《Sticks and Stones • Spideypool ✓》chapter 5


Tony was sat at the table opposite the elevator. He was fiddling with a some sort of gadget. The elevator doors open and a tense Peter shuffles out, followed by Steve. Peter had his hood up, casting a shadow on his face making it almost impossible to see him clearly.

He tries to leave, but Tony stands up and pulls him into a hug. "How was school, Pete?" He asked. The boy shook his head in response. Tony, confused, pulled back from the hug and held his son by the shoulders. Peter looked down at his feet, shuffling awkwardly.

"What's wrong?" No answer. "Don't ignore me, Peter. What's wrong?" Again no answer. "Peter Ben Rogers-Stark look at me."

Peter lifted his head and shoved of his hood, revealing an array of cuts and bruises on his face and neck. Tony let out a gasp, putting a hand on his son's face.

Peter winced, moving out of his father's reach. Tony was shocked. He looked at Steve for some assistance, but he just sighed and walked into the kitchen.

"What the hell happened to you." I demand, trying not to sound to angry. Tears pricked at Peter's eyes. He shifted from foot to foot, trying to come up with a plausible excuse. But how could he cover this up?

"I- I fell." The way he said it made it sound more like a question than a statement.

"The truth," Tony was beginning to lose his patience.

"Flash did it." He muttered, barely audible.

"What did you say?"

"Flash did it." Peter yelled. Tear were streaming down his cheeks. Tony went to comfort him but he shook him of. "Flash did it, ok. He pinned me down infront the entire school and beat me. Are you happy now?" He was screaming in Tony's face. You could almost see the anger bubbling up in Tony.


"Don't you dare use that tone with me. Why couldn't you just tell me?" The brunette yelled, matching his son's aggression. Their faces were inches apart, red with fury.

"You already think I can't take care of myself out on patrol. I didn't want to tell you I couldn't stand up to a couple of bullies." The anger in his voice had dissipated, replaced with heart-wrenching sadness.

He didn't wait for his father's reply. Instead he turned on his heel and ran down the corridor leading to his room. On the way he passed Clint.

"Hey kiddo," He said cheerfully. Peter ingored him, going straight into his room, slamming the door behind him.

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