《Julia (Zarry MPreg)》Chapter 3


I was sat in Lou's car gazing out the window. He'd talked me into doing it. I'm gonna tell him the truth. I don't care what happens. The weight of this is crushing me and it needs to stop. But that fact didn't stop the nerves that were rising within me, making me jittery.

The vehicle came to a stop in front of mine and Zayn's flat. I inhaled deeply. It was now or never. I felt Louis' hand on my shoulder.

"You can do it Harry. Whatever happens I'm here," he grinned at me half-heartedly. "Go on," He said nudging me a bit.

I trudged to the door, trying not to drag my feet. On entering our flat, I felt like I could projectile vomit at any given moment. Reality set in when I found Zayn sitting on the couch, staring off into space. With whatever courage I could muster, I quietly spoke his name. My heart crawled up my throat.


Zayn snapped back into reality and glanced in my direction. His eyes were a light brown and glossy. He looked as if he hadn't slept. "Alright, mate?"

Zayn gave me a weak nod while rubbing his eyes. "I got zero sleepy last night, oddly enough for me. Those horror films messed with my head,"

I chuckled lightly and advanced towards him. I lowered myself onto the couch adjacent to Zayn, "So, uh, I need to tell you something..." I began, gnawing on my bottom lip.

"What is it, Harry," Zayn questioned.

I love how he says my name

"So, basically like... I'm sort of in love with someone..." I glanced up at Zayn, heart thumping erratically in my chest.

"Oh? Who is it?" He inquired hopefully, seeming to be interested in the subject.

I dropped my gaze, "Promise you won't laugh at me?"

"I wouldn't do that, Hazz,"

I took a deep breath then said it. The three little words I've been trying to tell Zayn for two years.

"I love you,"



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