《Sessions With Love ² ✓》Chapter 38



Chapter 38

|Marriage proposal|


I watch with wonder as Silas goes down on one knee and opens up a small box which he holds in his hand. I gasp when he opens it and the prettiest ring I have ever laid my eyes on is in there, and it greets me with this warm welcome. I stare into his kohl black eyes as my own ones get tears in them. I know what he's doing. He's proposing to me. He is actually going to ask me to marry him. This happiness flows everywhere inside me as I can't wait until I say yes to his question.

"Leanna" He begins, and I find myself on my toes waiting for him to say the next words. The smile on my face is so big that I hope that the whole world can see it is so that they would know that I am going to spend the rest of my like with the man that I love. I love him more than anything in the world. The glee is the same one on my face and that is on his face as we both feel the same happiness to start our lives together.

"From the moment that I saw you, I wanted nothing more than to hold you in my arms. To free you from your demons and become your safe haven. I hated it. I hated that I wanted you more than just your body. I was cruel to you. Only to cover up that I truly have always wanted to have you. You showed me time and time again that you are the smartest, and the most beautiful woman this world has ever seen" Silas says. His eyes sparkle with love, and it can be seem everywhere on his face.

"You were the light that brought me back into the world, I was lost and all alone before I met you. I was cruel and evil, and while I would destroy the whole world just to hold you in my arms and kiss your tender lips, I would. I would kill every single person on this planet just to be with you. Leanna, you have made me the better man. A man that I never thought I could become" Silas says to me. A tear slips down from my eyes so softly and silently, and yet they hold so much emotion.

His words are so beautiful, I can't even believe that there are words that beautiful. I find that I just want to kiss him ad hold him and be with him and marry him and love him forever and ever. Nothing more. I just need him and only him. Silas is all that matters to me. "You make me feel like I want to give then world to you and I will. I will show you that the world is yours and yours alone, dear Leanna" Silas says to me, his sot voice finding its way to me and to my heart.

His words are so gentle and kind. "Leanna, I love you more than the sun and the moon and this earth. I love you with my whole rotten heart and I would rip it out of my chest and hand it to you if I could. If you asked me to give you my heart, I would rip it out only for you. I would happily give my life for you, Leanna. You are the light that I will forever love and hold against me. And, I, for one, cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Leanna Russell, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?" Silas asks me.


In the distance I can hear the clock chiming that it is about to reach midnight, but I don't care about the clock or about anything. I just care about Silas right now and his words. The tears are falling down my face. I don't care how I look nor that the make-up that I could be wearing is all over the place. None of that matters. The words that Silas hand said are the most beautiful words that I have ever heard in my life.

The language has bowed down before Silas and gifted him the words that describe everything that he feels inside his chest and I can understand it and I feel the same way about him as he feels about me. Silas is not a man that is known for his words, when we met he barely spoke at all. And when he did, it was mostly insults and such, but over time he learned that he did not need to be afraid to speak about his feelings, that he is allowed to be human too.

I let out a breath as I hold his hand tighter, the only thing that has been my rock through this journey of words which he has given me. They make me stay here and not get lost in the letters. Tear them apart and look at them closely, to see that Silas truly means them and these words are coming from the heart. The heart that I know belongs to me, just as my heart is Silas' and his alone. No one else can have it and no one else can ever possess it but Silas.

His question of asking me to marry him? There really is only one answer to that question. There is not another word for it and there never has been. Those who have designed that there is, are wrong. I had already made up my mind before Silas even asked me and before this night. I don't need a true proposal to tell me that I want to spend the rest of my life with him because I do. Having said that, I would not change this for the world. The world is gone for all I care for.

When look into his eyes, I can see the future in them. The future where we are together and living as one. I can see it so clearly now. I can imagine the future with just the two of us and a happy life ahead of us. The adventures that we will have the and laughter and josh that we will share along with the love that we have between us. All of it I can see vividly and clearly in my head, knowing that he can see the same thing in his head. The future where the two of us are bonded with the strongest bond of them all.

I open my mouth to speak the one word that will change the future. "Ye-" I begin to say. The sound is the first thing that greets me. The sound of a bullet firing from a gun. It happens so fast when I see Silas fall down to the floor in front of me. A scream comes around me, and it takes me some seconds to realize that it was me who screamed. I watch as he slowly falls down. I jump out of my chair to catch him, but he has already hit the floor. The box he held and the ring falls right off and goes somewhere. It doesn't matter now.

The blood surrounds him as our eyes meet. When Silas tries to hide it, I can see the pain in his eyes. I can see that he's hurting. I look, around his body for the sign of the injury. I gasp when I see that it is so close to his heart. I know he did mean when he said he would rip his heart out, but I thought he meant when we are old and gray and when he doesn't need his heart anymore. Not now when I need him.


Silas is barely breathing, and it sounds like he's choking almost. His hand tries to move up, and he touches my cheek. I can see in his eyes that he's trying to tell me he loves me, but he can't. "You won't die, Silas. The only one that is allowed to kill you, is me. And I'm not done with you. Do you hear me?" I ask him. I watch as his eyes are starting to close. This can't be happening. I won't allow this to happen.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no" I say over and over again as I find a bullet hole. I am far too lost in trying to help him that I don't even notice that men have surrounded us. Their guns pointed at me. I look up and glare at them and the anger rise within my bones. I take Silas' gun which I know he hid in his waistband and point it at them. They have me surrounded, but that won't stop me from shooting a couple of them while I go down.

"That won't do it, little girl" A voice says, a voice that I can swear I have heard before. I turn my head to look at the one that spoke. I gasp when I see a literal ghost standing there. The smirk o his face suggest he's real, but he isn't. He is supposed to be dead, I think. "How is this possible?" I ask. Staring at a man that I have not seen for months. The Warden. He is standing there in the flesh. I can vaguely remember that I was told he died. Those who died usually stay dead.

The Warden takes a step towards me. Silas said he was my father. My real father, but none of that makes sense. I hold the gun pointed at him and I take the softy off. "I will shoot you" I warn him. He doesn't know what I am capable, and I will shoot him if he takes another step closer. He doesn't. I hold Silas and I make sure he is alive, looking over at him every few seconds but still keeping the Warden close in my vision. The Warden is still smirking and when he thinks he has won, he has created a war.

"You're supposed to be dead" I say to him. He chuckles at me. "Well, yes, some might say that. And put down the gun, little girl, shooting me will only shoot you" He says to me. He's all confident. "Then shoot me. I dare you" I say to him. I give him a wild grin. I may have lost the voices to guide me, but I still learned a thing or grow about scaring men and I know that better than anyone. "You don't fear being shot?" He asks me. The Warden is given em strange vibes that I never thought he could give.

"My ex-fiancé shot me in the stomach once, I asked him to. When you ask me if I don't fear getting shot, I could tell you that I am afraid and beg for mercy. Or I could do something about it, like this" I say and without a second thought I shoot him in the knee. The sound echoes around us, but it only makes me smirk. I have figured out something that he thinks I do not know. He needs me for something. Alive and he won't shoot me no matter what I do.

Even now when I have shot him, and he falls down to the ground, the men around me aren't shooting me. "I will kill each and every one of you. Starting with you" I say to him. The smirk is gone from his face. There is fear. "And you were supposed to be my father" I say to him. This makes him chuckle, the sound is horrible since he's also in pain. That part I don't mind that much. He then bursts out laughing as if the pain doesn't even bother him any longer, though his bleeding knee suggest otherwise.

"Oh, little girl, you still don't know. The Warden as he calls himself is indeed your father, but he has been dead for months. As children, we always looked alike. He and I. Used to confuse our foster parents. But, he was always the weaker twin. Never had the guts to do anything. Not even protect his so-called family" He says to me. My eyes widen when he says those words. The Warden has a brother, a twin brother. They look exactly alike. I stare at him with confusion. If he is the Warden's brother then that would make this man... My uncle.

I look at Silas once more to see that his eyes are closed, I can hear that he breathes. It's faint, and it sounds like he has a hard time even breathing. But, he's alive and that is all that matters. "Was this your plan? Killing Silas and then leave?" I ask him. The other's, Silas's men are coming. I know they will be here soon enough. And when they find these men here they will kill them and Silas will be safe. The man laughs again. "Family is the strongest bond of all. And it would appear that I have a niece. Now it's time for you to join the family business" He says.

I glare at him with such hatred. Not only has he harmed the man that I love, but he also wants me to go with him. I'm not going anywhere. Least of all with him. "If you think I am going with you, then you're more stupid than I thought" I tell him. "I will shoot you again" I tell him. He's still on the ground, and he is at my mercy. He has been shot while I remain standing and better than ever. Minus the fact that Silas has been shot, and I feel like I am about to kill every single person in here.

I could kill them all if I had enough bullets in this gun. I don't have the opportunity to find more guns that I know Silas has on his body right now. I am already standing and if they realize that I were trying to get another gun, they will shoot me. "I don't doubt that, little girl. But, that won't change your DNA. This was what you were always meant to do" He says. He really must be asking something strong to believe that.

Trying to not think about Silas dying not that far away from here is worse than anyone. "My DNA is no concern of yours and besides it's mine. I can do whatever I want and there is nothing that you can do about it" I tell him. Using the table and throwing things on the ground, where the plates smash and everything goes to the ground. He stands up. He doesn't rest on his injured knee, and it has started to bleed quite a lot. "Wanna bet?" He asks me with a wild look in his eyes.

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