gone to nearby hotels, but their gifts still littered the room.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and a jiggle of then knob. A nurse came to check my dilation. I brought my knees up as I had done many times before. My eyelids were drooping as she examined me.

"You're about eight centimeter, honey," She said in a perky tone. "Try walking a bit, and if you like we can bring you an exercise-ball."

I grinned widely at the nurse before replying, "Thank you. The exercise-ball won't be necessary,"

I waited for her to exit and began to try and wake up my sleeping boyfriend. "Harry,"

He didn't even move and continued snoring softly. I tried tossing an empty water bottle, and managed to hit him in the face. I chortled to myself, but he still wouIdn't budge.

So, I did what I found to be an effectife way to get him up with the situation of my pregancy. I mustered up the best panicky voice I could and yelled, "Harry the baby's coming!"

I know I'm already at the hospital, but the poor lad was so on edge that it wouldn't even matter in the moment.

As predicted, Harry shot up like a rocket and was by my side faster than Usain Bolt. "Holy shit, I don't know what to do! Yes I do, I know what I need to do; call a nurse or a doctor? Yeah, a doctor. WE NEED A DOC-" He was rambling uncontrollably until I cut him off.

"Shut up! I just need you to help me out of this bed," I reached out to him smiling innocently.

He sighed in relief before glaring playfully at me. He took hold of my arms as I stood up.

"Nurse said I need to walk a bit to help along my dilation. I'm at eight babe, were so close!" I was super excited to meet the little girl I've been holding inside me for eight and a half months.

Harry held open the door as I waddled out, my hands supporting my back. We had begun the slow shuffle down the seemingly deserted hallways of the maternity ward as a contraction struck, causing me to hiss and double over. I panted and waited for it to pass.

I straightened up and continued down the cold white tiled hallway. "Babe, I think all we need is an up and back and little Julia might be ready," I whispered to Harry. I could feel him tense a little from my words as we made or way through the ward.

Finally, we reached the end of the hallway with contractions coming about four minutes apart. I was recomposing myself from the last one as we rushed to get back (as fast as a heavily pregnant man and his boyfriend can go) to our room.

We opened the door as the next one hit, and Harry carefully helped me onto the bed. I grabbed a hold of the remote that was in the room and jabbed the call button a few times to signal the nurses.

It seemed like only seconds before my nurse came rushing in, interrogating me about the issue.

"I-I think shes ready," I manage to gasp as pain ripped through my abdomen. All the nurse had to do was gesture, and I had already raised my legs, ready for an examination.

She looked me in the eyes and said, "I think you are right, congratulations you're ten centimeters!"

Adrenalin was pulsing through my veins and I felt sweat began to streak down my brow. I was ready for this. I glanced over at Harry, whose nerves seemed to have returned. His face drained of color and he gripped my hand tightly.

As we waited for the team of doctors to arrive, Harry and I quickly sent texts and phone calls letting our friends and family know I was getting ready to deliver.

Just as another contraction was leaving me, the doctors burst through the door, rolling in equipment of many sorts.

I flashed a pained smile at Harry and breathed out,"Lets have a baby."

The doctors lifted my legs and settled them into harnesses to keep them spread. They all began pulling on masks and elastic gloves. Harry was led out to get his own scrubs on.

The contractions were coming very quickly now. Harry was once again at my side and holding my hand. Beads of sweat glistened on my forehead as I breathed in deeply, preparing for one of the biggest moments of my life.

"Alright, Mr. Malik, on your next contraction, you can begin to push." The head doctor informed me.

I nodded, unable to speak. I could literally feel the seconds ticking down to the next contraction. Flashes of a little baby girl with gorgeous brown curls just like her daddy occupied every section of my mind. I knew I was one-hundred percent ready for this. I felt my muscles begin to contort painfully and right then; it was time.

"I feel it coming," I grunted

"Good, good. Press your chin to your chest and push like you're using the bathroom when I say," The doctor instructed. "1..2..3..push,"

The contraction was coming into full swing and did what I was told. I pushed down with all my might. My baby moved down a little, and I gasped at the feeling.

"Good, now pant," He coached. Harry was extremely nervous it was barely concealable as he stroked the back if my hand with his quivering fingers. I panted as the doctor instructed and waited a minute.

"Right, here we go again," he warned, "1..2..3..push!"

I bore down once again and felt her move further down. I started to pant again. My heart was pounding and sweat was pouring down my face.

"She's close to crowning. Now, gimme a big push this time," Said the doctor, "1..2..3..push!"

I pushed down hard and I let out a small cry of pain as the head of my little girl began to part my hole. I squeezed Harry's hand to the point where I probably could've broken it, despite it's large size. He balanced out my force, as he was gripping my own hand just a tight. Both of our knuckles began to turn white.

"I can see her now," The doctor spoke, slightly out of breath.

"Oh my goodness," I heard Harry exhale next to me.

"Are you ready again?" The doctor glanced up at me, "Lets get her head out; another big push. 1..2..3..push!"

Tears were prickling my eyes as I cried out again, grasping Harry's hand and working to push the head out. I felt the head slowly leave my body and I continued to pant, more heavily than last as exhaustion took over. It seemed like there was no break for me I was soon hearing "1..2..3..push" once again.

I bore down whilst yelling as the pain consumed me. I had never experienced such crippling, intense agony. The tears were beginning to leak from my eyes.

"C'mon, babe, you can do this," Harry's medical mask brushed my ear as he encouraged me along. His never ending string of sweet nothings being mumbled into my ear kept me calm. I could still hear the slight quaver held in his voice, though.

I was panting whilst the doctor spoke to me again, "The shoulders are out. We'll be able to give you some assistance from this side, too," I could feel him grasping the tiny shoulders of my baby as he instructed me to push yet again.

I screamed as I pushed, and pushed, and pushed, and virtually cut the circulation off in Harry's hand. So close; I was so close!

"Good, good. Can you give me one more big push?" The doctor said rhetorically, "Ready?


I used every ounce of the strength left in my feeble body to push. I was so tired. I dug my chin to my chest hard and clenched my eyes shut. I shouted at the top of my voice one more time, then suddenly, all the pain was flushed away and my body went slack. There was silence for mere half-second before the most beautiful sound to every reach my ears pierced the air.

The cries of my baby girl.

I brought my hands to my mouth as the tears streamed freely down my face. I watched the squirmy, pink, baby I can call my daughter.

"It's a girl!" One of the nurses cooed.

"Would daddy like to cut the cord?" Another asked.

My attention turned to Harry, who just seemed awestruck at the tiny baby in his presence. He nodded as he wordlessly approached the nurses that were cleaning her off. They handed him a pair of scissors and showed him what to. I smiled a watery smile at the first interaction between father and daughter.

The doctors continued their work, checking her vitals and whatnot and then they swaddled her in a cottony blanket and placed a cute little, pink hat on her tiny head. She was still screeching the entire time. Once she was wrapped up and cozy, they handed her to me.

I took in a shaky breath as I stared down at the little girl in my arms. Everything I went through was all worth it; worth having this precious miracle in my slightly trembling arms. I lightly stroked her cheek with a fingertip, "Hello my beautiful baby girl. Welcome to the world," I spoke in a choked whisper, "I love you so, so much."

Her wails died down at the sound of my voice and I gently rocked her. Teardrops continued to stream down my burning cheeks as I admired the gorgeous child that I had helped create. I love her so much, more than I have ever love anything in the entire world. Suddenly, she became the center of my universe; nothing can ever happen to her. I won't let it.

The nurse came back over to me, "We need to take her just for a moment to check her over."

She reached out for the baby in my arms. I've only known her for a few minutes and i already don't wanna put her down. The nurse carefully placed our newborn child in a bassinet-like contraption. "Do you have any names in mind?"

Harry stepped around with tear filled eyes to couple my own, and whispered happily, "Julia Kaylynn Styles,"

"That's beautiful," she kindly responded, jotting it down. She then wheeled little Julia out for her first check up.

Julia Kaylynn Styles

Born August 8th, 2013 6:24AM


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