《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 18


I didn't know if I was more thrilled or nervous when the words escaped from Zayn's lips. A huge wave of relied washed over me, but at the same time worried filled my mind.

Cassie gasped, "It's true?! Please, elaborate,"

Zayn's deep hazel eyes were slightly wide; obviously scared out of his wits. I slid my hand over and grasped his quavering one, "Well... about six months ago, I went to the doctor and was informed that I had, er, a fetus in my stomach. In other words, Harry knocked me up."

I felt my cheeks burn when a chorus of whistles and 'ooh kill 'em's came from the audience. Cassie, smiling all teeth and dimples grinned exuberantly at my boyfriend. "And do we know the gender?"

Zayn glanced to me, "Why don't you ask Harry that?"

A smirk played across my lips when Cassie repeated the question and regarded me, "Zayn and I are having a beautiful baby girl,"

The mood was lifted when this was said, everyone giddy like drunk men. Zayn's stature became less tense as he allowed himself to relax. I lifted his soft hand to my lips and kissed it. A broad grin extended his perfect lips.

"That's beautiful; have you picked out a name?" Cassie pressed on.

"Well," I began.

Zayn spoke over me shortly, "We are not naming her Harry jr."

Laughter roared from the crowd. Once it died down, Cassie averted her attention to the other boys. "What do you this to this situation, Niall?"

"I support them 100%! These are two amazing boys who are so in love, and they're going to great fathers! And I get to be the uncle!" Niall answered with excitement in his tone. I smiled fondly at him.

"When did you find out about the baby?"


"Well," Liam cut in. "It was a few months ago and Zayn and Harry scheduled a meeting with them. They told us that Zayn was pregnant. We were all just shocked, but I think I speak for us all when I say that we are very happy for them, and proud as well."

"That's so sweet. It sounds like you all have a very tight bond. Louis, what about you?"

This was the one boy whom I was nervous about. Louis and I have always been best, best friends but Zayn's pregancy altered that. We haven't had a proper conversation when we told everyone about the baby.

Louis glanced up at Cassie. He seemed lost in thought when he cleared his throat, "To be frank, I was not as supportive about this as I should've been... I didn't know what to think. But now I do. Harry and I, Zayn and I, the rest of the boys. We're a family. I love Zayn and Harry so much, and I support them no matter what. Even if one of them gets pregnant."

Cassie's chuckle was light, "That's very sweet,"

Cassie changed the topic, and Louis and I made eye contact. He smiled sincerely. I mouthed the words, "Thank you," and he nodded. I'm so glad to have him back.

My hands continued to quaver slightly when the interview ended. Harry and my arms linked and we 5 were excorted off the stage. Once off, Louis immediately regarded Harry and I.

"Hey, lads," Louis began, and apologetic look on his face. "Look, I am really sorry for being a shitty friend to you. I shouldn't have been so weird about this, I suppport you and your little baby."

I knew Harry would appreciate this a lot. He and Louis are such close friends, I knew it was bugging him that Lou was kind of avoiding us. "All is forgiven," he said simply.


"Under the condition that I get to name her," Louis added afterward.

I raised an eyebrow, "What have you got in mind then?"

Louis put a hand on my back, "Louise,"

"Hmm, I wonder where you could possibly have thought that up from." I said ironically.

"It's just something to consider," Louis spoke with a chortle. "I'll catch up with you lad later; football practice. Take care!"

"Bye, Lou,"

Grinning, Harry looked to me. "Ready to go home, then?"

I nodded. I caressed my bump with the palm of my hand, "The baby certainly. She was kicking the entire interview."

Harry hummed, then knelt down. "Just wait a few more months, sweetheart. Your daddies love you," his heart-shaped lips pressed a sweet kiss just above my belly button. My eyes fluttered shut.

"I'm ready to cuddle and watch films," I muttered. Harry stood and took my hand in his.

"As am I. Let's go,"

My eyes wandered to Harry as he jogged down the steps, our duvet in hand. He was clad in nothing but a pair of sweatpants, his painted-skin, perfect and tan exposed. I wetted my lips. He stumped down next to me and gestured me to come towards him.

"You know, Hazz, you're really beautiful." I pointed out, resting my head on his bare chest. His glimering green eyes gave me a smile along with his pink lips, "Not as beautiful as you, Baby,"

MY eyelids slid closed and my heart swelled when a warm pair of lips pressed a tender kiss to my forehead. "I love you, Zayn. With all of my heart."

"I love you, too, Harry, with everything in me." I replied, before our lips attatched.

The kiss was simple and passionate, much resembling our first one. No tongue or teeth. Just Harry and I, the boy whom I created a child with, the one whom I love so desprately. Just us. Just our lips. Just one very special moment.

When we separated, tears formed in my eyes, much to my chagrin. Harry caught one with his thumb and brushed it away. "Poor baby,"

I exhaled deeply, "Damn woman hormones in my body. I will be very happy when I don't have to take those pills anymore,"

"I can see why that would be quite degrading,"

"Anything for the baby, I suppose."

Harry rubbed my naked stomach, "We really should agree on a name sometime soon."

"Valid point; I still really like 'J' names." I spoke, my tone hushed slightly. His warm fingertips tracing my skin created a pleasurful sensation.

"I don't like Jennifer," Harry said flatly. "What about Jillian?"

I entertained this thought. "I like it... But I don't love it. What was the one you said before?"

Harry was confused, "Which one?"

"Remember, we were discussing this prior to finding out the gender. You were listing a whole bunch on 'J' names. There was one that I really liked,"

Harry chewed a lip and thought for a moment. "I have no clue... Jamie?"

"No, it wasn't Jamie," I sighed dismissively.


"Yes! That was the one," I exclaimed.

Harry hummed. "Julia Styles. It's got a nice ring to it."

"I really like that one."

"Is it official then?" Harry inquired, smiling down at the baby, promident dimples indented in his cheeks.

"We have three months to go... But I think that Julia is the most probibal candidate."

"Good," Harry respponded with a grin. We spent the rest of the night snuggling and watching cheesy love-films. I couldn't be more happy.

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