《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 6


Harry's POV

I was feeling quite happy ever since Zayn kissed me onstage. We don't have to hide anymore. It's nice being free.

I jumped on the couch next to Zayn and tackled him in a hug.

"Hi, Harry." Zayn chuckled.

"Hello, Beautiful." I replied. He grinned at me then lent in for a kiss.

Gosh, his lips are so soft.

I was in a bit of a kinky mood, so I intensified the kiss. I soon found myself cramming my tongue into Zayn's mouth as his hands roamed my chest and stomach. We exchanged moans as our tongues tangled together.

Zayn lay back on the couch and I forced my body between his legs. I trailed sloppy kisses up his neck.

"Harry," He whispered breathy.

"Yeah?" I say back, my lips still against his skin.

"T-Take me to the bedroom."

I reddened and peered up at him. "You mean..."

Zayn nodded. "Make love to me, Harry..."

I smiled then picked him up and carried him to my bedroom and shut the door

(A/N: I am sorry for the lack of smut, i simply cannot right it and i feel dirty talking abou that subject... sorry! love you all please keep reading. -Julia .xx)


"Good morning, sunshine," Harry greeted with a charming grin as I became concious of my surroundings.

I pressed a chaste morning kiss to his lips, "Good morning,"

Harry's arms encased my body, and he held me. I allowed my eyes to flutter shut as Harry's soft lips peppered kisses down my neck.

Mid-kiss, I felt a stirring in my tummy. I knitted my eyebrows together and placed my hand over it.

"What's wrong, Babe?" Harry whispered in concern.


Without answering his question, I hopped up and sprinted to the toilet. Not much later I was hydro-pumping into the bowl. This process continued for a full miserable moment.

With wobbly arms, I pushed myself away from the toilet and yanked the handle, flushing away the revolting substance that had just poured itself out of my body.

"Zayn, sweetheart, are you okay?" Harry posed on entering the bathroom.

I let out a puffy breath and nodded, "Morning sickness,"

Harry frowned, "I'm sorry, Babe. Maybe it was something you ate?"

Frustrated slightly, I shrugged. "I don't know. I just hope it doesn't happen again. That was bloody disgusting,"


I woke up with an awful, familiar sensation in my stomach. I sat straight up and placed my hands over it. I waited a moment to see if it would pass, but after a few seconds I felt myself beginning to vomit. I quickly jumped up and jogged to the toilet and hurled. It seemed like I was puking for 5 minutes when I felt a warm hand on my back.

"Zayn, Babe, are you alright?" Harry asked, concerned.

I flushed the toilet then put the seat down and sat on the lid. I shook my head and held my stomach. "My stomach’s acting up again."

I had experienced the joys of morning illness many times within the last couple weeks. I'd wake up every other day and empty my stomach, which had also been killing me lately. It constantly hurt, and sometimes if felt like a punch to the gut. Harry took one of my hands in his and rubbed the back of it with his thumb.

"Do you think you're just sick?" Harry inquired, looking at my stomach quizzically.


"I don't know what's wrong with me, but I want to see a doctor. This isn't normal." I told him.

"I'm sorry, Babe." Harry whispered. He brushed my hand away and lifted up my shirt. He left soft kisses over my exposed stomach. I smiled.

"Let's go."


I was sat on the bed-thing-dealy at the hospital with my legs crossed and my hand in Harry's. They had just run some tests on me and we were waiting impatiently for the results.

"I'm sure you're just fine, Baby." Harry assured, pressing kisses to my knuckles.

"I hope so,"

After a few more excruciating minutes, the doctor walked back in with a clip-board in his hand. His expression was perplexed and he sat down on his chair in front of Harry and I.

"Well, Zayn. This is a particularly strange scenario. I've never seen anything quite like it before, but based on all the tests we performed, there's only one explanation to your symptoms."

"Okay... What's wrong with me?" I demanded impatiently.

"Uhm..." the doctor began again, scratching the top of his partially bald head. He looked at me. "You're pregnant."


A/N: Hiiiiiiiiii . so, this is where the main plot of the story begins. my fetus is inside Zayn Malik's tummy... and now I'll add that to the list of 'Sentences I Never Thought I'd Say'. so, anyways, stay tuned on the story, I don't really know who's updating it next, so yeah. love you all. sorry this chapter is short!


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