《Sticks and Stones • Spideypool ✓》chapter 3


Peter's POV:

I feel bad. I shouldn't have walked out. He is just constantly in my face about this sort of stuff. I know he's my dad and he cares about me. But it just gets under my skin. He can't tell me what to do anymore. I'm not a little kid.

I angrily kick pebbles and flattened cans across the sidewalk as I made my way to the bus stop. Usually I don't take the bus, to save myself from the insults and general harassment. But I couldn't sit in a car with dad. Either of them to be honest.

Ten minutes pass by. The bus slowly chugs its way round the corner and stops infront of me. The doors burst open, giving a hiss. I get on and sit right at the front. I plug in my earbuds and blast rock music to drown out the jeers coming from further back.

This isn't going to be fun.

I close my eyes and will the bus to go faster. A painful 30 minutes went by before the bus finally stopped at school. As soon as the doors opened I darted of the bus and straight into school.

First day at a new school. No pressure, Wilson. No pressure at all.

Well there is some pressure

'Both of you shut up." I whisper under my breath. I tried to be discreet but I still got a few stares. I will not be known as the crazy kid. No way.

I make my way into the huge school building and try to find my locker.

'254. 254. 25-' my thoughts were cut of my a sudden collision. I look down to see a small brown haired boy rubbing his head. He looked mad. Shit Wade, already. You only just got here.


I extend my hand to help him up. He looks at my hand, then at me. His eyes were a beautiful hazel colour. They were glossed over with tears. After a moment of eye contact the boy swatted my hand away and stood up unaided.

I shake my head slightly to dull the voices. I felt hurt.

Without a word the boy pushed past me. I opened my mouth to say sorry but by the time I turned round he had vanished into the crowd of students.

Great first impression Wade. Real great.

You didn't even get his name.

I was so focused on getting to class I wasn't looking where I was going. I had crashed into a strong, muscular body, sending my flying backwards. I landed on the floor with a thud.

"Ow." I moaned as I rubbed my temples. People began to crowd round us. A hand had been extended out to me.

I look at the hand, then up to find a kind, slightly worried face staring at me. His sparkling blue eyes were so forgiving. It made me melt.

I go to reach for his hand, when I spot Flash out the corner of my eye. He is heading towards me, an evil smirk plastered on his face. Without thinking a swat the hand away, pick up my bags and push by the mystery boy.

"Well done, Peter." I thought sarcastically as I sped down the corridor

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