《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 16


I instantly regretted my behaviour when Zayn and I exited the CEO's office. I don't regret sticking up for my family, but now I'm scared I'm going to get fired. My mind was flooded with worries until I felt Zayn's lips upon mine.

The sensation made me instantly happy. All the weight was taken off of my shoulders. I snaked my arms around his waist and deepened the kiss. Our lips slide across each others until they became detached. With our foreheads still touching, Zayn stared straight into my heart with those enticing brown eyes. His soft lips were spread into an adorable smile.

"That was awesome," he commented.

"I don't know... I think it was a bit unnecessary." I sighed. Zayn shook his head and brushed a loose curl away from my forehead.

"If you hadn't went off on him, I wouldn't. It was inevitable. He has no right to say those things about us and the baby."

I nodded in agreement. He pecked my cheek before we began walking. I thought it best to just leave before any other drama occured. Zayn and I went to the car and drove straight home.

"I'm gonna go put some pajama's on," Zayn announced before disappearing up the steps. I sat myself down on the couch then switched on the telly.

As I was flipping through channels I decided to stop on MTV. It was one of those stupid gossip shows. Most of the stories are absolutely ridiculous and false, but nothing else was on.

As I was watching it, my heart thumped when I heard mine and Zayn's name. The host went on to talk about a rumour that had just started about us.

My eyes widened, "Zayn!"

None of my old clothes are even comfortable any more. The fabric of my shirt began ripping everytime I tried to pull it over my enlarged stomach. Our little girl feels like she's getting bigger and bigger each day.

I decided to just pull on some sweatpants. I was too lazy to search through Harry's wardrobe an dattept to find a top that would fit. I stopped in front of the mirror and examined my stomach. A grin found it's way across my lips.


"Hi, baby girl," I whisper as I rub my stomach. "Daddy loves you so much... He hopes you're healthy inside of his tummy. When you come out you're going to have the best life ever. Daddies are going to make sure of it. And, also, I hope you have curly hair like your other Daddy so that I can play with it. You're gonna be the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you, so much."


I nearly jumped out of my skin when Harry's voice interrupted my train of thought. Sighing, and giving my belly one last glance, I headed downstairs.

"What is it, Hazz?"

"Look what's on the news,"

I squinted to see the television. My face went pallour as I watched the small blonde lady speak about a rumour involving Harry and I.

"We caught word about the gay couple in the world's biggest boyband, One Direction. According to our sources, Harry got Zayn pregnant! How this is possible, we don't know, but here are some pictures of the two boys today. You can see Zayn's alleged baby-bump,"

My mouth hung agape. "How do they know about this?!"

Angrily, Harry turned the telly of then threw the remote down on the couch. "It was probably Jenner. I've pissed him off, and now he's trying to ruin everything,"

"What are we going to do?! Everyone's going to think I'm some awkward man-woman mutant!"

Harry gestured me to come to him. I trudged over to the couch and stood in front of him. He pulled me down on his lap and looked at me. Just when I thought he was going to shine some logic onto this situation and make me feel better, the words that escaped his mouth were, "Would you like to get some ice cream?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Ice cream?"

"Yeah. This is a quite tense topic, and ice cream, dare I say, cools us down." he replied, chuckling at his own joke.


I couldn't help but laugh, "You're such an idiot."

"I'm going to get you some ice cream." Harry concluded, then gave me a kiss on the lips.

Once he returned with two bowls of chocolate ice cream he handed me one. "Now that we've got our ice cream, let's discuss what lie we'll come up with this time?"

"I don't know what to do... There's going to be so much hate. I don't want to deal with it all," I spoke before eating a spoonful of the freezing, creamy substance.

"Neither do I, but the word is spread pretty far. Just about everyone's talking about it. Gemma's just texted me and asked if this was serious."

"What'd you tell her?"

"Nothing," he shook his head. "But I can't tell her nothing forever. We can't ignore the world forever. Unless, you know, we go into hiding or something.."

"If only," I sighed. "Maybe we could... Just tell everyone the truth?"

Harry was taken aback. "What about hate?"

I shrugged. "We're always getting hate for something or the other. I don't know..."

"I think... I think we should just wait a little to decide. Wait until the baby isn't the breaking news story."

"Alright. I'm tired anyways," I said before a yawn.

Harry smiled. "Let's get some sleep."

The buzzing of my iPhone awoke me the following morning. No doubt all notifications would be tweets and instagrams ad endless iMessages about the topic that was exposed on the day prior to this one.

I carefully untangled mine and Zayn's limbs, making sure not to wake him. I glanced at him in his unconscious state and grinned. He looks like an angel. I ran my fingers across the soft skin of his cheek and admired his beauty.


My phone went off again. I huffed, then took my hand away from Zayn and took the phone in my hand. I unlocked it and began scrolling through the endless feed of terrible comments about Zayn and the baby. People were saying terrible things; even our fans!

Anger and sorrow rushed through my veins and I lost my temper. I chucked the phone across the room then curled into a ball and began bawling.

Why can't people just be happy for us? Why can't this just be accepted? Why are they saying unmentionable things about an innocent child that isn't even living yet?

"Hazz?" a gruff voice sounded.

I lifted my head and looked at him through glossy eyes. "Yes?"

"Why are you crying, babe?" Zayn inquired, sitting up and placing a hand on my back.

"There's... There's so much hate. They hate us..." I responded, chocking on my words.

Zayn shushed me then took me into his arms. I lay my head on his shoulder and cried in spite of myself. "They've always hated me,"

"Harry, they don't hate you. They just want you to feel like this, they want to make you feel bad because they're jealous of you. Don't let them make you think less of yourself; don't give them what they want."

"No, they don't like me, Zayn! They don't like the baby either, or you! They think we're a lot of freaks."

Zayn sighed. "Isn't everyone a freak, Hazz? Don't let words get to you. Everyone's going to react differently to this. Take Lou for example; he love both of us like brothers, but he's reacting differently then Liam and Niall. It doesn't mean they hate us, it means they're shocked. It'll be okay,"

I sniffled. "You're like really smart, you need to talk more."

Zayn chuckled cutely then caught a tear falling from my eye. "I'm not exceptionally smart, but I know a thing or two."

I smiled then kissed his lips softly. "Thank you,"

"You don't have to thank me. We're gonna get through this, Harry. Together."

I nodded. "Together,"

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