《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 17


I sat up in bed awoken by a strange feeling in my belly. It ws like someone was poking me. I rubbed circles on my stomach and then I felt it again. It took two more times for me to realise what it was. I smiled down at my bump.

"Nice to finally feel you kick baby. I was getting worried," I cooed soflty. She kicked again in respose to my voice. I giggled causing Harry to stir. I shook his shoulders until he opened his eyes and shot up looking alert.

"What? What is it? Is it the baby? Is she coming?"

"No," I giggled again at my boyfriend,"She's kicking!" Harry moved his hands to my bump and smiled wide and proud when he felt tiny feet up against his hands.

"Hey babygirl,"He whispered,"Are you comfortable in there? I can't wait to meet you and hold you in my arms for the first time. You're going to be so loved by everyone. I can't wait to dress you in cute little dresses and take you to the zoo and watch you grow up right before our eyes. But we'll be there every step of the way. Right from your first steps to the day we send you off with that special person. Just know that your daddies love you very,very much. " He kissed the spot on my belly where she kicked him.

My eyes began to get misty at the sight of Harry talking to our baby. These damn hormomes will be the death of me. I sniffled a little causing Harry to look up. He leaned forward and pecked me on the lips.

"You're going to make an amazing father." I snuggled into his side. The kicking was calming down; only coming once in a while now. I felt my eyeleds grow heavy once more. My head rested on Harry's shoulder and sleep finally retook me.


I sat on a chair as I watched Harry move around the kitchen making breakfast. Today's upcoming events made their way into my mind. "Babe we have an interveiw today," I said

"Okay," Harry said nonchalantly. He hadn't turned around and stayed facing the stove.

"You don't seem to understand Harry. We. Have. An. Interveiw. Today," I put emphasis on my words,"Do you not remember that article on TV! a few days ago? About this?!?' I gestured to my potruding stomach. I was nearly six months now. Twenty-three weeks to be exact.


Harry spun around finally with worry etched on his face,"Well what are we going to do?"

My hands covered up my face as I tried to calm down. I knew stress wasn't good for me or the little girl inside me. Tears prickled my eyes and I wiped them away quickly. "We can't talk to management, so now what? I can't just tell everyone! Not yet!"

Harry's strong arms wrapped around my shoulders,"Maybe it's for the best. Maybe this is just the oppertunity we need to tell the world the truth"

"But the hate! All those people prote-" I started.

"Well then they can go fuck themselves in a corner for all I care," Harry interjected,"It's our life and no one can change that. Don't you wanna be able to be yourself? Be completely free? I wanna go out and say to the world 'Hey everybody this is my boyfriend and this is my baby!"

I twisted around the best I could to looked at him. I really want that too but I'm scared. I'm too scared to face the rest of the world. Harry seemed to read my mind.

"Don't be so afraid," his tone lowered to a more soothing one," Someone's always gonna be against you but then again someone's always gonna be there for ya too. Me, our familes, the boys, and so many more."

"Do you really think so," I questioned rubbing my stomach.

"It's all your choice. You're the pregnant one. I for one say go for it. Our phones have been blowing up from every social network on the market!" Harry chuckled slightly.

"I don't know," I sighed looking at my belly. Harry's hands slid off my shoulders down to my bump and came rest on top of mine.

"There's no rush or pressure Z, It's okay." He kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer to him


The black SUV rolled up to the TV station. The screams of girls rang in my ears. I could random shouts of "Louis! Liam! Niall! Zayn! Harry" Louis,Liam and Niall climbed out of the car. Harry jumped out afterwards than turned around to assist me in getting out.

It seemed to get claustraphobic as security surrounded us and fans were pressed up against the barriers. Their arms were everywhere trying to grab at us. The boys gravitated towards me and Harry's arm was around my waist, holding me close. I pulled my jumper down around me a little makng sure my stomach was covered.


I was okay until someone yelled, "Zayn! Zayn! Are you really pregnant?"

I felt Harry tense and I saw his jaw clench. I began to take deep breaths trying to calm myself down. Our queue was rushed into the building ahead. The big, black door slowly closed behind us bringing the overwhelmig volume of voices from outside down to a muffled tone.

Harry kissed my forhead and I collapsed into his arms still trying to control my breathing. Flutters started up in my stomach and I rubbed it slightly with two fingers.

"No, not now babygirl," I said barely audiable. Only Harry seemed to hear. He gave me a reassuring smile and gave my hand a squeeze.

"Come on boys we don't have much time!" Lou, our stylist, called. We all went our seprate directions to get ready.

Lou followed me into a dressing room. She turned to a rack of clothing and handed me a few baggy shirts.

"Put these on under your jumper to make your bump less obvious," She explained

After I had completely finished changing. I looked at myself in the mirrior pleased that my pregnant belly was less obvious.

"You're on in five!" A voice called from outside the dressing room.

I quickly thanked Lou and hurried out to meet the rest of the boys. Harry instantly went over to me and grabbed my hand. Liam looked at me.

"You alright mate?" He questioned

"I'm good," I mumbled.

Nerves were begining to take over and my hands shook slightly. Harrys thumb massaged circles on the back of my hand and he whispered words of comfort into my ear. God I love this boy. One of the backstage workers came up to us and motions for us to go onstage. My grip on Harry's hand grew stronger. I leaned towards him and whispered, "I'm gonna do it."

He smiled at me and we held hands as we walked onstage with big smiles plastered on all five of our faces. We all sat down on the usual couch, Harry and I cuddling at the end. The live audience, made up of mostly fans, applauded long and loudly. Some even cried. Finally when the crowd calmed down. The interveiw began.

"Hi boys I'm Cassie" The interveiwer smiled widely

"Hello," We all choursed back

"How've you been? Nice and refreshed after your break yeah?"

She was met with "yeahs" and light laughter.

"How about you love life," She leaned foward,"Who's single? Taken?"

Niall threw his hands up behind his head. "Single and ready to mingle!" The crowd burst out into a slightly exaggerated laughter.

Liam blushed a little,"Me and Dani still goin strong" The fans clapped and a few even shouted "Payzer! OTP!" causing Liam to blush deeper.

Louis' eyes crinkled into a fond smile. "Eleanor and I are very happy thank you" The audience cheered for him and shouted "Elounor!" Louis laughed at the entertaing response.

"And how about you Harry," asked Cassie

Harry and I raised our intertwined hands. Just that motion and the crowd went wild. "ZARRY!" One girl shouted. We smiled at each other. The baby kicked a few times and stirred around in my stomach. She was just beggining to get really active.

The crowd fianlly began to chill out and settle once again. Cassie's gaze fell upon me.

"And that brings us to you Zayn. We already know Zarry is real, thats old news. But can you tell us anything about that article on the news about you being pregnant?"

The entire studio fell completly silent. Everyone seemed to hold there breaths. Not one of the boys, our management, or anyone related to us had left any comments on this subject, publicly at least, until now. Me and Harry squeezed each other's hands. Time seemed to slow down. Harry's words from this morning echoed in my head.

"It's our life and no one can change that. Don't you wanna be able to be yourself? Be completely free?"

I gulped, then breathed in. Through my nose and out my mouth.

"Someone's always gonna be against you"

I looked at Harry who smiled back.

"but then again Someone's always gonna be there for ya too."

I turned to Cassie who seemed to have lost her professional stature, wanting to hear me just as much as everyone else in the room. I grinned at her, "Yes. Yes I can tell you something about that article," I pictured people at home on the edge of thier seats, taking in my every word,

"I can tell you that it's true."


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