《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 5


Harry's POV

-two months later-

The boys and I were in the middle of a concert. I stood onstage, looking out at the sea of faces. It felt like there were a million girls in the arena. I smiled to myself then turned my attention to my beautiful boyfriend.

I got goose bumps listening to Zayn sing. His voice is pure perfection, just like him. I love hearing him sing his solo in Little Things.

Throughout the whole song, Zayn and I exchanged glances. I couldn't stop myself from smiling every time those warm brown eyes met my own. I wish everyone knew. Then I could just walk over and kiss him.

We were meant to keep our relationship a secret, as management thought we'd lose fans over the idea of 2/5 of us were gay.

I don't see what the big problem is with being gay. I'd be able to share my relationship with the fans if I had a girlfriend. I don't think that someone's sex should make that much of a difference. I fell in love with a person; not a gender.

Nevertheless, we followed their orders and kept our mouths shut about us. I guess things could be worse; at least Zayn is mine.

I was so deep in thought that I nearly missed my solo. I quickly, and awkwardly, put the mic up to my lips and sang my bit. I peered over at Zayn to find him watching me with a smile. Our eyes met and I sang straight to him. "You're perfect to me..." I winked at him.

Zayn chuckled then looked away from me. I smiled and continued singing. As the song came to an end, we all came down to the front part of the stage. Liam talked, we sang Teenage Dirtbag, and then we got to Kiss You. This was a particularly interesting bit of the show.


As Zayn started out the song, I walked to him and draped my arm around his shoulders. He looked at me while singing, then the song went to my solo. I sang back to him and we both had a laugh. It was all fun until we got to the very end of the song.

"And let me kiss you!" I sang.

Out of nowhere, Zayn did the unthinkable. The thing that management percieved as terrible, evil, horrible, devil-like, etc. The thing that would take away my promiscuous image forever, and shatter Zayn's bad-boy kind of reputation.

He kissed me.

Zayn kissed me. Full lip-on-lip action. Right in front of 13,000 fans, all waving their smart-phones in the air and in front of the camera crews and press.

On instinct I kissed back, but Zayn quickly separated his lips from mine. I only got a glimpse of his wide-eyed, shocked reaction to what he had done before he sprinted off stage.

"Zayn, wait!" I called after him, but he was gone.

Zayn's POV

I darted off the stage as fast as I could, leaving behind the crowd of bewildered crowd of fans. Everyone was completely silent. I can't believe I would do something that stupid.

I flung open my dressing room door then slammed it shut. I didn't want to be seen by anyone. I was scared. I knew that my actions would have consequences, and I wanted to escape them. I wanted to hide somewhere forever.

As I leant my back flat against the door, I heard someone twist the doorknob.

"Zayn, Babe, open the door." Harry's voice said.

I sniffled then turned and let him inside. I didn't even know I was crying until I felt tears trickle down my cheeks.

"Zayn," Harry whispered softly as his placed his large hands on my cheeks. He brushed away some tears with his thumbs then kissed my forehead. I threw my arms around his torso and shoved my face in his chest.


"I'm so sorry," I cried out. "I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to..."

Harry rubbed my back softly and hushed me. "It's alright, Baby. Noones angry with you. You haven't done anything wrong."

"I k-kissed you, though. Everyone will know about us now." I stammered, fisting the back of his white t-shirt as tears continued flowing.

"That's nothing to apologise for. I reckon now's a good of a time as any to tell the fans. They deserve to know. We can't hide forever." Harry reasoned.

I lifted my head towards him. I felt my knees weaken at the sight of his breathtaking smile. I grinned back at him. "You're right."

Harry nodded then kissed my lips softly. "Stop crying," he whispered. "You're too beautiful to cry."

"You're sweet," I commented with a smile. "I love you."

"I love you more." Harry replied with a cheeky grin.

"I love you most."

Harry rolled his eyes then simpered at me. "Let's go give them an explanation as to why you just kissed me."

We shared another sweet kiss then made our way back onto the stage; fingers intertwined tightly around one another’s.

I could tell Harry was nervous. He may be putting up a brave front, but that didn't stop his green eyes from enlarging and his fingers form trembling ever so slightly. I squeezed his hand for reassurance.

We strolled out of stage, still hand in hand. Niall winked at the both of us as he handed Harry a microphone. He cleared his throat then spoke up. "Erm... So, basically, like... Zayn and have been dating for a few months now... but, I've been in love with him since X-Factor. Zayn is my everything. I love him with everything in me. I hope you can accept our relationship, because there's no person in that would that could make me happier, or that I'd rather be with than Zayn. He's perfect to me... Thank you."

The crowd was going mad. I'd expected hate-filled boos and negative comments, but the fans all screamed out positive things, or just screamed in general.

They were cheering; for him, for me, for us.

I smiled then looked over to a rosy-cheeked Harry, handing me the microphone. I leaned up on my tippy-toes and pecked his cheek, causing him to blush even more. I chortled then began my mini-speech.

"Right, yeah, as Harry said, we've been dating for quite some time now. Today is actually our 2 month anni. Thank you to those who support us. And to those who don't, I'm sorry. But we don't plan on splitting off," I turned to him. "I love you, Harry."

Harry grinned widely, and then bent down, kissing me once again. The crowd seemed to cheer even louder. I was the happiest man alive. I hugged my boyfriend tightly as we pulled away. The reaction was completely unexpected, but absolutely amazing.

With Harry's muscular arm around my waist, he spoke into the microphone. "Let's get on with the show, shall we?"


A/N: Hello, everyone. So, I hope you liked this chapter, as there was much kissing and my fathers proclaimed their undying love for each other. I may or may not post another chapter tonight, I might try and get one done real quick but no promises. Thanks for reading, Loves. Keep being beautiful.


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