《Sticks and Stones • Spideypool ✓》Chapter 7


By the time Peter came out of his room it was almost midnight. I assume he thought everyone would be asleep. Not me. Tony Stark never sleeps. When he sees me he instantly stops in his tracks.

"I- I thought everyone was asleep." he says. He shifts from foot to foot at the door. "You should know by now, I never sleep. What are you doing awake." He just shrugs and makes his way into the kitchen.

He goes to the fridge and takes out some soda. I roll my eyes. "Soda? At this hour." he looks at me, then at the glass I am holding. "Alcohol? At this hour." he retorts with a grin.

"Touche!" we laugh. Peter takes a sip of the soda. The room goes quiet again. I debate inviting my son down to the lab. I open my mouth to ask him but he gets there first. "I'm going on patrol. Wanna come with me?" I stare at him, my jaw dropped. It takes me a minute to regain composure.

"Of course. I would love to!" Peter's face lights up. Forgetting his own strength he slams his glass on the table and runs back to his room. I laugh when he comes stumbling back with his suit half on.

"Come on, Dad!" he zips up the suit, pulls on his mask and makes a beeline to the window. When i realise what he is about to do i run after him. "Peter, what the hell are you doing. There is an elevator right there."

"This way is more fun!" he calls before launching himself out of the window. I tap the silver bands on my wrist and jump out after him. I see Peter perched on a nearby roof top. My suit catches up to me, encasing me in billions of pounds worth of pure awesome.


"God i love technology!" I think to myself as i stabilize my thrusters. I fly back up to the roof and land next to Peter.

"Now i know why you wanna go that way!" I say, slightly out of breath. Peter laughs. "Come on let's get to work."

We make our way through the city. Peter stuck more to street level, whereas I flew high above the city, using my scanners to detect any criminal activity.

I watched as Peter swung his way across New York. I was so proud of him. I hovered in the air, taking it all in. It has been awhile since i had been out in the field. Every now and then we would get calls, but nothing big. Just some wannabe villains who bail as soon as they see us coming.

A small blip on my screen pulled me out of my memories. 'Peter, i got something." I said over the comms. "Already on it." I see a small red blurr swinging beneath me. I forget he does this almost every night. He's better than I thought.

As we approach the scene of the blip I see clouds of grit and sand forming around a building. "Great this guy again." I hear Peter grumble.

Peter shot a web at a billboard and yanked it off its stand, sending it flying into the swirling sand cloud. It must have hit something solid and the sand instantly fell to the ground. I took this as a chance to go in and grab the guy. Peter had gone inside the building to check if there were any casualties. I charged my repulsor and shot beam after beam at the mass. It began to grow again, this time into the form of a giant man. It towered above the building. I raise my hand to shoot it again.



"Not now Peter.

"There's no one in here."

"Thats a good thing Peter.'

"Somethings up."

Before I can answer I hear a loud flapping of wings. I turn round to see a man in full body armour wearing metal wings. He was holding a flashing remote. "Jarvis What is that?" I ask, suddenly nervous. "It's a detonator Sir."

"Well where's the bomb?" A sinister laugh comes from the bird-like villain. I follow his gaze to the building. "NO. Peter get out of there."

"But what if theres-"


"Too late." I turn back to the villain. He had his finger over the button. "NO!"

The building erupted in flames. I heard terrified screams over the comms. I flew into the burning building. "Jarvis scan for Peter." I could hear violent coughing coming from nearby. I follow the sound to find Peter laid on the floor, I pick him up and fly straight back to the tower. Leaving the fire for the authorities already outside the building.

His breathing was weak and shallow. I plead with him to stay awake, but he slips into unconsciousness.

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