《Sticks and Stones • Spideypool ✓》chapter 15


My head was pounding. I opened my eyes and was instantly blinded by a white light shining straight at me. I groaned in discomfort. When my eyes adjusted I saw I wasn't alone. There was a man in a terrifying metal mask staring at me. His body covered in metal plating and he was wearing a cape.

'Looks a bit extra if I am being honest' I think to myself as I struggle in my restraints. I was tied to a chair, which was bolted to the floor in the middle of the room.

There was a small opening in the corner. But judging by the stench coming from it that was a bathroom. A neglected bathroom at that.

I stare at the masked man coldly. "Who the hell are you? Where am I?" The man laughed sharply, making me wince.

"Oh Peter. Haven't you guessed by now. Your buddy Wade. He sold you out to me. He was never your friend. I paid him to kill you." His words were like daggers to my chest. "Wha- what?" I stutter.

The masked man came closer. I could see he had tiny claws on his gloves, glinting in the fluorescent light. He bent down so he was level with me. I could see his eyes through his mask, they were black and soulless.

"What are you going to do with me?" The wall slid open revealing a surgical table, more restraints and multiple tubes full of black liquid. It looked as if it was moving of its own accord.

I cried out in terror, twisting to try and break free. "Now now. Don't do that. I would hate to kill you now. I have such big plans for you." He grabs my face in his enormous hand. Doctors from the other room stuck multiple needles in my arm.


I was out like a light. But I dreamt of the things they were doing. There was black swirling liquid everywhere, moving creepily around my feet. Suddenly it riled up, shooting strands out all around attaching to my legs and torso. I could hear a voice whispering to me, followed by screams.

"Stop. STOP!" I screamed at the liquid, which was taking the form of a towering beast. It simply shook it's head, smiling at me, reaching its long twisted fingers out to my face.

Then I woke up.

My home felt wrong. I hadn't been there in so long. I knew my dad wasn't home as there was letters piled high Infront of the door, and the place was actually tidy. He only ever cleans when he is going to be gone for a while.

I plop myself on the couch and cry. I wept for the loss of Peter, for the loss of a family. I understand their hate, but I wish they could see past 'Deadpool'. Ok so I killed a few people, but I only did it so my dad wouldn't kill me. Or try to.

I look down at the suit. As long as I had this, no one would trust me. I need to prove myself to Peter. Prove I can change into the person he wants me to be.

You shouldn't change for him. You already are the person he wants you to be. If he can't see that then it's his loss.

But I love him. I can't lose him.

Since Peter.

There was a sudden knock at the door. Shit I hope that's not dad. Wait of course it's not, why would he knock on the door of an 'empty' house. Jesus Wade you need to sort yourself out.

I go to the door and open it hesitantly. My mouth drops open at the sight of an out of breath Steve, doubled over on my door step.


"What are you-"

"Peter's in trouble. Tony doesn't know I am here. You need to help us find him."

"How am I supposed to help?"

"Your former boss took him."

Well shit. Never thought I would be seeing that dickwad again but he has Peter, my Peter. "Well let's go then." I pull my mask on, hold onto Steve and teleport us to the entrance of my boss's head quarters.

Steve looked slightly queasy, but I ignored it. "Send the others your location or something. I am getting Peter back." Without waiting for an answer I draw my gun and run into the building.

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