《Sticks and Stones • Spideypool ✓》Chapter 11


I quietly sneak through the house. I never thought I would be using my kick ass training to hide from my own father but here I am, trying desperately to go unheard. I had made it into my room without bumping into dear old dad. His door was shut, so I assumed he was asleep. I mean it was 10pm, and my dad passes out early.

I quietly rummaged through draws and cupboards, taking the bare minimum. I left my phone on my bed. I didn't want to but i couldn't have him track me to Avengers Tower. My dad hates the avengers with every inch of his being. They kinda ruined a mission he was leading, causing distrust within the X-men. If he found out i was crashing there, i don't think even my healing factor could save me.

Once I had two bags full of my belongings I turned to go. I caught sight of my suit lying on the ground next to my bed. I couldn't bring that with me, could i? What would Peter think if he found out I was fucking Deadpool. He would hate me. Not to mention his family would kill me. Or try to at least.

But I couldn't leave it here. It means too much to me. I wont get into the sappy backstory just yet. I'm gonna save that for later don't you worry.

You're getting distracted. If you don't focus your dad will...

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I wince at the venom in my dad's voice. I look to the door to see him filling the doorway, seething in anger. His silver daggers bared.

"Oh hey dad, fancy seeing you here." I quip, trying to think up a plan to get out.

"I told you not to come back. You are putting everything we stand for at risk." Oh so kicking me out, sending me into the big bad world is supposed to solve this then? Honestly, adults!


"Relax, I was just coming for my stuff." I hold up the two bags. I take a few steps forward, very aware of the claws glinting by my father's side. "Goodbye Dad."

"Don't call me that. You are no son of mine. Not anymore." Anger bubbled up through me.

Do it Wilson. Teach him a lesson.

He can't die idiot.

"Shut up!" I roar, swinging at my dad. I hit him square in the face. As quick as the blood appeared on his nose, it disappeared. I felt a tingling sensation in my side, only to realise he had stabbed me.

"Really? Dad of the year right here people." that earned me a punch to the face, luckily no claws this time. The claws in my side retracted. I stumbled backwards, hitting the base of my back on the bed. My feet hit one of my katanas laying next to my suit.

Without hesitation, I pick it up and swing at him, slicing through his cheek. I stuffed the suit into a bag, along with one of my guns. I would have to leave my precious knives here sadly, they wouldn't fit into the bag. My asshole of a dad grabbed my arm tightly, breaking the skin. "Excuse me. That hurts." I say sarcastically. "Well i wish i could stay but ya know. I don't want to."

I close my eyes. Everything went cold. Shit did I go to the wrong place! I was supposed to be in the elevator. I open my eyes and see I am standing on the roof of a very tall building. I jumped down too see I was standing on top of the elevator that leads to the roof.


"Oh do be quiet. Right building wrong elevator." I press the button to the elevator and head down to the main part of the penthouse. I realise how shit i look when i am about two floors away. Oh well, they're the avengers. I am sure they are unfazed by sights like this. Right?




"Seriously, i am fine. Just a couple of bruises." I say to the swarm of heroes gathered around me, examining everything. Peter is stood back, pale faced and miserable. I wanted to go up to him and hug him. Tell him I am okay, that nothing could hurt me.

"I can't believe he did this to you." A woman with a very thick accent said from behind me. Her voice was full of emotion, making me feel worse.

"It's nothing I can't deal with. Growing up with him I have learned to have thick skin." They all look at me, staring in confusion. Mr Stark's voice broke the sudden silence. "He's done this to you before?"

Wait, was this not a normal father son interaction.

Are you kidding me Wilson. I know you're borderline insane but i didn't think you were that thick.

My breath hitched slightly. I always thought this was normal. Being brought up fighting with everyone must have really fucked me up. I nodded in response to Mr Stark's question, starting to feel very sorry for myself. Peter pushed through the adults and hugged me, taking me by surprise. "You will never have to go through that again." he whispered into my ear.

Boy do i hope he is right.

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