《Sticks and Stones • Spideypool ✓》Chapter 18


Since Wade brought him back Peter has not been the same. He is even more distant than before, not to mention constantly angry with everyone.

Every now and again we see his usual cheery self, but behind his smile are tired weary eyes. No one can talk to him long enough to figure out what is wrong.

I never thought I would ask for this, but I need Wade. I need Wade to talk to him. As much as I hated it, Peter loved him. There is a part of him that will still love him I am sure.

I went over to the table to grab my phone and dialled Wade's number.

"Hello?" A rough voice answered. "It's Tony. I need you to come over."

"What? Why? Is Peter okay?" I sensed a rush of emotion.

"He isn't hurt or anything. He just hasn't been the same since he was kidnapped. I need you to try and get through to him. Please." I didn't mean to sound so desperate, but it sure as hell came across that way. Wade didn't answer. He simply hung up and appeared in front of me a few seconds later.

Wade was dressed in an over-sized t-shirt, which had all manner of stains on it. his face was covered in stubble, and he had huge bags under his eyes. "Wade you look awful. What happened to you." He just shrugged, running a shaky hand through his long unwashed hair.

"Never mind. Go talk to him." I said, sending Wade to Peter's room.

'I hope this works.' I think to myself as I watch the boy enter the room.

"Peter?" I walk in to see Peter pacing the ceiling. He almost fell of when he saw me.


"Wade! You're here!" He said cheerily. I'm not going to lie, that shocked me. He looked so happy. why did his dad say he wasn't himself. this looked like the Peter I fell in love with.

"Shut up. I don't want to talk to you." Okay I retract my previous statement. I cocked my head at Peter's sudden anger and frustration. he was gazing at the wall, his eyes tinged black. Wait that seems familiar. I swear I have watched a movie where that happens...

"So Peter, how have you been." I try to make normal conversation, but the happy Peter seemed to have vanished completely. He simply glared at me, his eyes turning blacker by the second, his lips curling into a wicked smile.

"I warned him I would hurt you. But the foolish boy didn't listen." He said in a strange, unearthly voice, his features twisting inhumanly.

Yeah I didn't like it much. It scared me.

'Hosting for Venom. Yes, yes it does.' This was not what I expected from this visit. Peter grew in stature, his skin turning black and scaly. His face was engulfed in black goo to reveal the hideous face of the parasite harvesting of Peter's energy.

You idiot don't call it a parasite. Do you not remember the film. Honestly its as if you want to get eaten.

"I am going to enjoy this." The monster said, in a raspy voice. Before it could grab me I teleported into the living room. Tony looked at me expectantly, Steve by his side. I clear my throat.

"So, um, your son has been infected by a deadly parasite called Venom. it was probably injected into him when he was kidnapped. also as we speak venom is coming down the hall ready to eat us. so i suggest you grab onto me and we get the hell out of here."


"What?" they say in unison. I roll my eyes and grab the two heroes, taking them as far away from the tower as I could. I then left briefly to collect my suit and katanas from the small apartment i had been 'staying' at. When I returned, Tony had summoned a suit and Steve was pacing back and forth on the rooftop. He stopped and stared at my blades.

"And who will you be using them on?" I try not to wince as he yells down my ear.

"Well you know how everything has its weakness. well this motherfucker's weakness is loud noise." I grate the two blades together, creating a hideous noise. "You see. Also if I were to accidentally stab it, which I would never do by the way, it heals as fast as me. so this is their only purpose really."

Apparently the boxes weren't the only ones who were shocked. Tony and Steve looked at me both impressed and shocked i came up with some sort of plan so quickly. What can I say I am a genius!

(Actually that was all me)

Oh shut up author. My POV so I get the credit.


"Well its been about five minutes. I'd say Venom has had enough time in the outside world, wouldn't you?" Tony laughed, hovering above the ground. "Tony you go, I will teleport with Steve. Once you have found it make as much noise as possible. We need to disorientate it. I may have to visit an old friend,"


"Shut up. I may need to visit and old friend to get something to ensure Venom is gone for good."

"Okay. Tony we will meet you there. Kid take me to this friend of yours. We are freeing my son."

We separated, Tony heading back to the tower, making sure everyone was out. I grabbed onto Steve and we disappeared off the rooftop.

I hope your plan works Wade.

Me too, White box. Me too.

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