《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 19



I sat up in my bed staring at the ceiling. I was so bored and I didn't wanna get out of bed even after sleeping in.




I glanced over at my phone which lit up with yet another twitter notification. The entire internet must've imploded on itself after my announcement and the sheer power of our fans. I haven't gotten on the internet since telling the world about the baby.

"Is that the best idea?" I think to myself. I remember what had happened after the story on TV not too long ago. My gaze fell back to the iPhone resting on the bedside table. Despite my better judgment and my nagging conscience telling me no, I unlocked my phone.

I was still a little apprehensive so I checked my texts first. The first one was from Harry. It just said that he ran to the store and would be back soon. I went through the rest of them which were just congratulatory messages from friends about my pregnancy and one from my mum telling me how brave I was.

I finally closed out of that and onto twitter which took me straight to my always full mentions. The first tweet that caught my eye was alright.

@sunshinelouiss_: @zaynmalik @Harry_Styles aww Zarry baby! She's gonna be soooo cuteeee!! xx

There were a few more like that and then there were some from gossip accounts and tabloids and stuff.

@sugarscape: Did you hear? @zaynmalik is PREGNANT what!! on.sugarsca.pe/Je67Xufbr

I let out a sigh. They wern't bad yet. I swiped up to reveal more tweets to me. They were still ok for about three more swipes. And then came the tweets I'd been bracing myself for.

@Ginaaa: you freak of nature! Men don't get pregnant. I can't even imagine the ways that baby's gonna be messed up! @zaynmalik

@L_saints01: You and your deamon spawn can go burn in hell @zaynmalik

I kept scrolling and I didn't know why. The messages continued to get even more hurtful. People telling me to die and stuff. Tears began to prickle the corners of my eyes. I'm always getting hated on. For my race, religion, being gay, being in a boy band but this was different and much worse. People could be so terrible and I began to fear for the baby. Our little Julia. There were threats and I didn't know if they were empty or someone was actually gonna do something. I couldn't handle the thought of someone trying to harm her. The tweets were just plain horrendous.

Stirring in my stomach pulled me out of my thoughts. I cradled it with both arms, putting the phone down. My tears were freely falling now. I loved my baby with everything I had and I wouldn't let anything happen to her. Her movements became a little stronger and I smiled knowing that right now she was alive and well and growing. I laid back on the bed trying to get comfortable.

"Don't worry babygirl, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you." I whispered to my belly. I felt a foot nudge my hand in response to my voice. The hurtful, scary things lingered in my head; an unwelcome presence but knowing that Julia was safe right now somewhat consoled me. I glanced at the alarm clock that read 10:00. I'm pretty sure we didn't have to be at the studio til like 5:00 this afternoon.

I debated weather I should go back to bed or not. There was so much going on in my head, so I just rested my head on the pillow trying to put the bad thoughts to rest and waited for harry to return.





As I was loading all the bags into my car, I got a text from Liam.

From: Liam

hey man I'm seeing some nasty, nasty stuff on twitter about Zayn and the baby make sure they're alright mate. It's really bad.

I carefully slid my mobile back into my pocket and quickly put the last few bags in my car. I scrambled around to the other side and jumped into the driver's seat. I fumbled with the keys before starting the engine and speeding off in the direction of my flat. My mind was racing. What could people be saying? Would Zayn do anything irrational? Would he be safe in public? I kept my eyes on the road and strained to focus so I could get back to my pregnant boyfriend in one piece.

I came to a stop at a light and squinted at the glare of the sun. My phone lit up with more texts from Liam. They were screen shots from twitter and I made sure the light was still red before opening them. I quickly swiped through the screenshots my eyes widening at some of the tweets I saw. Some were good and some were horrible. There were even some threats which made my stomach clench with worry and fear.


I started at the sudden noise and dropped my phone in a hurry to keep driving as the light was green now. A few cars passed me, the drivers giving me angry looks except for one girl whose eyes widened realising who I was. I forced a smile as she passed and turned right onto my street. My building came in view and I hastily pulled in and found a spot in the car park. I struggled to handle all the grocery bags but i managed. Flashes blinded me as a few paps I failed to notice earlier began to crowd me.

"Harry! Harry!" they called. "Tell us about your baby on the way!" I just groaned

I walked faster-as fast as I could go under the weight of my groceries- towards the entrance and pressed my back against the door causing it to swing open. I staggered over to the elevator using my foot to press the up button. The door slid open smoothly and I climbed in. I used my nose to press the button to the top floor. I tapped my foot impatiently. The elevator seemed to move at snail pace but I think it was just my need to get home quickly. The elevator finally jolted to a stop and I got out.

I walked a few doors down from the elevator and let the bags slips from my arms gently to the floor of the hallway. I pulled my keys from my pocket and unlocked the door to my flat. I collected the bags and brought them inside, not bothering to put the stuff away. I pulled the door shut maybe a little too harshly but that wasn't my current concern. I rushed upstairs and flung open our bedroom door. My heart softened at the sight. Zayn was asleep holding his stomach dearly. As I got closer I noticed tear tracks on his cheeks and his phone next to him.

"Shit," I mumbled. I grabbed Zayn's phone careful not to wake him. I unlocked it and the phone went straight to twitter on his mentions. With my own eyes, I saw such terrible messeges. Even worse than what Liam sent me. "Oh my god," I breathed, for this was truly terrifying and sad. People sending such hateful words. Of course there plenty of nice tweets from fans and a couple celeberties. But the hate was really bad. The threats were scary. I feared for the safety of my boyfriend and my baby girl. I couldn't imagine how I would handle it if anything happened to either one of them.


I whipped out my own phone and quickly dialed Liam's number. I sat down on the edge of the bed as I waited for him to pick up.

ring, ring, ring, ri-

"Hello?" Liam's voice was already filled with concern

"Liam I need you to call management," I said sounding more panicky then I would have liked to.

"Did you read the tweets? How's Zayn," he asked

"He fine. Asleep but I think he saw everything. His phone was next to him and he has tear stains on his face." I replied shakily

"Oh," Liam breathed

"Oh god Liam help please call management. I read the tweets in Zayn's mentions and they're even worse than what you sent. They are threatening them! Tighten security! Anything! Oh my god Liam please help." I didn't know what was happening to me. The reality of this was setting in and I was absolutely terrified.

"O-ok I'm on it I'll talk to the boys too. Try to calm down and keep your head together ok? Be there for Zayn and the baby. We will do our best to make sure nothing happens. Even if these are empty threats we won't take any chances alright?" His voice was calming and even. Liam was the one to count on when things got rough.

I nodded at first forgetting we were on the telephone. "Ok thank you so much Liam."

"I'm gonna let ya go now ok? See you at the studio."

"Alright bye," the call cut off signaling Liam had ended it.

I kicked my shoes off and climbed in the bed behind Zayn holding him tight. I wasn't tired but I needed to know he was safe.




I opened my eyes for the second time today. I tried to move but someone was holding me. I twisted slightly to see Harry smiling weakly at me.

"I wanna get up," I mumbled. I felt Harry release me and I slowly got to my feet. I stretched my aching muscles the best I could and rolled my head from side to side. Harry stood up and came around the bed and hugged me.

"I don't wanna let you go." He said into my shoulder. "I don't want anything to happen to you or little Julia"

I tensed at his words,"You saw it? The stuff on twitter?"

"Yeah," he replied

"I-I'm so scared. What if they actually do something?" My voice was threatening to give on me

"I am too babe, I had Liam call management. We are gonna tighten security; anything to make sure you guys are ok" His voice sounded just as unstable as mine.

"What time is it?" I asked

"Around noon. Do you want me to make you food while you get dressed?"

I just nodded and pecked him on the lips. Before waddling off to the bathroom.

I took my time in the shower before coming out around forty-five minutes later with a towel around my waist just under my bump. I grabbed some boxers from my dresser and went over to my closet where I pulled out my custom made maternity pants. I hated them so much but they were all that fit me anymore. I carefully slipped them on making sure I didn't fall. I tugged the elastic part over my bump. I found one of my bigger tees out of the closet as well. Since I don't have to hide my pregnancy anymore I didn't put on a thick sweater. It was June for crying out loud. After putting it on I shuffled over to my full length mirror to observe how much my belly showed. I sighed. It was on full display, no doubting I was six months pregnant.

I grabbed my socks and shoes and sat on my bed. After a few minutes of struggling I huffed in defeat. "Harry! Babe? I need your help!" I heard footsteps climbing the stairs and Harry came into veiw leaning in the door frame. A small smiled crept onto his lips.

"Aww does Zaynie need help getting his shoes on," Harry cooed jokingly.

I threw my socks at him and they hit him in the chest before falling to the ground soundlessly. "You're lucky I love you." I glared at him.

Harry just smirked and scooped up my socks and knelt at my feet sliding the socks on and then my shoes. I pouted as he tied them. I felt like such a child. He stood up again and held his hands out to help me up even though I didn't quite need it yet. I took his hands anyway and allowed him to haul me to my feet. We made our way downstairs to our kitchen where Harry had prepared two plates of scrambled eggs and apple juice. He pulled out my chair for me before sitting down in his own. We sat in a comfortable silence before Harry broke it.

"We are gonna do our best to keep you and Julia safe. Try not to stress about it too much though?"

I set my fork gently on the plate and sipped my apple juice before speaking. "I know, I know. I'm just really worried. Even more than when Mr. X happened. Remember that?"

"Yeah, that was real freaky. At least nothing happened. I hope the same can be said now.." Harry trailed off.

One of my hands rested on my belly rubbing soft circles on it. I felt the elastic shift around as I continued to massage my bump. "Let's try to stay positive, keep our minds off of it. I feel just as scared as you do. Like you said, try not to stress too much. These last few months have been quite interesting. Lets hope the public will calm down a bit and we can raise our baby in a safe, stable environment."

Harry grunted in response since his mouth was filled with egg. I picked up my fork and resumed eating myself. We finished our breakfast with thoughts of how our night at the studio would go today.


Harry was locking the door to the flat while I tugged at the hem of my shirt. He checked his phone for the time which read 4:30. "We should have enough time to make it by five" he said.

We held hands as we waited for the elevator. It dinged open and we stepped in. As the elevator made its way to ground level, my apprehensiveness was growing. We jolted to a stop and Harry pulled me closer as we crossed the lobby towards the exit. The flashing of cameras blinded me momentarily as we stepped outside. Paparazzi crowded us and Harry pulled me closer to him. So many people were yelling and shouting questions, I couldn't make out anything clearly. I adverted my eyes to the ground as I allowed Harry to lead me to the car. I clutched my stomach protectively as we pushed through the many paps. Harry didn't let me go until we reached the passenger side of the car and he pulled the door open. Even then he helped me into the car before jogging around to get into the driver's seat.

Once the door slammed shut we both let out breaths we didn't know we were holding. Harry didn't speak until we were on the road away from the imposing people. "We're gonna have to deal with this pretty much everywhere for the next three months maybe even longer. I know you're kinda used to it but it'll be even more now. Are you okay?" He stole a few glances at me while we cruised down' the London streets. I nodded.

"Yeah I'm ok. It was just paps no people trying to off our baby," I let out another deep breath trying to keep calm. Harry just huffed in reply.He seemed deep in thought. I reached over and turned on the radio and let the sound of the music fill the absense of conversation. Harry drummed his fingers to the beat of the song. I've never heard it before but I bobbed my head to the catchy tune. This is pretty much how the rest of the ride went. We even sang along to a few songs.

The studio loomed into view and there was a good number of fans and paps outside. Harry pulled up to the security guards by the entrance and rolled down the window. There were five buff looking men dressed in all black with earpieces in their ears. There was also a sixth man much less built wearing a red velvet vest. One guard walked around to Harry's side of the car and spoke in a deep gruff voice.

"You two will get out here and we will escort you inside," He then gestured to the sixth smaller man in the vest, " he will park your car for you."

Harry nodded then looked at me,"Babe can you grab the valet key out of the glove compartment?"

I pulled open the glove compartment and rummaged around a little before brandishing a key identical to the one in the ignition. Harry turned off the car and took his keys. I opened my door to be immediately surrounded by security. Harry joined me a few second later. I handed the valet key to the man in the vest before walking towards the door. Some of the fans who were there squealed at my stomach which I was holding once again protectively. Harry and I looked away from the intrusive paps to avoid being blinded by the flash of their cameras.The door of the studio was opened for us and we went inside.

The rest of the boys were already there and we were met with hugs and words of comfort by each of them. After assuring them I was completely fine we settled down and got to work on the tracks we had to record today. I sat down on one of the comfy couches and stared at the ceiling wondering if I was going to be able to handle this for at least three months or whenever she is born. Maybe even longer than that.

A/N: I'm sooooo sorry. all of you have permission to hate me. I tried to make it kinda long to make up for the wait 2900 words? eh? whatever. Thank you for 11k reads!!! Its so cool to know people are actually reading this.

you know the drill






Thanks again to all our lovely readers hope your holidays were amazing!!

-M xx

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