《Instability》※ 25 ※


Getting through the rest of the crowd isn't much of a problem. The amount of people remaining outside is reduced to a fraction of the original number. As I begin to sprint across the circular area, I search for Daniel with no luck. I try not to dwell on it for too long. I've got to look out for myself, too.

I sweep over the place once more before rushing through a patch of lawn, into the street again. Front doors slam and windows lock around me. Even the capitol building bolts its door together.

I hurry down the street, still half-searching for Daniel and half-hoping I'll find him. The sun beats down on my shoulder blades as I run, fatigue attempting to take over.

My bow begins to weigh my arm down, but abandoning it is certainly not at option. I sling it across my core, not halting my run-and-search efforts. My breathing turns ragged. C'mon, Daniel. Where are you? I cross another section of the street before making a right.

"Daniel!" I yell at the figure merely yards away from me. The hurricane in my stomach disappears as soon as my eyes confirm his identity. Daniel's worried face smoothens into a grin. I plow into him and lock him in a panicked embrace.

"Ohmygosh, I'msogladIfoundyou," I blurt out quickly, trying to catch my breath. I breathe in his manly scent as if it's the only thing keeping me from hyperventilating.

"Ow," he groans, "You bow poked me right into my gut."

I laugh gladly. My hands slide down the front of his vest as I step back from him. I tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"You know Baltimore better than I do, Ash, so where are we going?" Daniel asks.


"The woods," I say, already recalling the emergency plan from the juvenile agency. "For sure. I know there's some shortcuts to an air raid shelter out there."

Daniel nods, and we take off down the street. I focus my eyes on the advancing street corner.

"Hey, where's Vivian?" Daniel huffs as we run another block.

"I dunno. She was with some guy, but--"

His tone turns dark. "Wait, you lost her?"

I throw an annoyed glance at him. Typical Daniel once again. "I didn't lose Vivian. How was I supposed to know this was going to happen?"

We turn left and round the corner. "Whatever," Daniel says. "She's smart. She'll stay safe."

"You don't know that. She could be the first one dead!"

"No, no, no," Daniel starts. "The Renegades had a back-up plan. Vivian knows where to go."

"And where might that be?" My tone turns sarcastic as we jog. "Hmm, I don't know, maybe we should go there, too."

Daniel shoots down my idea. "They don't have enough space in the underground bunkers for everyone. That's why I got the extra ammo. We can stay safe above ground."

I groan again, my voice becoming shaky due to all the running. "Staying safe above ground is like trying to breathe while underwater, Daniel. It's never going to work."

"Listen, darling," Daniel says with a sideglance. "We'll be fine. The Perimeter Powers are going to help the USA beat the European Powers. As long as we stay out of the way, we'll survive."

I huff a breath in as we made a right. "Who... the heck... are... the Perimeter Powers?"

"Pretty much... the whole world... Minus Europe, of course, or the European Powers."


I leave the conversation at that and focus on where we're going. We cover an extra seven blocks before the houses and buildings blend into woods.

Instead of thick Colorado pines and unfamiliar land lining the city, we run alongside deciduous trees and chirping birds. I've only been in the Maryland woods once before, but I think I can recall the agency's emergency path, at least I think.

After we pass the final Baltimorean house, Daniel and I stop for a much-needed break right near the edge of the woods.

"How soon do you think these Powers are going to arrive--" As soon as the words leave my mouth, deafening engines sound above us.

That can only mean one thing.

My stomach drops in response. I tilt my head to face the sky and block the sun from my eyes with my free hand.

A curtain of strange-looking helicopter zoom overhead at outrageous speeds, leaving blurs of black, yellow, blue, green, and orange. The helicopters form a V. With their pointed noses and varying colors, they're terrifying.

My hands begin to shake uncontrollably. Another three dozen normal-looking helicopters follow behind the colorful fleet. One breaks off and swerves to land presumably in Baltimore.

"Airplanes," Daniel explains. I look at him with scared eyes. "Faster than helicopters, and bigger, too. Perimeter Power aircrafts."

A curtain of blood red airplanes and helicopters shoot across the sky in a linear formation. One helicopter swerves off in the same direction as the previous aircraft.

"Now those we should be afraid of," Daniel declares. His voice makes my insides shudder.

Without another word, we take off through the woods. We sprint about 20 yards before the land begins to decline. We stumble down the slope, avoiding fallen tree branches and tree stumps. More engine sounds break out overhead, and I internally panic. The land evens out again, and I command Daniel to stop.

"Search the ground for any signs of a path," I say.

More fighting fills our ears, this time louder. I keep searching the ground for clues, refusing to look towards the sky. The leaves will shield us the best they can.

More booms, more ear-shattering collisions of fire and metal. World War IV has just begun.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※

sorry for the long wait for this update, and no, instability is not finished yet! hang on to your seats, there's lots more to go.

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