《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 7




He's pregnant

My jaw dropped to the floor. It sounded bad even in my head. How could this be happening? He's a guy. Guys don't get pregnant. My head was pounding. This isn't true. I looked up at the doctor, "You're kidding right?"

He shook his head, "It's no joke. Mr. Malik here, is with child."

My head was pounding even harder. My panicky thoughts blocked out everything else.

What about the band?

What about the fans?

What about the paps?

What about management?

What about us?

What about our families?

My head was pounding so hard I couldn't even think straight. "No. Get rid of it. This can't even be happening. It's not possible." I said those wordss with no emotion. Plain and simple. I stood up, my chair screeching aganst the tile floor, and stalked out the door. A small breeze hit me as I stepped out into the long white hallway. I began walking as fast as I could. There were voices calling from the hospital room but I didn't even turn around. I finally reach the exit and glance back the way I'd came. None of this is right. This isn't normal.

I reach my car and slide into the driver's seat. My head came to rest on the wheel as I tried to register what just went down. I just sat there unmoving in the hospital lot. Did I really mean that? Do I really want to kill our child? A little thing that is half of myself?

What did I just do?



I covered my face with my hands and sighed deeply. A baby. I am going to have a baby. This is just great. I'm at the peak of my career and I fucking get pregnant!


Guys don't even get pregnant! I'm some freak of nature that has a BABY growing inside them!

"You're kidding right?" I heard Harry say to my left.

"It's no joke. Mr. Malik here, is with child." The doctor replied.

I looked up from my hands at Harry. He was having some kind of internal struggle. He looked like he was out of it. I stared at his unfocused eyes trying to read his expression, but he ddn't seem to notice. I still haven't said anything, but what do you say when you are told you're pregnant and you're a guy? I continued to search Harry's face for any sign of what was going on in his mind. Then all of the sudden he spoke again.

"No. Get rid of it. This can't even be happening. It's not possible."

His face was hard and cold. That sent me over the edge. Tears welled up in my eyes and my shoulders shook as sobs began to wrack my body. He wanted our baby dead? Before it even had a chance to be alive? I know there's a lot of risks involved being famous, but its still a child. A little life inside of me. And Harry wants it dead. I cried even harder as Harry swiftly stood and left the room.

"HARRY!" I desperately cried

I needed him. I can't do this on my own. I flinched at the touch of the doctor as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Would you like to see your baby," He was trying to remain professional and routine.

"y-yes," I choked out. Maybe once Harry sees it, he'll change his mind.

He handed me a cup of water and instructed me to drink it so my bladder wouldn't be mistaken for something else, then went to retrive the ultrasound machine. I finished my water and tried to calm myself down. I layed back on on the bed as I waited for for the doctor return. I'd never learned his name. I guess I should ask. I pulled my shirt up knowing the doctor would ask me to anyway. I looked at my stomach. It was in fact a bit pudgy, round even, but just barely. I placed my hands on it and took a deep breath. I heard the door open as the doctor returned with the machine.


"I see you're eager," he said trying to lighten the mood.

He spread some cold gel over my abdomen and then moved the wand around. I watched the screen for a while and then a white blob came into veiw. I smile through the tears on my face because in that moment, it became real. With or without Harry, this was happening. No matter how much it hurt.

"This is your baby," the doctor said, "by the looks of it you're about 4 weeks along. It seems perfectly healthy and we'll be able to tell the gender by around 5 months." He studied the screen a little bit longer, "Would you like a picture?"

"Two please. Oh, and I never caught your name." I said

"Dr. Adams. My apologies," He said, "Also I suggest you talk things over with who I presume was the father. Am I right?"

I nodded.

"See me in a few days and then we can discuss medications and such. I'll also give you another ultrasound and see if there is anything special you'll need for your circumstance. Please try not to stress too much, as it's not good for the baby." Dr. Adams handed me a towel to wipe off the gel, "Let me get your pictures and my phone number for emergincies and you'll be good to go."

"Thank you"

I wiped the gel off of me and pulled my shirt back down. So much has just happened.

Why am I so happy about this?

Of course I'm shocked, but Harry and I have our own flesh and blood! All us! No surrogates or adopted kids. Yeah maybe it kinda early but there's nothing to stop it now unless I do the unthinkable. I look down at my still flat stomach and think about how I'm gonna do this on my own. I want this baby to have the best life I can give him or her. And we may not have Harry, my breath hitched at the thought of him, but me and this baby, we have each other. And It is what it is.



So thats that. Chapter 7! Sorry for the wait things kept coming up and I told Julia I wanted to do this chapter. Anyways I hope you like it bc im not sure about it. Plus it was a pain because I had to type one handed. Also check out Julia's story on this account. It's called Shattered. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter!






-M xxxx

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