《Sticks and Stones • Spideypool ✓》chapter 6


Peter passed me in the hall. I wave at him and say "hey kiddo!" He ignored me. The kid went into his room without a word and slammed his door shut.

I make my way into the kitchen where Tony sat head in his hands. Steve was behind him, rubbing his back and whispering in his ears.

"What's up with the kid?" Tony swirls around. He looked pissed. "None of your concern Barton." He snapped. Jeez what the hell happen here. "Steve. Care to tell me why Tony is being more of a dick than usual?" Steve looked at me with a weak smile, soon replaced by a frown. "Peter got into a fight at school." He stated.

Poor kid. He has told me about Flash. He didn't want his Dads finding out, but I guess they know now. "Want me to talk to him?" Tony looked at me desperately. "Please."

I nodded and headed back down the corridor. I stopped outside Peter's room and knocked on the door. A grumble came from within. "Peter it's me, Uncle Clint. Wanna talk buddy." After a moment the door clicked and slowly opened.

I was greeted by a slightly red, tear stained face. He steps back allowing me into his room. I enter and sit on his bed. I pat the space next to me. Peter joins me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"What happened with Flash?" I say, genuinely concerned for this kid. He means a lot to me.

"He caught me as I was leaving school. He punched me in the stomach first. Then tackled me to the ground. The others started kicking me, Flash went for the head." He gestured to a large bruise forming on the side of his face. "I tried getting up, but they had me pinned. But then a-" he cut himself off. His face went slightly pink.


"What happened Peter?" I say, curious.

"The new guy punched Flash in the face." I couldn't help but laugh. Peter had told me about this new guy the first day he met him. I gently poke his side and he giggles.

"The new guy huh? What's his name?" Peter laughs properly at that.

"Wade." He said, with an almost lustful tone. I chuckle at the lovestruck teen. I remember that feeling.

"You should talk to him tomorrow." Peter looked at me with wide eyes. "Are you kidding. He probably hates me."

"Peter he punched a guy for you."

"Yeah and that's probably got him suspended. He has only just got here and because of me he will be in trouble." I mean the kid does have a point. But I am not going to let him give up on a cute ass boy.

"Peter-" I say smiling. "Just talk to him."

"Okay. I will talk to him." He says, exasperated. I nod triumphantly before getting up. I head for the door. Before leaving, I look at Peter and say, "You know who else you should talk to. Your dad."

Without giving him time to answer me, I leave, shutting the door behind me.

Am I the best uncle or what!

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