《Memoirs of A Healer/Clinical Social Worker: Autobiography of Bruce Whealton》Chapter 11: After Celta: From Tragic Loss to hope and escape.
In the last chapter, I told you about the joy I found in finding someone to love and someone who loved me. I told you about the experiences I had, and I hope it was clear just how meaningful this was in my life's trajectory. It was so important to present the profound and positive impact this had on my life.
This was life-altering.
The experiences I had growing up, in my home environment were toxic to the development of the kind of self-confidence and self-worth that I would need to achieve my career goals. Something had been missing despite all the improvements I had made in my sense of worth.
It's hard to know what you need to overcome a problem that has existed throughout your life. My therapist or counselor in college was very talented, competent, and profoundly helpful. However, we failed to fully appreciate all the negative impacts of abuse and devaluation that I had experienced in my home life from my parents.
Then I met Celta, and something happened. She seemed to delight in me. She was so interested in my experiences. She also was concerned about my well-being and happiness. I knew she was thinking about me for most of the day each and every day! Her diary-style, stream of consciousness letters told me this.
I knew she was thinking about me for so much of her day, each and every day, because of the letters she wrote to me - her diary of sorts composed with me in mind as someone she wanted to share her life with. I had realized that I previously thought that I was not that important to anyone. This is what I meant by seeking a relationship with some aspect of exclusivity or the idea that I could be the most important person to someone.
I knew that I was the only one that Celta loved the way she loved me. Previously, I had friends, but they all had a boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse or the relationship wasn't as close.
After I was with Celta, I felt like I was ten feet tall... confident... worthwhile, and deserving. My self-esteem was higher than it had ever been in my life. I also felt safe trying new things. This idea might seem unexpected. She was just a small girl (woman). I sensed that she deeply cared about me and thought about me and that was transformative.
It's important to underscore these important points before I move on with this story.
When I say that our relationship was platonic, I mean that we were not boyfriend and girlfriend. We didn't have a physical relationship. That being said, we did exchange "I love you" on a daily basis or whenever we talked on the phone or saw each other. We were close and perhaps somewhat intimate and physical but not in a sexual way.
Late in December, something happened. I had moved to kiss her as I was leaving. It was impulsive. Her lips were so thin that I didn't feel what I imagined I would feel. This was my first kiss. I felt confused. She had not turned away or signaled in any way that she didn't want me to proceed. So, why was I uncertain? I didn't have to be shy with Celta. But I didn't want to use her for my own personal "experience."
I would play this back in my mind as I drove away. Yes, I wanted to kiss her. Having decided now for sure what I wanted, next time I would kiss her.
Sometime later I pictured my face turning to the right and moving closer to her as she moved toward me. I had been in sync with her and felt so comfortable. I knew that she might have said that one time that she was not in love but when we were together there were so many times when she had that look of someone who was so happy, comfortable and it sure looked like she was in love. Well, she definitely had "romantic" feelings.
Also, when I was with her, I could see myself and my feelings. You just know those things. There were so many subtle behavioral cues that told me what she was feeling and how she was responding to my touches... how I held her... where I touched her. Everything had been welcomed. I played back memories of how when I touched her she moved closer to me.
As I replayed the imagined kiss – next time - I would begin to tilt my head to the right, bend down, she would be acting on instinct, without taking the time to over-think it – that's what I would do, and she was my mirror. Sometimes we do things as if the moment is such that it is inevitable. She would move to meet my lips... she would be transfixed upon my eyes and I hers. I felt excited as I replayed this in my mind.
It was as if it had happened already, almost.
It would never happen.
On New Year's Day of 1991, I got the worst news of my life. A phone call. I was in my room on the second floor of the house owned by my parents. "Celta died last night," I was told.
"How?" I asked as if this wasn't possible or real. I was stunned. I wanted my willpower to make it not real!
"There was a fire... she died from smoke inhalation." It started from an exposed electrical cord on a TV.
My mind registered information about the funeral, its location, and time but I could not find the words to begin to convey any sense of what I was feeling. I had spoken a few times to the man previously. He was a friend of the family. Tears were flooding my eyes. I just said, "Okay, I'll be there but I can't talk..." my voice breaking. I needed the family to expect me.
I dropped the phone and began to cry so bitterly.
I hurt so much!
I cried so much as I drove the way to the funeral. Just before the funeral, I looked at the closed casket and was overcome. Someone was standing by it and for a brief second, some part of me wanted to open the casket and find out that it wasn't Celta that was inside.
At the funeral, I cried more than everyone else combined. I didn't care how I looked.
It was at the Episcopalian church where I went with Celta and where I would sit down next to Celta's mother and Celta. I was still Christian, meaning I went to church on a regular basis.
Standing outside after the funeral people were talking. I was looking at the closed casket unable to believe this was real. I was still crying. Celta's mother instructed me not to come to the burial. She could tell that I was not going to make it through that event. My state of mind was such that I needed to be told what I should do now.
At the burial the one person who loved Celta most, who felt a visceral sense of grief above and beyond that felt by the others... that one person would be missing. I would not be there. I had followed the directions of Celta's mother and left Athens (Athens Georgia).
I certainly felt betrayed and abandoned by God. However, I did go to grief counseling at the Catholic hospital in Augusta, Georgia. A nun was leading a grief counseling group – spiritual counseling. She was using guided imagery, relaxation techniques, prayer, and biblical references. I met with her a few times and asked for tape recordings of the sessions.
In the group sessions, she spoke about the stages of grief. We were encouraged to bring in things that were mementos of our experience with our loved ones. I listened intently as others spoke. I was by far the youngest. I had studied the grief process in a psychology class at Georgia Tech. I read some more about this from a "clinical" standpoint. I was keeping reality at a distance.
I was in denial at times and at other times I would be overwhelmed with the idea of not being able to see Celta ever again and I would cry and cry.
So much is strange about this time period. The struggles with my parents were never intentionally instigated by me out of anger for anything. They just seemed uninterested in me and my life, other than to tell me what I ought to do.
I suppose I wanted to share the fact that someone had loved me to explain what had changed. It was surreal that there was such denial that anything had happened or changed. I might be in denial as a symptom of grief but I wanted to celebrate the relationship that I had. Where would I begin?
Family dysfunction and the loss of a relationship with my brother (a flashback) ...
During this time, John, my brother, and I became great friends. He was finishing up high school. Carrie, my sister, had moved up to Connecticut earlier after she was attacked and assaulted by both parents. So much of this time is blurry. Plus, my brother and I drifted apart as adults, so I don't have memories that include him during this time.
During this time, John, my brother, and I became great friends. He was finishing up high school. Carrie, my sister, had moved up to Connecticut earlier after she was attacked and assaulted by both parents. So much of this time is blurry. Plus, my brother and I drifted apart as adults, so I don't have memories that include him during this time.
Maybe I am forcing him out of my mind. Years later his daughter told me that my brother had caused done something that was potentially abusive. Then I saw him throw her up against a wall like she was a rag doll. I asked Child Protective Services to look into the matter.
I expected them to be discreet and assumed they would not reveal who called. I wasn't trying to hurt him and wondered if anything would come of the matter.
My brother found out and never spoke to me again.
I was asked by the agency that looked into the matter to write a piece about the cycle of abuse.
That was in 2002.
"It Shouldn't Hurt to be a Child" - ORIGINAL SONG Child Abuse Awareness ft. Calli Kathleen
And "Luka" by Suzanne Vega
It's bizarre how things happen. He was the only one in the family who got aggressive in response to our parents' physical abuse or threats of violence, but they chose to invite him and his wife to visit on holidays and disinvite me ever since. Our family is so dysfunctional! I have an adult niece who doesn't know anything about me.
Anyway, getting back to 1991, to cope with the tragic loss, I started drinking. A lot.
I was put on a tricyclic anti-depressant by a psychiatrist. I had developed panic attacks as well. The anti-depressant had the effect of creating a sense of positive feelings even with my mother standing there one morning ironing something for work with my father getting ready too. Those fake feelings were only transitory. It is reminiscent of the song by REM titled "It's the end of the world as we know it."... and I feel fine. I guess I felt "high."
The days flowed around me like a mystical experience in which I flowed in and out of my body. I wasn't fully alive or so it seemed... betrayed even by God.
It was all a blur. My entire existence.
Somehow, I did get a job finally that could have made my parents satisfied. Everything was always about them. They never asked about anything that was happening to me. So, they never inquired about why I was going for grief counseling because they had no knowledge of this.
Anyway, I got a job at the National Science Foundation as a contractor. I was developing a network for the museum and that involved network programming in the C programming language. I was a software engineer. I did accomplish a great deal in that job capacity and my supervisor was very impressed with my talents.
Again, this was not at all interesting to me. Yet, I was making sure that I successfully met all deadlines and deliverables.
I vaguely remember a summer trip to Las Vegas. The company paid for this to cover some training related to my work. It was amazing. I had this incredible per-diem rate where I was paid my salary plus extra money for expenses that exceeded the cost of the hotel room.
Vegas was probably the worst place for me to go with so much free cash and free drinks in the casinos. Somehow, I made all the presentations for the training that I was sent there to attend. In the evenings and free time, I hit the casinos and made some decent money. Nothing to write home about. Gin or vodka was an escape but somehow, I didn't drink so much so as to get sick at night or even the next day.
As I try to write this now, I have only momentary snapshots with no full-running narrative memory. Just random disconnected sensations. My hands were unable to touch the leather inside a car. The sun shimmers on the pavement. Casinos. Drinks. Sitting at a poker table. Pulling a lever on a slot machine.
I must have done what was expected of me. I don't remember any complaints from my boss.
Yeah, I moved through time like a robot.
The job was going well, as I said. I was proud of how well I was doing.
I was drinking more and more during this time period after the trip to Las Vegas. Everything except beer. Vodka with tonic or orange juice. Gin and tonic. Whiskey with ice, water, or coke. Not so much wine.
I was passing out and once or twice I would puke. I really hated throwing up, always.
I did meet this girl from the home office of the company that was paying me. She lived in Alabama and I was in Augusta, Georgia and we decided to meet in Atlanta, Georgia where I had graduated not long before that.
My supervisor was joking that I had "jungle fever" because I was a white guy who was going to date a black woman. He was black, as well. I didn't let that bother me. Spike Lee's film "Jungle Fever" had been out, and it was an important film. I have always been fine with having a conversation about race if that was something that was desired.
My mother actually asked about my date. I suppose her name sounded ethnic and my mother asked about that guessing that she might be Italian. I said, "no, she's black."
I remember that this was the first time I kissed anyone other than a brief kiss that Celta and I shared back in December of the last year. I mentioned that above.
This was extremely passionate. She brought her kid and left him in the car and parked near the Student Center - the same building where I worked on the bottom floor in the post office.
We were looking for someplace to sit or be as private as possible outside after dark. I remember making out at a few locations here and there. I could feel her large breasts against me, and I was aroused.
My first passionate kiss. Before Lynn. We'll get to that later.
Did I feel guilty about dating so soon after Celta? Maybe. But I wasn't actually feeling nor was I "aware" during this time period. I was so numb that I needed to feel something. To wake up! I was trying so hard to wake up. The tricyclic antidepressant made me feel good for a few moments. That didn't make it a meaningful experience.
Then later there was the fact that she said in December that she loved me but wasn't in love with me. I had only known her for one year, from January through December 31 or 1990. I do know that countless times she had that look like someone in love when she looked in my eyes. I was fairly certain she was trying to protect me from being hurt. But I never got a chance to ask her.
And that kiss? I had stopped, not her. It was my first time kissing anyone and I should have been aware that her lips were so small that if I didn't feel anything at first I should wait or stay there. I was always comfortable with Celta. She had never rejected any of my touches.
My mother had made me feel so not okay and so had my father somewhat. This "date" was a way to get out of the home and to appear normal to my mother. If I was going out with someone from the company that employed my services, it made me appear less worthy of the criticism I had been getting from my parents. That's how I figured it. It was an escape.
Some people with Borderline Personality Disorder or trauma disorders will cut their own skin with razors or something sharp just to feel something. The date was something like that.
There wasn't a second date. I had expressed my concerns about pre-marital sex. We weren't even in a committed relationship. I drove to Atlanta to meet her for a second date, but she never showed. I was frustrated out of embarrassment. Then I just forgot the entire matter by the next day and never thought about the matter further.
The various medications and the alcohol impeded grieving and dare I say reality testing. People who are grieving are in such a state of denial that it is almost like a temporary psychosis. From what I was reading and hearing in the stories of grief that I studied, "normal," healthy people did for a while embrace denial to such an extent that it bordered on delusional thinking.
The loss of Celta could not be washed away with alcohol, grief counseling, or an intimate date.
Poetry as an outlet...
I can thank my mother for introducing me to Martin Kirby, who went to our church and he was a professor of English Literature and related subjects at a college in Augusta, Georgia. He would become my writing/poetry mentor.
I would show up on a regular basis for poetry readings where I shared my poetry and got feedback, advice, and guidance on writing good poetry. He also heard me write about my experiences with Celta and listened to my experiences. This was very helpful because I had no other outlet for this or place to talk about Celta and my relationship with her.
I was living in a difficult environment with my parents. I was dealing with a major tragedy and yet the name Celta wasn't even being mentioned.
Between drinking, the different medications I was put on, and the panic attacks, I had to go to the Emergency Room (ER) on two occasions.
The psychiatrist tried me on a major tranquilizer, and I had these horrifying muscle spasms that twisted my body up into contortions that made me think my bones were going to be broken in my neck and elsewhere. The doctor said that in higher doses the drug is used for psychotic disorders but somehow it would help with my depression, I guess. That was the reason I was taken to the ER once. My father took me.
Another time I had a panic attack and again my father took me to the ER. It's strange that they weren't asking why all this was happening. Nothing like this had ever happened to me. NEVER!
The only ones listening to my stories about Celta were Martin Kirby and his wife as well as the attendees at the grief support group. Again, my parents were not interested to learn anything about this matter. They never seemed to have any awareness that I was even going to grief counseling.
Villainess, Retry!
Rosalie Edgeworth: Janet Fleming’s two-faced nemesis. After another of Rosalie’s schemes gets Janet in trouble with her soon-to-be ex-fiancé, Janet’s life in high society hits rock-bottom. But the disillusioned Janet finds strength in her ghost-clones and in various allies she never thought she had, who all show her the truth about her fate. Beyond the two-faced vixen that Janet has come to loathe, Janet’s fate points to a conspiracy of old grudges that have manifested themselves in the deaths of her clones, of her mother, and other past candidates for the title of Saintess.
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Advin Martin being the first born is next in line to be an Alpha, all his life he had dreamed to be a good leader just like his father but one fateful night turns his life upside down! He doesn't know the word heartache, not until he looses something so precious that was landed in his arms by Fate itself... Jasmine Summers, when she looses everything she knows she finds something in return from people unknown to her. All her life she tries to get accepted within the pack she lives with but fails. It saddens her but that's nothing compared to the pain she feels when the one person who should stand with her doesn't even acknowledge her existence. While the wolf within fights with his human side, the human restrains his wolf as well as his feelings in the name of doing the right thing. But the human side forgot that a pack cannot be run properly without a strong Alpha and for an Alpha to be strong and at his best, he needs a mate...one who silently supports him whether he knows it or not! Affection Series:- 1) Mate's Affection 2) Warrior's Affection 3) Restrained Affection 4) Sweet Affection 5) Devil's Affection
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𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗙𝗲𝗹𝗶𝘅 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗸 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲, 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝘂𝗽 𝗶𝗻 𝗯𝗮𝗱 𝗯𝗼𝘆 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻'𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗱.《𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆》
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Looking at the motivational poster, I couldn't stop myself from snorting at the ridiculousness of it all. 'Why fit in, when you were born to stand out?' Who ever came up with that masterpiece was clearly not a wolf-shifter or had ever been a teenager. I would have killed to fit in - literally.----When you're a single, twenty-four year old wolf-shifter, that is unable to actually shift, pack is the over extended family you try to avoid at Christmas. No matter how hard she has tried to blend in, Samara Franklin has been cursed with not only the inability to shift, but to be what is termed a 'lone wolf'. She has no desire to be one of the pack, to follow her alpha's lead and has always preferred her own company over that of her family. For a race that is so co-dependent on one another, Samara just isn't. Yet it's more than that, Samara knows it, feels it, but what exactly it is, is something she has been unable to discover. Now with reports of someone hunting her kind, could the answers she's been looking for finally be found?
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"When I'm around you, my tainted soul is at peace and you bring me to climax with just the sound of your voice. You are truly my sweetest escape."
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