《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 13



I hung out in the living room just channel surfing. My sweatpants hung low on my hips and the cool air tingled the skin of my bare chest. I was up early and decided to just let Zayn rest. My mind wondered to last night's events. I couldn't stop thinking of my mum's face. Her lips formed a tight line and disapproval was written all over her face. Her silence made it even worse. I had wanted to speak with her once Zayn and I came back downstairs, but she was gone as was everyone else but Liam. I snapped back into reality when a knock sounded on our door. I dashed upstairs and grabbed a white tee from the room Zayn and I share. I was just pulling it over my head as I reached the door.

My eyes widened in shock as I saw my mum standing there looking quite unhappy. A sick feeling welled up in my stomach. I had a strong feeling that I knew why she was here. "Hi mum" I stepped aside allowing her to brush past me into the flat. After hanging up her jumper on the coat rack next to the door, she plopped down on the armchair.

"Sit" She gestured to the love seat adjacent to the her seat. She just frowned at me for a moment before opening her mouth again "Where's Zayn?" I glanced towards the staircase.

"He's asleep, but if you need me to ge-" She raised a hand to silence me.

"No, that's fine. I just want to talk to you." She leaned back into the armchair still frowning. My suspicons about her visit were growing stronger. "I'm pretty sure you know why I'm here." Her tone was flat. I nodded without meeting her gaze. "How could you be so irresponsible? Don't you know to use protection at all times? Now you have a kid on the way at 19 by another man." She seemed disgusted at the last sentence she spoke. "This is not normal and I want you to know I do not approve of this at all. You already know how I feel about you guys as a couple," I thought about how uncomfortable she was about it, "but THIS is unacceptable and unnatrual."


"Why can't you accept it? You accept me and Zayn! Shouldn't you be happy? We're having a BABY! Your granchild for God's sake mum! Sure the timing isn't perfect but it's happening!" She was starting to irritate me.

Mum glared at me "This is not the way of life! How do we know there's not going to be something wrong with it! It was conceived by two MEN! " She nearly yelled.

"Don't talk about my baby like that." I shot back.

"It's abnormal! This just isn't going to work out. ZAYN a MAN is PREGNANT" Her voice returned to the same flat tone as eariler. Everything she was saying kinda hurt. Scratch that. It was a blow to my heart.

"Mum!" My voice cracked. "How could you say that?!? Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"What you told me that one day about a few weeks ago. When I was texting you!" I just got a confused look from her. I got up and went upstairs. Hot tears were begining to prickle at the corners of my eyes. I snatched up my phone and opened my messeges. I scrambled down the steps scrolling through previous messeges between mum and I. Finally I found it. I looked at her and then down to my screen and read the messege aloud:

"Forever and always Harry. You'll always be my little boy"

I looked back to my mum. "You said you'd always be there for me!" I said as those tears finally began rolling down my cheeks. "What happened? Is this not true anymore?" I was on my feet now trying to get mum to understand. I brought my phone back up to my face and then showed her a picture of the ultrasound. "Look right there! That is a healthy three month old baby inside the love of my life. He or she is gong to be born in seven months! What's wrong with that!"


All of the sudden she burst into tears.

"But you are my little boy. One day you're auditioning for X Factor, the next you're touring around the world, and now my little boy is having a little one of his own!" I rushed over to my mum and gave her a hug.

"Mum I'll always be your little boy. Even if I'm old and wrinkly and have a thousand children" We both chuckled a bit. "But mum why did you say those things?"

"I'm sorry Harry" She looked up at me with wet eyes. "I honestly don't mean it. I love you very much, and you and Zayn are gonna make a beautiful baby who I'll be the favorite grandma to!" I smiled at that.

"I love you mum"

"Forever and always Harry"

The pitter patter of feet inturrupted our moment. Then the sound of a door closing "I think Zayn's up. Lemme go check on him." I went upstairs for the third time this morning and I heard retching noises through the slightly ajar bathroom door. I pushed it open to reveal Zayn hunched over the toliet bowl, puking his guts out. I rubbed his back to comfort him while he heaved into the toliet. He finally rested his forhead on the procelain and sighed. He placed a hand on his tummy.

"When is this gonna end?"

"The doctor said soon babe" I gave him a concerend look "My mum's downstairs if you wanna say hello"

Zayn pulled himself up from the bathroom floor and disappeared into our bedroom. After a minute or so he emerged again wearing a red tee and sweat pants. His tiny belly was barely poking through his shirt. We went back downstairs hand and hand. Mum gave us a wary smile and stood to hug Zayn.

"How's pregnant life treating you?" My mum asked

"Absolutely fabulous," he said sarcastically and we all laughed a bit.

"Well let me tell you, it doesn't get any better" Mum replied earning a groan from Zayn. "If you ever need anything, advice, tips,anything,just tell me. I'll be happy to help out."

"Thanks Anne." Zayn said while yawning. Mum pulled out her phone and checked the time.

"Looks like its time for me to go. See you boys soon!" She said. I walked her to the door. We stood in the little area in front of the door while mum pulled on her jumper. I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Thank you mum." I felt her squeeze me tighter. I shut my eyes for a second just taking in the mother-son moment. We pulled apart and she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye sweetie"

As she left, I turn towards the living room to see Zayn sprawled out on the couch. I got closer and realised he had fallen back asleep. I scooped him up, carried him upstairs, and set him gently on our bed. I pulled the blanket over him. And quietly walked out. I plopped back down on the couch after descending the stairs YET again. Man it feels like I've been up and down those stairs all morning. I sighed and leaned back on the couch. I began flipping through channels like I had been doing eariler. I let myself just drown in the moment kinda wanting to stay like this for a while; When nothing was going on and life was good. For now at least.

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