《Sticks and Stones • Spideypool ✓》Chapter 19


It was pretty late when Jarvis sounded the alarm. I shoved Pietro, trying to get him up. He just groaned and rolled over in bed.

"Babe come on. You need to get up. Peter's in trouble." He shot up in bed, his eyes wide and paniked. We both gear up and head for the door.

"You know, if you carry me we will be down there quicker." I say with a smirk. My boyfriend rolled his eyes as he picked me up bridal style. He ran us down to the kitchen, where we were met with the most unholy sight.

Tearing through the kitchen-living room was a horrifying black beast. It's fangs petruded out of its jaw. It was built like the bulk, but had the powers of Spiderman, as it was running up the walls with ease.

"What have you done to Peter." I scream at it, trying not to show my fear. It covered it's ears, drawing back at the noise. "Oh you don't like that do you?" Pietro runs around it locking it in a whirlwind, whilst it scream insults at it at the top of my voice.

As it struggles I can hear cries of a teenager. Part of the face disintergrates to reveal Peter crying. Pietro slows down out of shock, giving the monster enough time to smack him across the room.

"Pietro!" I run over to the limp body of my love. All the colour is draining out of his face. "Natasha I need assistance." At that moment Natasha comes barreling down the corridor, with Wanda, vision and Bruce on her tail.

"Wanda pin it so it can't move. Vision play a high frequency, it seems to throw it off balance. And Bruce, try not to turn green." They all nodded at the orders and got to work. At that moment Tony crashed through the window. "Hey Agent Romanoff, ya miss me!" He quipped. I roll my eyes at his arrogance, still clutching the body of Pietro.


"You're going to be ok, Piet. We will get through this."

"Clint get out of here, take him with you." I nod at Tony and proceed to carry Piet out the room.

I don't think I will ever get used to the teleporting thing. Once my nausea subsided I took in my surroundings. We were in a small apartment, which was incredibly untidy. A man was staring at us from the kitchen counter, mouth gaped open.

"Well Wade, I wasn't expecting to see you again." He said curtly. I raise my eyebrow at the boy, but he didn't acknowledge it.

"Eddie I need your help. Venom is in my... Peter. Is in Peter. And I need your help to get it out."

"I told you I wanted no part in this. That thing hates me, with good reason because I almost destroyed it. I can't go anywhere near it."

"Look, Eddie is it. I know you don't want to fight. But you have more experience with this thing than we do. My son is in danger. Terrible danger," I spoke up. "We just need..." I paused. What did we need? Wade had dragged me here without explaining anything.

"The anti-venom." Eddie glared at Wade, shaking his head.

"Wade I can't."

"No you listen to me. You have the power to destroy Venom, and you want to what? Hide in your apartment and wait for him to kill Peter? No. I won't allow it. You are coming with me wether you like it or not and you are saving Peter. I can't lose him, I just can't." I could sense he was fighting back tears. My face softened at the emotion in his voice. I turn back to Eddie with pleading eyes.


"Ok. I will do it. I can tell you care very deeply for this boy." Wade simply nodded, sniffling under his mask. We wait a moment for Eddie to be ready, the. Wade teleports us to the tower.

Stop it. You are hurting them.

Oh you don't like that. I guess I will have to do it more.

No stop. Please I will do anything just don't hurt them

Peter, you are so naïve. So stupid to think that I will stop for you. For anyone. I have waited patiently for a body, I will not be giving this one up.

Wait so you won't kill me?

Why would i kill a perfectly good body. I may disable your powers, just for fun.

That's uncalled for. Its not like my ability to climb walls will get rid of you is it?

No. But j like causing you pain, Peter Parker. Losing your powers will leave you useless. No one will need you. Noone will want you anymore. You will be just like everyone else. I can see your mind. That's you biggest fear. To be HATED



I hope you liked this chapter. I am sorry if I got any details about anti venom wrong, but for the sake of the story please go with it :)

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