《Sticks and Stones • Spideypool ✓》Chapter 14


It was late morning by the time we arrived back at the tower. We were all exhausted, Steve fell asleep on me on the flight back.

The elevator door opened on Bucky, Sam and the twins floor. As soon as it opened we heard a slam, followed by footsteps running towards us. Peter flew round the corner, running straight into us.

"Hey kid what's going on?" Bucky asked. "Ask him." Peter spat pointing in the direction of Wade's room. Peter looked fuming, his face was red and his fists were balled up.

"I am going out on patrol." He stated, getting into the elevator with us, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Oh- okay. Are you alright?" Steve put his hand on our sons shoulder but he shrugged it off. It was clear something had happened between the two boys. I intend to find out.

"I will be back later." He mumbled as the doors opened. He ran off to his room, slamming the door in the process.

The rest of us left in the elevator were dumbfounded.

"I am gonna go talk to that son of a bitch." Steve grimaced at my language but I didn't care. I have never seen Peter that angry before, and that's saying something because I am pretty annoying.

Noone stopped me. Steve actually had to drag Natasha out of the lift to make sure she didn't kill the boy.

I went back down to the guest floor to find Bucky pinning down a man in a black and red suit.

"The fuck is going on! What the hell are you doing here?" I yell at the strange man who I know to be Deadpool. "Tasked to kill me again?"

Deadpool hung his head in shame. "I never wanted to kill you, my boss did. I just took the job so I could get some food."


"Yeah I don't believe that. Mask off I want to see who I am sueing thank you."

I could almost hear his heartbeat increase. He slowly reached for the mask, pulling it off to reveal Wade's tear stained face.

"Get out." I growled.

"Sir please let me explain."

"Get. OUT." The foolish boy stood his ground, barely intimidated by me.

"Listen to me." He shouted, his voice craking with emotion. "I'm not here to kill anyone. I never wanted to be like this. My dad fucking forced this onto me. You really think I take pleasure in killing people? I hate myself. And I couldn't escape until Peter took me in. Until you took me in. Whilst here I have been clean. Even the voices have shut the fuck up. A suit and a bad past doesn't make me bad. I want to change. Please, please don't kick me out. They will find me. He will find me."

The last words were shaky. He was trembling in fear of what people will do to him. "I am sorry kid. You shouldn't have been put through the things you have. But you have to understand that you can't stay here. Until proven otherwise you are dangerous."

The boy nodded, crying now. He shut his eyes, then dissapeared.

"I'm sorry, Wade."

I swung around the city, trying to take my mind of Wade. He tricked me into liking him. There was no other explanation to what he was doing. I must have been his latest target, apparently toying with your prey if fun.

I land on the roof of a large building, gasping for breath. I sit on the edge of the building and cry. I cry until my throat is dry and my voice hoarse. "How could he do this to me?"


Suddenly I hear a scream from an alley below me, snapping me out of my sorrow. I follow the sound to find a masked figure attacking a middle aged woman. I shoot a web at the guys hand, sticking it to the wall. I shoot another at his legs, binding them together. "You know you should never hit a lady. It not very gentlemanly of you." I quip, aiming another web at his free hand.

But before I could, a shot rang out from behind me. I drop to the floor, screaming out in agony.

The last thing I saw was a second man approaching me, with a rope and a piece of cloth. Then everything went black.

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