《Sessions With Love ² ✓》Chapter 35



Chapter 35

|Waking up in happiness|


Waking up in the arms of the man that I love is everything that I have ever wanted. This calm feeling takes over me as he holds me tingly upon against his body, not tight enough to hurt me but enough for me to know whom I belong to. Our naked bodies are holding each other as we have been doing this entire night, and the smile on my face shows just how much I've him. I turn my head to look at him, his sleeping face that is so calm and collected, as if nothing in the world can harm him.

And nothing will. Not while I'm here. I take a look at his face to see the peace that has come across it. Truly Silas looks like he has found himself in a dream. It's a sight that I like seeing. Now, he's not the man that has the world on his shoulders, and he doesn't need to think about who to kill or who is trying to kill him. This moment, Silas is simply a man that is dreaming and holds the woman that he loves in his arms, happily.

I never want this moment to end, I don't want it to be ruined. Everything has been going on lately and for once I just want to cherish this one moment that I have with the man that I have fallen so deeply in love with. I don't want it to be over as soon as it has begun. Still, even I know that reality is far from granting wishes and soon this moment will come to an end. That won't stop me from enjoying it though. All that I do is look at Silas with a smile as he sleeps.

We had spent the night in each other's arms and feeling the pleasure run through our bodies. It was so magical and special, and I still can't believe that I got to experience it with Silas, the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with. We did not get much sleep per se, but that doesn't matter to me. When I am with him nothing else but him matters, and I find that everything becomes lost. The love that I hold for Silas is just far too strong and powerful yet never would I want to change it for the world.

There is nothing that I would have changed in my life because everything that has happened to me made me meet him, and it is the cause of that which I love him so. Without any of it, I know that I would have never met Silas and fallen so hard for him. The things that happened to me as a child, the fire that I was in and the trauma that Silas said I have been through, that all happened to me for a reason and one reason alone. That reason has a name; Silas.

His eyes flutter open and meet mine, the moment only grows longer as the seconds disappear into oblivion and will remain lost. "Good morning" I whisper to him. The glee in my eyes he can see, and I can see the joy in his eyes once they have met mine. Both of us feel like we have found eternal peace and I can tell that Silas doesn't want this moment to end, neither one of us does. His hand runs along my body, making my skin warm for his touch. Until he reaches where there tattoo of the heart is.


He traces it and its sends these shivers down my spine, it is not shivers of fear but rather ones of happiness and joy and his touch. He makes me feel things that no one else can. "When did you get it?" He asks me as he looks down at my chest where the tattoo is. The heart shaped tattoo is so beautiful, and I admire it each and every time that I can. "Not long ago. I took Trina with me to the tattoo shop and got it, and I should tell you to never go there, the workers are quite rude" I tell him.

Remembering what I did, and I feel happy that I did do it. I may not know what they had planned, but they failed and have paid the price for it. One that I enjoyed inflicting. "It suits you" He whispers to me. His heavy British accent always gets to me, and it makes my heart beat faster. That is just how much I care for him and love him, he makes me fall deeper in love with him each time that I am near him, hear his voice, think of him and catch his stare.

"What does it mean?" He asks me, I know that he has many tattoos and while some of them have taken the shape of some objects or something like that, it can mean something completely different. "Love" I answer. It isn't anything different than that, and not even more complicated than that one four-letter word. The emotion that I feel so strongly inside my chest when I'm around him. He leans down and kisses the tattoo. His lips warm when they touch my bare flesh and I find that my breath is taken away from me by him.

"I love you" He whispers to me as our eyes once again look into one another. When we look into each other's eyes the world becomes lost, and it is only the two of us here. Nothing else maters and nothing else exists but the two of us, and that is how I like it. "I love you" I whisper to him. It is the truth in its purest form and there is nothing that anyone can do to change that emotion that I feel for him. "I love you more than anything" He says to me as he once again holds me tight to his body as if he were cherishing me and keeping me safe from anything.

"Have dinner with me tonight" Silas says. I giggle and nearly roll my eyes. "The day has just begun, and you're thinking about dinner?" I ask and he nods, smirking. "When it comes to you, Leanna, the future is not far from my mind" He says. I find that my heart melts by his words. I smile and capture his lips. "Of course, I will have dinner with you" I say t him. I lean against him and enjoy the moment that he's holding me, and I'm safe in his arms.

"What do you think of this one?" I ask Trina as we are going through the clothes that I own. It is three hours until Silas and I are going to be eating dinner and Trina has been freaking out. Because according to her something is about to go down, and I need to be dressed for it, and dressed in the best way possible. Still, I don't know what she means, I just want to dress nicely, not just for Silas but also for myself. I want to feel good about myself.


Right now I'm wearing this lovely summer dress that is white with red roses scattered in random patterns. Trina shakes her head. "Now, it's to picnic like. We need something that will make his jaw drop when he sees you. I doubt he will show anyone that look, but you know how... my brother is" Trina says. I think that she isn't quite ready to accept the fact that they are siblings and I think Silas feels the same. He rarely talks about his family, or ever for that matters and whenever he begins, he never finished.

Sometimes that can get annoying, still I know that Silas will tell me everything at his own pave and besides, we always have our sessions to talk about things like that. I look at myself in the mirror. "Well, I like it" I say softly. I'm not wearing anything too much and neither too little. I don't like dresses and I don't have many of them. I don't really have that many clothes in this house either, we never really have been shopping. We have always meant to go, but life just simply got in the way.

Trina raises an eyebrow at me. "Lea, you want this night to be perfect, believe me when I say that you do. You need to look perfectly as well" She tries, but I give her a confused look. "I always look perfect. Why do I have to look differently tonight? I mean, I know that I want to look good, but I don't need to impress him, I've already done that" I say. Trina only rolls her eyes. "You have too much to learn, Lea. It's a good thing that we're going to be sister forever, and I will be able to teach you" She says with excitement hanging in her voice, which she doesn't try to hide either.

I try to protest against it, but Trina is the one in the wheelchair and according to her, she should be treated like a princess or something which means that I have to take her to her word. Besides, she is good at this stuff. I think, I don't know anything about something like dressing up or dinner (which is a date) for that matter. Never have I cared much about something like that in my life. "How about this one?" She asks me as she holds up a gown.

I shrug. "I don't know. I've had it forever, don't know from where. I've never bought it and I can't remember if anyone had given it to me" I tell her. She takes a close look at it. "It's perfect and I think it's even in your size. Try it" She says and hands it to me. I notice as soon as I have it in my hands that the material is soft, but it does have this feeling like old clothes do. I really can't remember where I have gotten this dress.

Walking back into the bathroom, I undress out of the summer dress and dress myself into the gown that she had handed to me. It's not much, but it certainly is enough. It is a bit loose for me but other than that it does fit me quite nicely and no one would even notice that on some parts it is a bit loose. It isn't a perfect fit yet close enough. It's strange that I have this gown since I don't think that I have ever owned it, yet at the same time I've had it for as long as I can remember.

The gown is a rich dark green gown that is similar to a ballgown but not as puffy with the skirt. It doesn't have any sleeves. It's rather nice and I do love it. I take a look at myself in the mirror to see the gown on me. It's beautiful, and I find that I look beautiful in it. "Are you done? You can't be that long at dressing into a single gown" Trina's voice asks me. I have been staring at myself in the mirror for a couple of minutes that I had forgotten about anything else.

For some reasons I have this picture in my mind of someone in this gown, not myself but someone. Still, that picture is so blurred and so far lost in my mind that I can't seem to see it clearly. I can't even understand it. With a slight shake off my head I turn to the door and open it. Trina looks at me and she gasps. "This is the one" She says, and I laugh. "You have said that two times already" I remind her. The summer dress might not have been to her liking, but that doesn't mean other dresses weren't.

This is the first one that we have agreed upon. "So, what's next?" I ask her and she smirks at me. That smirk irks rather familiar and no wonder since her brother does have the same one. If that DNA result had not proved that they were siblings, I would have never known that they share so many things that are alike. Of course, I would have taken notice of it but not connect the dots that they were related. They do share a resemblance but not much and no one could spot it easily, they have to be told that they are indeed siblings.

"And we're done" Trina says. It has been a half an hour since Silas was supposed to take me on that dinner date thingy, but Trina hadn't finished preparing me, whatever that means. For some hours she's been making sure that I look perfect, for a reason that I don't even know yet. It's all too much for a single dinner, I don't get it. Then, I have to remind myself that I know nothing of this sort of thing and Trina knows a lot. She used to be married.

It may not be a happy marriage, and she was always with other men, she was still married, and she had men and went on dates and dinners and such. She knows this stuff. I give her a smile as I look at myself in the mirror. Trina did not put much make-up on me, as I had asked her not to, since I don't really like it. "I love it. Thank you" I say to her. I bend down and hug her. Trina really is the best friend ever, and I would do anything to make her happy.

Distracting her from her own broken heart is harder than I thought it would be since I always saw her tonight with a sad look on her face. It came when she thought that I was looking away, but I saw it. "You're welcome. Now go, your man is waiting for you" Trina says and tries to push me out of the room. I laugh as I open the door and walk out of the room and into the hallway. Silas had said he would be waiting for me by the front door which is where I am heading right now.

I walk the hallways and still I find that I'm not nervous at all. I'm going to see the man that I love, and we are going on a dinner date, and it will be perfect. I am sure of it. Everything is going to be perfect. We could be doing nothing this entire night and still it would be perfect. As long as I have him by my side, as long as Silas loves me with all his heart then things are as perfect as they can get. Nothing could ever ruin it since we would be together, and we would be happy and in love.

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