《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 14


Zayn's POV:

I've spent a majoity of the last 2 months eating, or asleep. If I tried to stay awake for more than a half-hour, fatige betrayed me. I suppose it had to do with my pregnancy. It was exhausting lugging around an extra 40 pounds on my stomach. 40 pounds is probably a bit of an overexageration, but that's what it felt like.

I woke up this morning to a beam of bright sunshine that shone through the lossley shut curtains. I smelled an assortment of delectable foods. The sweet odor hung in the air and filled my senses with delight. I hadn't realised how hungry I was until I smelt it.

I arose from the bed and let the delightful armoa guide me to the kitchen. I was practically floating the whole way to the room, where Harry was slaving over the hot oven. He turned his head and smiled at me, his brilliant emerald eyes shimmering.

My heart swelled with adoration of this amazing, beautiful, sweet boy whom I get to title as my boyfriend. He handed me a plate of delicious looking food that made my mouth water immediately. I set it down on the marble counter and tackled him in a hug. I didn't realise I was crying until he asked me what was wrong with worry in his tone.

I shook my head. "Nothing, I just love you so much."

"I love you, too," Harry replied with a chuckle. He rubbed my back with his large, warm hand. I turn my head and press a lingering kiss to his cheek.

"Why'd you make all this?" I ask Harry as I scarfed down french toast and bacon.

"I just woke up and felt like cooking. I figured you'd be hungry. You've slept for nearly two days straight."


I frowned. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I've been so tired lately,"

Harry sat down on the chair next to me and kissed my ear. "It's nothing to apologise for, Babe," he whispered.

His warm breath caused chills to run down my spine. A grin crossed my lips. "How shall we celebrate the first day in a million years that I'm not passed out?"

He hummed and pushed the thin hair away from my forehead. "Whatever you want."

I bite my lip and thought for a moment. I looked at Harry. "How many months do you have to be in order to know the gender of the baby?"

Harry sighed, making the sound of a motor-boat with his lips. "4-5 months, I believe."

My face lite up with this. A sudden burst of energy found me, and I sprinted up the stairs. I dressed myself quickly, then ran downstairs and ordered Harry to do the same.

"Hurry up!" I nagged impatiently as Harry slid on his black jeans.

"Getting on skinny jeans in an ardous task, calm down."

I huffed as he took his time putting on those bloody pants. When he finally finished, I rushed him outside and got in the car. We drove to the hospital and I urgently requested Dr. Adams.

Harry's POV:

I don't know what's gotten into Zayn but he's hyper. We were in the hospital to find out the gender of the baby. I was praying for a girl. As I filled out paperwork, Zayn chattered away to Dr. Adams about how he wanted to the baby to look when he gave birth. I'd never heard him talk so much. I absolutely love hearing him so happy.

"Right, I've got everything done." I told Dr. Adams, handing him the stack of papers. He took them and exited the room briefly, then returned with an ultrasound machine. He repeated the familar process of spreading the gel on Zayn's stomach.


Zayn squealed. "That's colder than I remember!"

Dr. Adams chortled to himself and waved the wand around his stomach. I tapped my foot impatiently waiting for him to provide us with the information of our baby's sex.

"I'm nervous," Zayn said, intently watching the screen. I scootched my chair near him and took his hand in my own. He squeezed my fingers.

After a few minutes, the doctor smiled triumphantly and printed out a piece of paper. "Would you lads like to know the gender of your baby?"

I nodded enthusiatically, then took the envelope. I opened it promptly. I don't know what I anticipated to see, but I was excited. So excited that my hands shook.

"I wanna see," Zayn whined as I read the paper. I smiled when I finished, then I handed it to him. He squinted his eyes at the small letters, then he grinned from ear to ear. His head spun in my direction.

"Congradulations, boys. You're having a healthy baby girl."


A/N: Hiiiiiiiiii. sorry this chapters so short! love you guys, thanks for reading.


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