《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 11


Harry and I jumped apart and looked at Louis with expressionless faces. He always seems to do that geez.

"Hi Lou. What's up?" I moved off of Harry a little so I could rest my head on his chest.

"Erm nothing actually. I was bored and Niall and Liam were busy, so I thought, hey, why not visit Zarry!" He was already pulling off his jean jacket and slipping off his Vans.

I shrugged and glanced up at Harry. "Sure why not? We can watch a film or something."

"Ok then I'll just grab some popcorn then." I sat up a bit and Harry strutted off to the kitchen. It was just me and Lou now.

"I guess i'll find something to watch" I pushed myself off the couch and put my arms above my head to streach. My shirt lifted a bit and Louis' eyes widen and linger on my pudgy tummy. My arms shot back down and pulled my shirt back down. I was a skinny guy so my bump was a bit more noticable than most. Louis' mouth formed a smirk.

"Packin it on there aren't we Malik?" He joked.

Normally I wouldn't have cared because we banter like this often, but my hyperactive hormones didn't agree. Anger welled up inside me. "ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT!"

Louis joking face disappeared, shock taking its place. "Woah man calm down! I wasn't trying to offend you!" He took a step back and threw his hands up innocently. Just as I was about to advance on him, two strong arms wrapped around my middle and a pair of lips brushed my ear.

"Shhh babe calm down," A soft raspy voice whispered, "he doesn't know, he doesn't know." I relaxed and let Harry guide me back to the couch and tears began to prickle at my eyes. I sniffed loudy and my boyfriend rubbed circles on my shoulders as tears slid down my face.

"I'm sorry Lou," I sniffed again and began to ramble, "it's just..you see...I'm just so stressed lately and then the baby and then ther-" I froze. Harry's hands gripped my shoulders tensely.


It took a moment for it to register with Louis. I watched as he was hit with a sharp realisation, put my head in my hands, and cried even harder.

"Baby...," He said slowly, "Baby....wait...who did you knock up then?" My shoulders were shaking as I sobbed. Not yet. He can't know. Harry came to the rescue.

"I think you better go now. The film can wait another time" He says to an obviously confused Louis. I heard him shuffle around a bit before the door slammed shut. Harry gently took my chin and lifted my head so I was looking at him.

"I'm so stupid!" I yelled to him


"No you aren't. He was gonna find out soon anyway right?" I nodded.

"I guess."

"How about this. You're nearly three months. Your appointment's next week we'll tell the boys then."

"What about our mums?" I knew my mum would be upset if she wasn't one of the first to know.

"I will call them and see if they can come by"

He had answers for everything. I smiled up at him and layed back on him. We just stayed like that for a while dealing with our own thoughts. I rested my hands over my belly. My eyelids began to feel heavy as I grew tired. "I love you" I whispered tiredly. and with that I drifted off into a much needed sleep.****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

The week leading up to Zayn's 3 month check up was edgy. He started wearing sweatshirts and jumpers everywhere because his stomach was becoming pretty distiguishable as a pregnant belly and not just extra fat. We were in and out of the studio with the boys under the suspicious eye of Louis who was watching us constantly. If Zayn had to rush out because of morning sickness, he'd just stare. If I rubbed his shoulders and mumbled sweet nothings to help his his ever changing mood swings, he'd just stare. If we were off to the side while the others were recording, he'd just stare. Louis tried to get us to explain over pleadng texts and hushed conversations but we refused.

Today was the day of the appointment. We were gonna head to the clinic after this morning's recording session. Zayn and I were heading out of the studio, fingers intertwined. "Hey guys wait up!" I called. Louis, Liam and Niall spun around looked intently at me "Um can you guys meet at our flat in about 3 hours? We need to talk to you guys about something important." Louis narrowed his eyes at us. I had a strong feeling he knew it had something to do about Zayn's slip up last week.

"Ok. Everything alright?" Liam inquired.

"Yeah" I said a little uncertainly. Liam and Niall picked up on it.

"See ya then I guess" Niall said suspicously

As Liam and Niall went away to their cars, Louis looked me straight in the eye as if he could read my mind. I shook my head at him and he stormed off fusturated at me once again. I sighed and turned my attention to Zayn who seemed in a good mood today. We finally reached our car and I opened the door for him.

"Why thank you my kind sir" He said in a posh voice I chuckled at my boyfriend and jogged around to the other side of the car.


Zayn and I sat it a private waiting room at the clinic. He was flipping through some maternity magazines while I played on my phone. The tri-tone sound went off and a messege appeared in the banner from my mum.


I smiled at the screen and replied

That was one of my biggest fears my mum turning away from me. I hoped she supported me in this.


I felt much better after that. No sooner did I slide my phone back into my pocket, a nurse walked in

"Zayn Malik?"

I thought that was kinda dumb as we were the only ones in there. Zayn put down his magazine and reached out for my hand which I greatfully grabbed. We entered the clinic hand and hand. We got to the room and Zayn lay down as he had twice before. Dr Adams arrived shortly after.

"Good morning boys! Alright Zayn let's take a look at that little one of yours."

Zayn pulled his sweat shirt over his head revealing a black shirt that was a little small. You could easliy see his baby bump through it. I also noticed his pants were unbuttoned. I guess we need to go shopping. He then pulled up his shirt and I was amazed how much bigger he'd gotten since last month. His belly was round and there was almost no mistaking it for a baby now. It was still a small belly though. Dr. Adams rubbed the gel on Zayn's stomach and began moving the wand around searching for the baby.

"There!" exclaimed Dr. Adams. As he studied the picture on the screen he asked Zayn a few questions. "Have you felt any movement yet?"


Dr. Adams nodded "Don't be worried. You should begin to feel it any day now. Also what pregnancy symptoms are you experiencing at the moment?"

"Umm I've had a bit of morning sickness and I've been really tired lately I'm pretty sure that's it"

"Nothing out of the ordinary then. As you get closer to your second trimester the moring sickness should stop. Are you ready to hear the heartbeat?"

Zayn nodded eagerly. This was always his favourite part of the appointment.

bump-bump bump-bump bump-bump

The heartbeat of our son or daughter echoed through the room. My heart swelled at the sound of the little life. The life I helped create. I grabbed Zayn's hand and squeezed it. I saw tears in his eyes but they were good tears.

"How many pictures do you guys want?" Dr. Adams asked

I thought for a second Me, Zayn, Mum, Trisha. "Four. Two for us and Two for our mums."

Dr. Adams was scribbling stuff on his clipboard "Your baby looks perfectly healthy Zayn congrats. I'll be back with the pictures and your good to go."

I helped Zayn wipe the gel off his stomach and then I leaned real close. "Hello baby I hope you know your daddies love you very very much and we can't wait to meet you and hold you in our arms for the first time!" Zayn chuckled at me and shook his head. The door opened and Dr. Adams walked in with four square sheets of paper.

"Here you go boys. See you next month!"

We thanked Dr. Adams and held hands as we left the clinic



I opened the door to our flat and layed down on the couch. Man I'm already tired. I guess I could take a short nap before everyone shows up. I curled up in a fetal postion before drifting off.


"Zayn" Harry was shaking me. "Zayn baby c'mon get up everyboy is about to arrive."

"mmmwhat" I groaned

"C'mon get up. The boys are parking their cars now and our mums shouldn't be to far."

I sat up and streched. I then pulled down my shirt the best I could "Harry my shirts aren't fitting. Neither are my pants for that matter"

"I was thinking the same thing earlier" Harry eyeed my tummy poking out from my shirt. "Just slip on a sweatshirt and sweatpants for now. Maybe we can go shopping soon"

I climbed the stairs in search of the sweats. I took me a long time to find my sweatpants, but I found them. I pulled the ultrasound pictures from my pants pockets and shoved them into the pocket of my sweats. I came back downstairs to find the lads on the couch, My mum and Anne in the armchairs and Harry in the love seat. Everyone's eyes turned to me as I took my place next to Harry. Louis was the first to speak up.

"Ok Zayn and Harry cut the BS what has been going on for the past week!"

My nerves began to kick in and I curled in closer to Harry. I leaned towards him "I can't do this" I shakily whispered. Harry's breath was warm on my ear.

"It's okay," Harry grabbed my hand and ran his thumb over it,"we'll say it at the same time; break the ic. If you don't wanna say anything after that, then don't I'll explain. But you'll have to show them your belly. Is that fair?"

"y-yes" I was getting panicky.

"Hellooooo!" Shouted Louis, " five other people in the room who would like to know whats going on here!"

"Well...," I began,"This 'thing' hasn't been going on for just a week. Its been going on for months"

Harry jumped in "Three months today actually"

Everyone was being patient but this was kiling Louis "SPIT IT OUT ALL READY"

I looked at Harry and took a deep breath. He repeated my actions. We loooked at each other before turning to the people in our living room "Ok"

"Here it goes" said Harry

We both opened our mouths to reveal the news that would make or break us,

"I'm/He's pregnant"


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