《Sticks and Stones • Spideypool ✓》chapter 10


What the fuck just happened. I didn't kiss him. Nope. I refuse to believe I just did that. Shit now he is flashing his ridiculously adorable smile at me. Do you think he knows I like him?

Duh Peter of course he does. You just kissed him. Ok breathe and say something cool.

"Did you like it?"

That was not cool. You're a dumbass.

Wade chuckled, wiping tears from his cheeks. I assume he knew I was going to do that. That was him, not me.

"Yes I did, Petey."


"Sorry. That was dumb I shouldn't of said that." God even when he is apologizing he is adorable. I smiled.

"You know what. I like it."

Wade's face lit up. He leaned in, his breath hot against my face. I pulled in, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Just as our lips brushed the door swung open. Simultaneously, Wade and I pushed against each other, launching ourselves apart. We look to the door to see pretty much all the avengers staring at us.

I bury my head into my hands, whilst Wade turns a bright shade of red.

"Tony I have to say I thought you were bullshitting. Here's your ten dollars."

Dad happily took the money from Aunt Natasha. I groaned, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

"Care to introduce us Peter?"

"Wade this is my family. Intruders entering my bedroom uninvited, this is Wade." I say, still buried in my hands.

Wade seemed to have brushed off any former embarrassment as he got up and shook everyone's hand. My parents looked at him then back at me. They then exchange mischievous looks and pull Wade into a bear hug.

"Oh my god. Really?" I say exasperated. They really were trying to make this hell. "Don't kill him already. Let him breathe."


Pops pouted, but released anyway. I shoo them all out my room and lock the door behind them.

I turn to wade and sighed. "I'm sorry about them. They have no boundaries."

Wade just shrugged, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. I sit back down next to him, closer than before.

"Who were you talking to?" I ask gently, ready to hug him incase he bursts again.

"My dad. I didn't tell him I came here. He doesn't really support friendships. We move a lot so he says it's best not to get attached. He must have seen I was here on his phone."

"He tracks you?" I interrupt, very shocked. I was used to invasions of my privacy, but none of them would ever track my phone. His dad sounds like a dick.

Wade nodded sadly and continued. "He said that he didn't want me to come home. We have been fighting a while now. I kind of saw this coming." My heart swelled with sadness and love for this boy. I take his trembling hand and hold it to my chest. I find myself saying something completely unexpected.

"Do you want to stay here?"

I honestly don't know what I just heard. My 18 year old just asked me if a boy he met a week ago could move in. I look at Tony, who is just as confused as I am.

"What do you mean, Peter?" We say in unison.

"His dad kicked him out. Until they work things out I offered to let him stay here."

"You sure Pete?" Tony says. Peter nodded looking back at the boy standing sheepishly at the door. "I have no issue with it. What about you, babe?" All eyes turned to me. I don't know what to say.


Of course I want to help this boy. Here is better than a home. But we barely know anything about him. What if he is dangerous. I don't want that sort of thing around my son.

"Pops, please." How could I say no to him. "Of course you can stay Wade." I pause, smiling at their beaming faces. "Separate rooms though." Tony bursts into laughter. Peter glares at me, Wade smiling stupidly behinde him.

"Thank you, Sir. Thank you so much." Wade comes up to shake my hand, I grab it and pull him into a hug. Peter and Tony joined in.

"So whens the wedding." I glare at Uncle Clint, who just smiles innocently back at me. I mumble a string of curses under my breath. Pops raises his eyebrow at my language, but everyone else snickers at my embarrassment.

Wade had left to pick up his things, hoping his dad wouldn't see him. I don't want to overstep but I am really curious about his dad. Who tracks their son? The very idea of it made me mad.

Since he left I endured multiple interrogations about what we were doing before they burst through the door. Of course I didn't answer any of them truthfully. Dad sensing my embarrassment saved me by saying

"Are you going to tell him about Spiderman?"

I shook my head in response. "Not yet. What if he freaks out." I wouldn't be surprised if he did. I mean I am an eighteen year old with the ability to climb up wall and shoot webs from my wrists. Not to mention I have super strength and advanced healing capabilities. I would be super freaked out.

Everyone looked at eachother, having a silent conversation that I couldn't understand. "What?"

Uncle Pietra spoke up, his accent thick making it harder to make out certain words. "Peter, the longer you wait, the more explaining you will have to do. It's better to tell him now than later." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"I understand. I will think about it okay."

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Wade came out, his eyes slightly puffy. He was holding two bags. I could make out a slight bruise on his cheek, and another one on his forearm. I gasped.

"Wade. Did he do this to you?" I asked, suddenly furious. How could someone treat their kid like that. Wade just nodded, wincing slightly. I ran up to him and hugged him. I don't care that everyone was looking. Wade deserves all the love in the world.

And I am prepared to give him that.

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