《Sticks and Stones • Spideypool ✓》Chapter 17


Peter awoke to Wade shaking him. He was laid on the couch, his head propped up by pillows. "W-Wade?" Peter asks shakily, a hint of fear in his voice. Wade pulled him into a hug, but Peter screamed, clawing his way out of the embrace.

"Don't touch me. Don't touch me." He yelled, over and over again, backing himself into a corner. Wade held up his hands, trying to fight back tears. What did they do to Peter to make him like this. Peter had a panicked expression on his pale face. There was still hints of black on his arms and neck, although they were quickly retreating.

"Peter I'm not going to hurt you. I am going to take you home okay." Wade didn't wait for a response. He took Peter by the arms and held him to his chest to stop the struggling. Wade closed his eyes and pictured Peter's room. Within a few seconds they were standing in the middle of the bedroom.

Steve and Tony were sat hand in hand on Peter's bed. When they saw their son appear they ran over to him with open arms. But Peter screamed, backing up the wall, using his powers to push himself out of reach. Tony instantly burst into tears at the sight. "Peter, its us. We won't hurt you. Please come down." Steve whispered, fighting back his own tears. Peter shook his head vigorously, pointing a shaky hand at Wade.

"That's what he said. But he lied. He LIED." Wade filled with anger at those words. Balling his fists, he turned away and muttered "I would never hurt you Peter" before disappearing into thin air.

That made Peter even more terrified, as he started to scan the room for any signs of the mercenary. "He's not gone. I can sense him." Peter says, as if to himself.


"Peter its just us here. he has gone." Peter glared at Tony, his eyes cold and black. "Get out." He said in a low tone. Tony shook his head, inching closer to his son. "Get. Out." Steve grabbed his husbands arm and dragged him out of the room. As soon as the door closed, Peter started crying.

He stayed glued to the wall, every now and then taking in his surroundings carefully.

I need help. I am losing control. It's like I am trapped in my head, being forced to say things i don't wanna say, do things I don't want to do.

"Leave me alone!" I scream into the darkness.

"You aren't getting rid of me any time soon Peter. We need each other."

"I don't need you. I don't want you."

"Oh Peter, you don't know what you want. You thought you wanted Wade until you found out who he was. Once you see what I can do, what we can do together, you will never doubt me again."

"No, Stop it. I don't need you, I will never need you. Now stay quiet or I will tell my dads about you. They will figure out how to get you out."

"Suit yourself. but I am warning you Peter, if you ignore me I will hurt you in every way possible."

I bang my head against the wall, causing pain to shoot across my skull and down my spine. The voice dies down, as it does I regain control of my body. I shuffle down the wall and unsteadily walk to my bed.

I wrap myself in the sheets, still in my torn up suit. I fall asleep tracing the curving black lines across my arms, hoping that the voice doesn't come back.

And it didn't. For a while.

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