《Sessions With Love ² ✓》Chapter 36



Chapter 36

|Car ride and empty restaurant|


My eyes meet Silas' kohl black eyes as soon as I walk out of the front doors, they are the very first things that I am met with once I do step outside. I see the happiness glow in his eyes once he sees me. "You look stunning, love" He says to me, almost as if he can't even put his thoughts into words. I smile at him as I walk over to him. Looking Silas at up and down I see that he is wearing a suit, a new one, and it doesn't have any wrinkles or anything for that matter.

The suit is black and it is really nice. "And you look handsome" I say to him. Not even certain how I can even say that he looks amazing, I just want him again and again and again. I need him and his suit makes things worse and yet better at the same time. He smirks as he offers me his arm. "I know... I know" He says. I giggle as I take his arm, and he leads me to his car. He opens the door for me and I get in, he then closes the door and goes to the other side, the driver's side and gets into the car.

"I'm really excited, I've never been to a dinner date before" I say to Silas as he starts driving. He chuckles. "Trust me, Leanna, this one you will remember for the rest of your life" He says to me and there is a hint of playfulness in his voice. It's clear to me that he has some things planned. What those things are, I don't know, but I am eager to find out. "If I'm with you, then it's impossible to forget anything" I tell him, despite science saying that I can't remember everything that happens to me.

He doesn't look at me since he's driving, but I can tell that he wants to. "What happens during a dinner date?" I ask him. "I know that we are supposed to have dinner but what is the date part of it and how does it play into it?" I add. Silas chuckles as his one hand goes over to hold mine. "Well, we will have dinner. What happens next is the mystery of the date" He says to me and smirks, knowing that I would be watching him.

"Well I'm just glad that we're going to be walking into this mystery together" I say. He rolls his eyes. "You dot' event ant to pressure me to ask what it is and where we're going?" He asks me. I raise an eyebrow and give him a confused look. "Why would I do that? It's much more fun to wait and see instead of being impatient" I tell him, even when I really want to know. Trina said that this would be perfect, and I don't want anything to ruin it, not even myself when I'm impatient.

Everyone knows that I'm not the most patient person in the world, some have found out the hard way by their blood on the wall. "You really are different" Silas mutters. I did hear it, and it makes my heart beat faster inside my chest. Just hearing that one word. Different. Makes me want to kiss him and be in his arms, it melts my heart and I don't even know how or why, and maybe I don't need to know the answer to those questions as I just need to feel it deep inside my heart.


"All right, strange question; is the world round or flat?" I ask Silas as we are driving, have been for about seven minutes or so. Silas gives me an odd look when he can. "It's round, Leanna" He answers and I sigh in relief. "Good. Because I'm not going to be with anyone that says the earth is flat because it isn't" I tell him. I, once had a session with a man that was convinced the earth was flat, even when it had been proven that the earth is round. "Can I ask you a weird question?" Silas asks me.

I giggle. "You just did" I say to him. He laughs. "You know what I mean. If you had to choose between a normal life out in the world or a life with me which is filled with danger, what would you choose?" Silas asks me. I find that I'm a bit offended by that questions since he doesn't know the answer. I scoff. "Naturally I would choose the life with you. I would choose any life with you, if it meant that I would be with you then I would choose it" I tell him, and nothing on this round earth can change my mind about that.

"I love you, Silas, and there is nothing that you or your life can do to make me love you any less. I will choose you again and again for the rest of my life. I don't care if your life is messy, but what life isn't? My lie isn't perfect, and you're here with me. You love me and I love you" I say to him. I know from our sessions that Silas does have trust issues and there are some things that must have happened in the past that has made him doubt everything that he has.

If he has the light then he will doubt that he even has it in the first place. I really don't want him to think that. I'm not going anywhere. I will follow him to a cliff and even jump with him, holding his hand and making sure that we are there for each other. To the end. Because I love him more than ever and there is no one that can ever say that I don't. Because I would do anything for him, no matter how evil it may be, I would do it. For him.

"Why did you ask me that question?" I ask him. As I think about my answer to his question, I think about why he even had asked me this. Silas knows more than anyone that I love only him and that our love is strong enough to survive anything. There is no change that I would ever throw any of that away to live a normal life. I don't even know what a normal life is or what that feels like. "Just curious" He answers, why do I get the feeling that there is more to it than that?

We are driving into the town, I realize that. I don't know where it is that we are going. Though that can easily be blamed on the fact that I don't know my way around this time since I've not come here that often anyway, and I don't really have that much to do in this town. As we are driving, I become more eager to where it is that we're going. I don't think that Adam took me on any dinner dates, and if he did, they were so boring that I don't even remember them at all.


I notice as I am looking at Silas that he does have a hidden gun. It's not very much hidden since I was able to spot it. "Why did you take a gun with you to dinner?" I ask him. Even when I already know the answer to that question and if I didn't, it would be the simplest in the world to figure lout the answers anyway. Silas shrugs. "Why now? We never know when danger is around" He says to me, as if it were the most casual thing in the world, and it really is.

"I'm just sad I don't have one" I say, and he bursts out laughing. I love his laugh. Something about it makes me feel completed and alive, and it makes me glow. "Don't worry, Leanna, I have one for you... just in case" He says. I smile. Really wanting to hug him at the moment. Silas always has a couple of guns on him wherever be goes. I'm not even surprised if he has a gun while we sleep, for emergencies. Like he said one never knows when danger is lurking around everywhere and there is no way to tell when you need a gun and when you don't.

"All right, where here" He says to me. I look out the window as he is parking the car in front of this grand restaurant. It would appear that it's not that famous since we're the only car in the parking lot. Then again it doesn't matter if it is famous or not, as long as the two of us are together and spending time together and just falling in love all over again. None of it matters if it is grand or pretty, we just need us and that is what matters most.

Silas opens the door for me of the car and helps me out of it. He leads me to the front door and once again opens the door for me. I just send him a smile, hoping that he can see the love that I feel for him in my eyes. This night is going to be perfect. That I know. Like I said, I just need Silas and everything will be all right. "This place is so big" I say as I look around. Right when we enter there is this huge empty space in the middle and then a large staircase.

We walk towards the staircase. "I have never seen a restaurant that doesn't have any tables" I say, and he chuckles. I don't mention that I have never seen that many restaurants in my life, or any for that matter "It does have tables, they're just somewhere else. This will come into play later" He says to me. When I look at his face and met his kohl black eyes, I wonder what he means by that, as there is still mystery that hangs around him. I do like that and I like this side of him.

"So you have this all planned out?" I ask him as I raise an eyebrow at him. Silas gives me an odd look. "Maybe, you'll never know" He says. We make it to the top of the staircase, which was not that hard since I'm only wearing sneakers. Trina and I soon figured out that I will break my neck if I even attempt to walk in high heels. I did try to put them on but as soon as I stood up, I nearly fell. If it had not been for the bed post, I would've.

I gasp when I see that nearby the staircase in the middle of a large space is a table. Behind it is a large heart which has these lights. We walk towards the table that is in the middle of the floor for some reason, I don't know why. "It's beautiful" I say as I look down. The table has a white tablecloth with rose petals on top of it. There are candles on top of it and all of this just looks so romantic, and I really like it. None of it is over the top and neither too little. It's perfect for us.

"Who knew that the great Silas is such a romantic" I say. He smirks at me as he pulls my chair out for me and when I have seated he pushes it forward to the table. "There is a lot of things that they don't know about me" He says and smirks. He takes his seat and I roll my eyes. He does have a gigantic ego sometimes, or all the time. "People say I'm great?" He asks me and I laugh. "They mean sarcastically" I tell him. Watch as his smirk only grows and this playful look comes across his face.

"Oh, is that so?" He asks me and narrows his eyes. I just give him an innocent smile. "I mean they think that, but they haven't been with you, not really" I say. I can see a smile form on his lips, one that I do like seeing on his face and I wish it would stay there forever. Unfortunately he only has that smile on when he's around which on the other hand does make me feel more special than anyone can ever know, I am special to him.

"Shall we order?" He asks me and I nod my head. I have these butterflies in my stomach and have had them this entire time, and yet I find that they don't bother me that much. I know in my heart that everything is going to be all right. Silas, the man that has my heart is here by my side (across the table but still) now and forever. On the side are two menus that we each pick and open it. I nearly roll my eyes when I see all of my favorite foods on the menu. I look up and raise an eyebrow.

"Did you have a menu made with all my favorite food?" I ask him. He chuckles. "What else?" He asks, a question that I know that I am not meant to answer. I give him a smile. This man truly is the best one in the world. There is no one that can ever change my mind about that. "How am I ever going to choose?" I ask the both of us. I look down and since all of this is my favorite, I don't know how I will choose what I want. We might be here all night.

Silas doesn't say anything, but I do catch his smile as he too is deciding what he wants to have. "I think I'm globing for the hamburger and fries" I say to him, and he laughs. "I will go with the chicken salad" Silas says, and I giggle. "I love that one" I say, and he chuckles. "I know" He says. "Do you want to do the honors?" He asks me and refers to a small bell that is on the table. I have been wondering what that bell does. I nod as I gently press the bell. It doesn't make a sound.

"Did I break it?" I ask. This question makes Silas nearly burst out laughing, I can definitely see the glee in his eyes and his face so calm and collected. "No, Leanna, you didn't break it. It's connected wirelessly to the kitchen where it will let the waiter know to come to us" Silas says. "Oh, that makes so much more sense" I say and find that my cheeks redden. But, as I meet his kohl black eyes I find that this night is already as perfect as perfect can get, nothing can ever ruin it. Only, when that thought came to my head, I had no idea what was about to happen before the clock struck midnight.

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