《Science-Bros: the really long and twisty tale of Tony and Bruce.》FIGHT SCENE GALORE! THERE WILL BE DEATH! HEADS UP NOW!
"Hey, Tony. Coulson at SHIELD's base in London is bringing Carol Danvers and War Machine to aid us. Be sure to keep an eye out for them." Hank told Tony through his comm.
"Nice to hear! Now how about we have some music to get ready for battle?" And then Highway To Hell started playing in every jet, and in those who were flying ear pieces.
Bruce heard the the song playing in the jet and smiles a little. "How fitting." he said to Logan.
"I'd play Iron Maiden personally." Logan commented, then tilted his seat back to nap until they get there.
Bruce chuckles a little and looks out at his widow as he saw Ms Marvel and War Machine flying over to join Tony and Thor.
Tony nodded to the two of them, and started up a new song. "This is for you Thor!" He called out, as Thunderstruck started playing. Logan started chuckling.
Bruce couldn't help but laugh as well. "Really, Tony?" Rhodey said to the engineer as he looked over at him.
"Ah, don't worry, I have a bunch of songs for everyone!" Iron Man did a small twist in the air, waving at the window Bruce way by before flying straight forward again.
The doctor smiles and waves back at Tony. He really did love that man and would do anything to protect him and the others.
As the last notes faded, Land Of Confusion came up. "If you have any requests, let me know. A team should have a chance to relax before risking their lives. But no stupid bands or singers. Like JB or One Direction. Got it?"
A few just laughed while some actually said some request. "There's your chance, Logan." Bruce said to the mutant, chuckling a little.
"Stark, you got Run to the Hills?" Logan asked through his comm.
"Yes sir! Iron Maiden coming up next by request of Wolverine." The guitar started first, and Logan did a light air guitar while lip singing too.
Bruce chuckles and thought up on his request. "I guess surprise me with anything by either The Clash or maybe Daft Punk." he said to Tony.
"You got it Brucie." The Crash stared singing, and just as the song ended, Fury got on the mic.
"Stark, stop goofing around. This is a serious mission."
"Yeah, and shouldn't we have a chance to listen to our favorite music before we possible get killed?"
"... Final Countdown, since you put it that way." Tony laughed, but went with it. Everyone who knows the song, which was everyone but Frigga, Tony made sure Loki and Thor had listened to it before they had gone back to Asgard, started singing along.
Bruce chuckles a little and leaned back into his seat. "We're gonna win. I'm sure of it." He said to anyone who was listening to him.
A few "yeah!"s were heard, and as the songs changed, so did the temperature outside. Snow started swirling past the windows. Bruce bit his lips a little grabbed his hoodie he took with him as they left to put it on, still freezing despite having the Hulk inside to help make him feel warm.
"If you look below you, you can see us passing over the last stretch of Canada before we fly into Alaska." Logan shifted in his seat, looking at the frozen tundra below.
"Brings back memories, huh Logan." Bruce said to the mutant as he looked over at the window, remembering when he first met him when he tried to hunt the Hulk down.
"Yeah, sure does." Logan leaned back. "How much further?" He called to the front of the jet, talking to the pilots.
"We're about a few minute from there." Reed told everyone.
"Get ready everyone, it's gonna get messy." Hank said as he got his suit ready to change himself in any size.
Logan grabbed his leather jacket, claws coming out ready for blood. In a different jet, Beast was passing Colossus his team uniform while Rouge tugged on her gloves, ready to come off at a moments notice. Deadpool was polishing his katana, making it shine. Nightcrawler was suiting up with the assassins as Natasha loaded her guns and Clint pulled his bow out. Peter pulls his mask on and activated his web-shooters while Strange clear his mind to ready himself. "Alright everyone, get ready to take down the castle!" Hank said as he puts his helmet on.
'Ready, Hulk?' Bruce asked him in his mind.
'Hulk SMASH!' Hulk got ready to spring out.
'That's right buddy, Hulk Smash.' Bruce said as he eyes slowly stares turning bright green, though waiting for the next order from Tony or anyone.
"Incoming!" Tony swerved to the side as a stream of bullets zoomed towards them. "Evasive maneuvers!" Bruce heard Tony and got up from his sit, ready to turn into the Other Guy as they fired back and tried to land.
"Thor! Iron Man! Take out those guns!" Steve yelled through the mics, piloting his jet. Gambit was taking shots from his plane, having managed to convince Beast that he was good to fight. Deadpool laughed as he jumped out, shooting at one gun as he fell.
Carol and Rhodey help out Thor and Tony in the sky while Reeds and Hank tries to land the jet near the lair. Strange open his and looked out at the window, stoping each bullet and missle aim to them and turned them around to fire back. 'Ready when you are, Hulk' Bruce said as he headed over to the end of the jet.
Hulk roared, ready to take on anyone. "Wait for me bub." Logan stood up, standing beside Bruce. "Looking green bub. Ready to smash?"
"You kidding me? I'm ready to smash the fucker down to the ground." Bruce said to Logan, smirking as he lets the Hulk take over as the launch opens for them.
The Hulk roared, fists ready to rip metal and anything else to shreds. Logan let out his own battle cry, which sounded like a cross between a roar, and manic laughter, rushing past them as he dove through a turret. Hulk landed on one, smirking at the crunch of metal.
Nightcrawler teleported Natasha and Clint out as the landed outside, shooting at the guards. Peter got and shoot out his spiderwebs over to the base.
Nightcrawler teleported Natasha and Clint out as the landed outside, shooting at the guards. Peter got to a window and shoot out his spiderwebs over to the base.
Different guards started rushing out, holding everything from AK-47s to duel wielding P-90s to Rocket Launchers. Ghostrider had gotten on his motorcycles, whipping his flaming chain at any enemy that got too close to it. The rest of the X-men stormed out, Beast in the lead.
"We've got to hurry and find an entrance." Rhodey said to both Tony and Hank as he kept firing at the guards. Hank nodded as he and Reeds stepped out of the jet.
"Tell everyone to watch where they're going" Hank said through his earpiece as he grew his size taller and giant.
Hulk roared, charging through a group of guards, sending them flying. A platform rose up, showing gunner robots, who aimed at an unsuspecting Spiderman. The green being picked up a large chunk of turret and proceeded to turn them into scrap.
Peter and Strange both smirk as they watch the Hulk destroy the tanks. Hank went over to the Hulk to help him with the tanks and other guards.
"HULK SMASH!" Hulk hit the ground with his fists, sending out a shock wave.
"Hulk! Throw me!" Logan stared at one particularly large tank. Both did a smirk/glare, and Hulk picked Logan up around the waist, spun himself around super fast, before letting loose and sending him drilling through it.
Hank stomped and smashed into the other tanks as well. "Stark, we better hurry inside soon a possibly. Doom might be informed about this but we need to locate the Professor and the others are kept before we find him." Hank said to Tony.
"You got it." Tony flew low, scanning for a way in. Steve deflected a hit with his shield, while Quicksilver zoomed around with Deadpool on his back, robots suddenly falling apart with katana slashes. "WOOOOHOOOOO!" Could be heard as the two went from one side of the battle to the other.
Strange crushed a few more of the robot guards with his magic and went over to the Hulk's side to help while Peter swung his web to knock down and few more guards.
"Hulk, Ant-Man. We need some strength and we're in." Tony stood in front of a bunker, not much bigger than hulk really. "Direct way in, but a little too tough for me."
Hank nodded and followed the Hulk over to where IronMan and Carol was at. "Either we need a lot of strength or a lot of fire power for this one." Ms. Marvel said to the two.
Hulk threw a punch just to see how tough it was. "Smash!" Hulk growled, not happy that it was so strong. It was almost as tough as Logans skull. 'Any ideas to get through?'
Bruce thought of something and said to the Hulk 'Trying getting you and Hank to punch it at the same time.'
"Smash with Ant-man." Hulk suggested.
Logan stumbled over, before the gash on his head healed up fully and blood stopped getting in his eyes. "If you want, a few scratches may weaken it."
"All yours Logan." Tony moved over a bit, and after six deep marks, he stepped back for the giants to take a swing.
Hank nodded to Logan and lifted his fist. "One...two...three!" The slammed their fist down, the flesh meeting the door.
A large dent was made. "RAWR!" Hulk hit it again, using both fists at the same time.
"Again." Hank said to Hulk as they punched once more. Hulk hit again, and grinned when a crack appeared. Hulk pulled up all his anger, fist closing tightly, and threw all his strenght into one last hit. "Nice work, Hulk!" Hank said as he went back to his regular size, patting the green beings arm.
Hulk smiled, panting slightly. "Everyone in! Move move move!" Steve started ushering people in, while those with long range powers took the back.
Hank and a few others rushed inside. looking through the many hallways of the lair. "Feel cube." Hulk could actually feel the power washing over him. "Below us."
Bruce could feel the cube as well, breathing in slowly. "What about the others? Where is he holding the Professor and the others?" Reed asked the Hulk.
Deadpool looked down a hall, and opened a door. "Hey look! Finders Keepers right?" A fist flew into Deadpools head, and the Blob stepped out. "Shut up."
Jean Grey walked out behind him. "Logan! Have you seen Scott?" A tapping sound came from a different door.
Everyone heard it and looked around where they were standing at. "We got this." Natasha said as she, Clint, and Nightcrawler headed over to the where the sound was coming from.
Hulk looked around, not sure where to look. 'Where would you keep a telepath if you were Doom?'
'I would figure in the main control room or in a cell kinda like ours.' Bruce suggested to him.
"Does anyone have some glasses for me?" Scott stood swaying, eyes closed to keep the beams at bay.
Logan threw him the rose coloured specs, smirking at him. "Here you go bub."
Reeds went over to Scott and the others and asked, "Do any of you know where the rest of the Four are?"
"No, sorry." Hulk sighed, and smelt the very faint smell of flame. Walking down the hall, he also heared a extreamly faint "Flame on!" Logan turned towards the noise, and poked Reeds. "Check down there."
Reed turned and hurried over to where the sound was coming from. "Reeds wait up!" Hank called out as the others went after him.
"Flame on!"
"Johnny, for the last time, you won't melt it, so stop it!" A grouchy male voice yelled, but the teen ignored it.
"I'm close, I can just feel freedom! It's so close it smells like... it smells like a sweatly Hulk."
Hulk let out a friendly growl at that. 'I do not smell... do I?'
Bruce shrugged and said 'I'm in your mind. I can't smell.'
"Johnny stop! Can't you just be patient and wait for the right moment to escape?' said another voice. Reed recognized the voice and hurried over to it.
"No seriously, I can smell something... WHOA!" A blast was heard, and Deadpool burst through a door, holding a burned ass. "Ow ow ow ow ow!"
Reed got to the room and smiles as he saw his team again. "Sue! Johnny! Ben!" he called out as he went over to them.
"Richard!" All three jumped up and tackled him, hugging tightly. "I thought you were dead!" Johnny gripped his legs, laying on the floor while Ben hugged his waist, leaving for around his neck for Sue.
Johnny extended his arms to hug them back, kissing Sue on the side of her head. "What happened?" he asked them, wondering how Doom found them.
"Doom had some bots round us up. He's gone crazy man! He has this weird cube thing..."
"Tesseract." Hulk informed. Johnny looked up.
"I knew it! I knew I smelt the Hulk!"
"Hulk really smelly?" Hulk asked, giving his arm a sniff.
Deadpool laughed, now healed. "Torchy! I think you hurt his feelings!"
Bruce rolled his eyes a little from the remark. "We were trying to get out of New York or what's left of it when Doom came to capture us. Namor tried to stop him but...." Sue paused for a moment, trying to get the image of their Atlantian friend murdered out of her mind.
"So how much of Doom are you guys going to want? I want to see it there's going to be enough for us all to get a slice in." Logan growled, angry at the news of even more blood being spilt.
Bruce breathes in when he heard Doom took another life. Suddenly, Nightcrawler teleported the himself and the assassin's in the room. "We were at the security room. We know where the cube and the Professor is at." Natasha told the group.
"Lead us there." Steve ordered, shield at the ready. Hulk grunted, cracking his knuckles.
"Flame on guys." Johnny let his hands go ablaze, ready and determind to help in this fight.
As the three led them to the room, Bruce focus on how he was gonna get the cube or whether or not it won't harm him or the Hulk.
'Don't make plans when you don't know the layout.' Hulk warned, thundering down the halls. 'I overheard Natasha talking about that one day.'
Bruce nodded slightly as they got to the main room. "Stay on your guard. Doom might be still around here." Hank warned the group.
The doors opened, and the professer was laying on the floor, and a wave of the tangy stench of blood hit them all. Logan went wide eyed, and was about to run in. "Hold up, let the speedster through." Quicksilver pushed him back, and a blur of blue and silver went into the room and out in a second.
Xavier's eyes were closed, and a large cut from his left shoulder down across his chest to the right side under his ribs was still bleeding. Fingers found their way to his neck, looking for a pulse.
Bruce eyes widen and shook his head, hoping it was an illusion or something. 'No...No! No this can't be!'
Everyone held their breaths. "There's a pulse... THERE'S A PULSE!"
Logan smiled in relief, for a second. "Beast! He's loosing a lot of blood!"
The blue haired mutant sprang to action. "Nightcrawler, we need to get him to the jets."
Nightcrawler nodded and headed over to Beast and Xavier, teleporting them into one of the jets.
'Everyone who is alive is safe, now can we kill Doom?' Hulk looked over at the Tesseract. It was in the centre of the room, just floating in a beam of blue light that stretched from roof to floor.
Bruce looked at the cube as well, wondering if it was either him or the Hulk or both that is same to touch it.
"Spread out, Doom has to be here somewhere." Each person cautiously entered the room, ready to fight at a moments notice. Hank shrunk down as Peter stayed on the ceiling and Strange hid in the shadows.
No one spoke, not even Deadpool. Hulk slowly made his way towards the cube, the power calling to them in a voiceless lure.
'Wait! Do you want me to take it instead?' Bruce asked the Hulk, wondering if it would be safer if he took it.
'No. I can't get hurt as easily as you can. If it breaks anything, I rather it be on the one of us that can heal and isn't weak. Besides, we have strength if I'm taken out for a while, we may still need your brain.' Hulk walked over, ears straining to make sure nothing appeared out of nowhere.
Bruce nodded as he looked around to see it was clear. 'Alright now..let's take it.'
Hulk stepped right in front of the Tesseract, looking at how small it seemed, but how much power it contained. Just as his fingers were about to brush the closest tip, Deadpool made a loud comment. "Is the ceiling suppose to be moving?" A robotic hiss sounded, and deformed Doom bots started raining down.
Bruce groans a little and mutters something about sewing Wade's mouth shut. Hulk jumped backwards as one almost landed on him. He grabbed its head, and crushed it. A deep and faintly familiar voice spoke.
Bruce heard Doom's voice and growled in frustration. 'Come on. Show yourself you coward.' he hissed in the Hulk's head.
Doom jumped down, grabbing the cube as he did so. He stood up straight, well over 20 feet tall now. He looked up, and was taken back when Tony shot him with a plasma beam.
"You did a lousy job!"Tony yelled at him, shooting another blast.
Bruce breathes in as Tony fired at Doom again. 'Get the cube and make sure he doesn't hurt Tony.' he said to the Hulk.
'Got it.' Hulk roared, leaping at the now giant villain. Thor and Loki were fighting some bots side by side, like the brothers they were raised as. Deadpool rolled over Spiderman in midair, slicing through a few. More and more fell, replacing the ones that were destroyed by the double.
Spiderman kept shooting his web as the the other fought. Hank, still ant-size went over to the computer to find a way to turn the robots off.
[A/N I'm putting this here to say death is up ahead. None-bloody, but people are going to be dying. If you don't like it, I'll let you know when we're at a new part without death.]
Doom yelled. He raised the cube, and shot a beam at Jean and Scott. The two screamed in pain, and collapsed to the floor. Hulk felt his heart drop as he watched them fall. Doom killed them. Jean and Cyclops were dead. New rage filled him.
Everyone in the room was shocked and back away. Bruce glared at Doom and ordered Hulk 'Take him down NOW!!'
'No need to tell me twice.' Hulk threw himself at the man, fists hitting every spot he could.
He aimed at Spiderman, but Deadpool pulled him out of the way at the last second. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch got it instead, and fell much like the other two. A different blast took out Luke Cage, Daredevil and Ghostrider.
"Stop him!! STOP HIM!!' Bruce yelled at the Hulk in pure anger, trying to get him to stop the mass of death that was happening in the room.
Hulk growled in frustration. Nothing he was doing was working! Another blast, and the rest of the X-men were gone. "NOOO!" Hulk bellowed, grabbing onto his head and tried to remove the mask.
"Stay down!" Sue to the group as she made a force filed around the group except for Iron Man and Hulk who were still fighting Doom and Hank who was still inside the computer hacking into it to make the robots hit Doom.
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