《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 20


Harry's POV:

Zayn and I were sat at the familiar doctor's office. It's month 7 into his pregnancy.

Dr. Adams grinned half-heartedly at us as he entered the room again with papers in his hand, "I've got your results."

I flicked my eyes to my boyfriend. I smiled slightly when I saw he'd fallen asleep. His dark, long lashes brushed against the top of his cheeks. I leaned over and place a lingering kiss on his forehead, "Wake up, Beautiful,"

With moan, Zayn became alert and looked to Dr. Adams. "Oh, my apologizes. What have you said?"

Amused, Dr. Adams ambled to the chair adjacent to Zayn. He sat and began paraphrasing the words from the paper, "Basically, your little girl is looking strong and healthy. Overall she's growing properly and she's getting the required nutrients. However, I've got some good news and bad news. What do you want first?"

This made my heart thump. I grasped Zayn's hand in my larger one and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

"Bad news?" Zayn whined.

Dr. Adams nodded. "Bad news is, it seems that there has been some strain on the baby. Has there been more... uh, tension between the two of you?"

I shook my head dismissively, "Not between the pair of us, but we have been under loads of stress lately."

"And, what's been causing this stress?" Dr. Adams leant forward.

"Hate," Zayn answered with misty eyes.

I frowned and rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb. "There's just been loads of nasty comments and threats from social media and even paps."

"Well," Dr. Adams began, "Your best bet is to stay away from it. All this pressure isn't good for the fetus."

"We can't get away; it's our bloody life." Zayn snapped irritably.

"Good news please," I asked, dismissing the bad news.

"We were able to determine the due date,"

Our moods were lifted by this fantastic news. "Really!?" I exclaimed.

Dr. Adams hummed then regarded the white sheet, "You should start expecting her around September 5th.

"Yay!" Zayn said, beaming.

"I'm glad you're excited. I'll be right back with some paperwork, then you boys are free to go," Dr. Adams told us before he stood to he feet and exited the room.


Zayn and I arrived home to find a literal hundred of protesters outside of our flat. I couldn't even pull into the driveway without running anyone over. I parked on the curb and peered at the wide-eyed Zayn.

"What the hell are all these people doing here?" He demanded, scanning his eyes along the crowd.

I exhaled in indignation and yanked the key from the ignition. "Ready?"

"What do you mean?! I'm not going out there with all those people! They're gonna destroy me!"


I turned to him and looked him dead in his enticing hazel eyes, "If they lay a finger on you, I will murder them. Do you understand me? I'm not letting anyone hurt you, Babe."

Zayn swallowed and nodded his head. "Alright,"

I swung the car door open and hopped out. I jogged to Zayn's door and helped him out. I grasped his hand in mine protectively and sucked in a deep breath as we began ambling towards the massive hoard of assholes.

I started shoving mine and Zayn's way through the group of people booing at us, calling us freaks, and threatening to do horrendous things to my baby when she was born. Each comments infuriated me a little bit more, but I just kept trudging towards the flat.

About half-way through the crowd, I felt something hard come into contact with my forearm. I sucked in a sharp breath. Whatever it was, it hurt immensely.

The next thing I hear is Zayn shout out in agony. I turn to she him covering his cheek, and watched as another rock was pelted at him, this one hitting him right in the stomach.

My blood boiled as I searched for the antagonist hitting my boyfriend with a bloody rock. I caught sight of a bloke about our age who chucked another rock, hitting Zayn again.

I absolutely lost it.

Zayn's POV

I yelped when the third stone hit me in the arm. I felt myself on the verge of tears, and squeezed Harry's hand a bit tighter. I stared straight ahead at Harry, who looked as though he was ready to blow-torch all these terrible people.

Suddenly, Harry released my hand and strode towards someone with rage flashing in his emerald eyes. I watched as he flipped his shit on this guy.

I gasped. Harry, my Harry. Sweet, kind, loving, wouldn't-harm-a-fly Harry. The one who apologized to a dog after tripping over it. Was beating the hell out of this guy.

He relentlessly pounded his fists against the lad's body. I'm not even sure he knew where he was hitting the guy, or if he even cared. I really started panicking, however, when the bloke began to retaliate.

The waterworks started when I watched my boyfriend get punched straight in the nose. I stood there helplessly watching with my hand over my mouth. What am I supposed to do?! I'm pregnant, I can't get involved!

"Stop! Don't hurt him!" I chocked out in a broken sob.

Harry regained dominance and pinned the guy to the ground. He slammed his knuckles into the other guys jaw and screamed, "Don't touch my boyfriend!"

I felt a hand grasps my forearm. On instinct, I jolted away. "Get off me!"

"Zayn! Zayn, it's me," Niall said to me. "Let's get you inside, c'mon,"

I shook my head. "Harry,"

"Lou's got him. C'mon!"


I allowed Niall to lead me to the flat. Once inside, I collapsed into the couch and let out a frustrated cry. Niall seated himself next to me and rubbed my back.

"It's okay, Mate, it's over," Niall tried to sooth me. It wasn't working. I still had the horrific image of my Harry going ballistic.

Minutes later, the front door opened. In came Louis, practically carrying a battered Harry inside. He closed the door and sighed, "Well that was not fun,"

Harry groaned in agreement and slumped down on the armchair.

"Harry!" I exclaimed and ran to him. I examined his beautiful face. His bottom lip was swollen and blood was pouring out of his nose. New tears replaced the old ones rolling down my face. "Someone get me a damp washcloth. Now!"

Niall hopped up and jogged to the toilet. He returned with the item I requested. Harry grumbled numerous swear words as I began gingerly wiping the blood from above his lip.

"The next time you pick a fight, Hazz, make sure the kid isn't a fucking black-belt. I got a round-house kick to the genital and a proper sucker-punch just for dragging you away," Louis said, rubbing his bruised cheek.

Harry spoke gruffly. "At least he didn't bloody knee you in the crotch. I don't think we'll ever have another kid, Babe,"

I chuckled softly. "Just don't pick anymore fights,"

"I'm not going to let people throw rocks at you," Harry defended, winching when I rubbed his lip with the cloth.

"Also, it was pretty entertaining! I got a video on me iPhone," Niall announced, pulling his mobile phone out of his pocket.

I scoffed and turned to Niall. "You filmed the fight?"

Niall, less excited, looked to me with doe-eyes. "Yeah..."

"You have exactly five seconds to delete it."

"But it-"


"Zayn, ple-"


Niall sighed, then unlocked the device. "There, it's gone," he crossed his arms over his chest and grumbled, "you're gonna make a great mum."

I huffed then returned my attention to my beaten boyfriend. I watched Harry's lip twitch, obviously stifling a laugh. I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

All of a sudden, Louis burts out in laughed. He's doubled over, then Harry starts. Then Niall.

"What is so hilarous about that!?" I demanded, still unamused.

They all just continued cracking up. Furiousity rose in my chest, and I stood up and stormed to the kitchen. I threw the bloody rag onto the ground and plopped down onto a chair.

Harry entered the room with that stupid smirk sitting on his fat lips. I crossed my arms over my chest and shot him a disapproving glare.

"I'm sorry, Zayn,-"

"You getting in a fight is not funny, Harry! It's not! You could've gotten hurt worse than you actually did!"

Harry rolled his eyes, "It's not that big of a deal, Z, I was defending you and the baby,"

"Do not roll your eyes at me! And don't compromise your well being because someone was harassing me. It's not worth you getting hurt!" My voice was beginning to rise.

Harry knit his eyebrows together and glowered at me. "Not worth it? Alright, so the next time someone starts throwing rocks at you I'm just supposed to stand by and let it happen?"

"If it means you staying out of a fight, then yes."

"That's ridiculous. I told you I wasn't going to let anyone hurt you, Zayn, and that's a pact I'm not going to disregard." Harry argued, turning away from me and starting to walk out.

I stood to my feet and shouted, "I don't want to watch you get beat, okay?!"

Harry spun around and walked towards me. With his face inches from mine he yelled in a raspy tone, "Well, I don't want to watch some ignorant bastard pelt rocks at my boyfriend whose pregnant with my child, okay?! I don't give a shit if I get punched in the face, or kneed in the groin, or hurt in anyways! You're my everything, and I'm not going to allow someone to harm you! Ever!"

I gulped and stared into his angry eyes. I whispered despreately. "I don't want you to get hurt,"

Harry's features soften. He sighed, "I don't want ot get hurt either. But I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Okay? You're my priority."

I threw my arms round his neck then buried my face in it. "Don't fight anyone ever again,"

Harry encased my body in his arms and pressed a lingering kiss to my forehead, then mumbled against my skin, "I'll try to avoid it."

I perked my head up and stared him in the eyes. My knees began to feel weak, so I stepped closer to him.

"I love you, Zayn," Harry said to me.

"I love you, too,"

Harry's lips curled into a smile. He lent down and kissed me fervently. My heart fluttered, and I slip my lips along his. Harry pressed my back against the refrigerator and deepened the kiss.

We exchanged moans as our tongues rubbed against one anther's vigorously. Harry slid his large hands against the my thighs. I arched my back off the fridge and bite his bottom lip softly. I gained a raspy "Zayn," as Harry lifted me off the ground and smashes his lips against mine.

"Are you two done screaming at each oth- Bloody hell you two, can you not snog every time I walk into the room?" Louis complained.


A/N: annnnnd the famous ending. i apologize for the choice words used in this chapter! it absolutely d e s t r o y e d me to type those nasty words. but, it 'adds intensity'. oh well. thansk for reading! love you.xx


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