《Science-Bros: the really long and twisty tale of Tony and Bruce.》The truth is reviled


Tony blinked. "What... New team, or including Loki, Logan, and Frigga?" Tony leaned forward, putting a hand on Bruce's shoulder. "Well, I guess not Frigga. Common Brucie, you can tell me anything."

The doctor bit the inside of his cheek and looks back at Tony. "It's you, Tony...I've fallen for you ever since Fury had us find the Tesseract and formed the team.."

Tony blinked in surprise, hand shifting a bit on his shoulder. "You... You like me?"

Bruce looked away again and nodded slightly. "It's.....it's more 'love' than like.."

"You love me?" Tony moved back in shock, hand slipping from it's place on Bruce's shoulder. "Why?"

Bruce tensed up a little, knowing this was a really bad idea and regrets listening to Logan. "Why not? I never met anyone who trusted both sides of me and saw me as an equal. Plus...you're a lot fun to be with and....and very stunning.."

"I'm also pretty much an alcoholic, I don't play well with others, when we were still in the I-just-met-you-so-sorry-if-I-forget-your-name stage, I was stabbing you with sharp pointy things, trying to make you go green. Pepper broke up with me because she can't handle who I am, and to top it off, my dad helped mess me up more, so I have a hugely hard time trusting anybody." Tony cut off his rant, a tear running down his face as he closed his eyes. "Why would you want someone who's broken, when you could have anyone else in the world?"

"Because you're the only one out there that cares about me and the Other Guy." Bruce looked back at Tony and saw tearing building up in his eyes. "The only one here that is really broken is me, not you..."

Tony looked up, looked deep into Bruce's eyes. He slid a hand out, gently taking the others into his own. "You're not broken. You're shining. Shining like a star." He moved his other hand to move a single strand of hair behind Bruce's ear, cupping his face.

Bruce his head, tearing slowly building up. "No...no I'm not. I lost my mother because she tried to protect me from the bastard, I'm a failed scientist and the US most wanted, I've.....I've killed million of innocent lives... Does that sound like a shining star to you?"

"You worked hard to be where you are, despite the asshole who killed your mother. You are willing to go places other doctors won't, and give free medical care. And even the Hulk is getting better. He saved my life, and a lot of others in every single fight he's in." Tony pulled Bruce's face forward slowly, their noses just brushing each other. "Despite what you've been through, what everyone throws at you, you manage to rise up. You've had your bad days sure. But never ever doubt that I care deeply about you. I love you too."


Bruce closed his eyes as he felt a few tears starting to escape his eyes, letting Tony's words, and love, sink in.

Tony wiped away the salty tears with his thumb, and tilted his head ever-so-slightly to the side. He whispered "Stop me if you're uncomfortable." Before drawing him closer, their lips a hair width apart. The scientist leans a little forward and finally gently brushed his lips against Tonys, kissing him softly.

[And before any of you ask, this will stay within the rules. Any smutty/slashy/lemony/sexual scenes that are, to be blunt, porn, will be posted in a link to a different site. If the scene was written. If not, use your imaginations.]

Tony returned the kiss just as softly, hand tightening a bit over Bruce's. Bruce moved his hand to clasp it gently over Tony's, squeezing it gently as they continued to kiss. Tony moved a bit closer, deepening the kiss. His eyes were closed, enjoying the feeling of Bruce Banners lips on his own.

Bruce sighs softly as he tilts his head a little, deepening their kiss even further. Tony shifted his hand from the side of Bruce's face, to behind his head, fingers on a small bit of his spine. Bruce moans quietly into the kiss as he raised his hands up to gently cup the billionaire's face.

Tony groaned a bit, wrapping his arm around Bruce's waist and almost pulling him into his lap. Tony broke the kiss, chuckling slightly, foreheads pushed together. Bruce wiped a few of his tears away and smiles a little as he moved to sit on his lap, lean his forehead against Tony's. Tony wrapped his other arm around Bruce also, holding him in place. "I do love you Bruce."

"I love you too, Tony. I love you so much." Bruce told him softly, moving his arms to wrap them around his neck.

Tony smiled, and brought Bruce forward again into a deep kiss. Bruce smiles into the kiss and gently pushed him back so that they were laying down on the bed.

Tony never let their lips disconnect, laying down and making sure Bruce followed. His hands started exploring Bruce's back, memorizing every dip, line, and mark that he could feel over the shirt.

Bruce whimpers softly from Tony's touch and gently placed his hand on his chest, lightly touching the area where his arc reactor is at.

"Bruce..." Tony moaned, before clashing their lips together in an even deeper kiss. Tony lightly trailed his tongue along the outside of Bruce's lips, begging, pleading, for entrance. Bruce moans and whimpers again as he slowly opened his mouth to let the engineer to deepen a little further. Tony slowly encircled his mouth, exploring everywhere, and mapping it all out. He let out his own moan, deeper this time, as he pulled Bruce impossibly closer to him.

The doctor moans softly as their tongues brushed against each other, moving closer to Tony until there was no space between the two. Tony pulled Bruce's head down even more on his, making the kiss as deep as it possibly could be.


There was a knock at Tony's door and Bruce quickly pulled away. Clint was at the door with Tony's food and drinking his hands. "Hey Doc! Still treating Stark or what?" he called out waiting for him to answer the door.

Tony was lightly panting, and had to bite his hand to keep a sassy answer from giving their activities away.

Bruce carefully got himself off of the bed and straighten his clothes a little. "Hold on!" he call out to Clint as he opened the door for him. "Got your second lunch of the day, Stark." Clint said as he grabbed the side table and wheeled it over to place the food and water on it.

"Did somebody say food?" Tony sat up straight, licking his lips at the smell. "Oh you got them both! Clint, I could kiss you, but you have cooties." Tony reached over and grabbed the burger first, taking a huge bite.

"Please don't. I don't swing that way and you possible carry the most 'cooties' out of anyone in here." Clint said as he took a sip of his own drink he bought for himself. Bruce went back the side of Tony's bed the straighten the sheets.

"No. You've got Natasha cooties!" Tony teased, acting like he was five, instead of the 30something year old he was.

Bruce couldn't help but chuckle a little from his sass. "Oh shut up, Tony. You're just jealous and you know it." Clint said to the genius, smirking a little

"Of what Legolas? I have looks, I can get anyone I want, male or female, and I'm massively intelligent."

The Hulk chuckled. 'He forgot modest too.'

Bruce sighs a little and leans his back against the bed. "Whatever, hotshot. Want me to call Fury and the team or is Green Machine here still trying to fix you?" Clint asked.

" 'ou 'ave to as' Br'ce." Tony said with his mouth full, which translated to "You have to ask Bruce."

Clint looked at Tony for a moment and then turned to the physicist.

"What has Fury said?" He asked Clint.

"Well, if Tony is better, he wants him taken to HQ with the rest or I guess the remainder of the team, X-men's, and so forth. Just so we can figure out how to taken down Doom and bring the cube back."

"Has anyone else been found?" Tony asked, finished the buger and moving to the Shwarma.

"We've heard from Janet, Parker, and a few of the X-Men that wasn't at the mansion at the time. We've also got a hold of Banner's weird friend, Doctor Strange." Clint told them.

Bruce looked over at him and said "Where the hell was he this time when we needed him?"

"I guess you could say he's kind of... Strange." Tony giggled a very manly giggle, despite what anyone else would say. Tony was very manly.

Bruce looks over at Tony and couldn't help but laugh at both the joke and his giggle. "Strange is too much, more like....bat-shit insane." Clint corrected him.

"If he is willing to work with our little messed up family, he'd have to be." Tony smirked, and started humming The Bradey Bunch theme song.

Bruce smiles a little at Tony and looks back at Clint to ask "When should we head down to HQ?"

"When Tony gets better?"

"So this is all on me?" Tony licked his fingers clean, making a smacking noise each time a finger left his mouth. "I do love being the center of attention."

"Whether you're better or not, I can still treat you at the infirmary at SHIELD's headquarters." Bruce pointed out.

"Aw. Party-pooper." Tony stuck out his tongue, giving a subtle flick at the end that luckily was missed by Clint.

"It's better there than here where Doom can just attack you again." Bruce told Tony. Clint nodded slightly and said "Whenever you guys are ready, I'll tell Fury."

"Oh right. He managed to break in here... I vote now." Tony raised his right hand up, looking around the room.

Clint nodded and said "I'll inform the others then." As the archer left the room, Bruce when over to help Tony sit up on his bed.

"When we kick Dooms ass, I want as much scotch as I can have without single handily destroying one or both of my kidneys, and to snuggle with you for at least a week. Maybe a month." Tony said, pulling himself out of bed, putting most of his weight on Bruce.

Bruce smiles a little as he helps Tony out of bed, walking him slowly out of he room and grabbing his bag, food, and other of Tony's things.

Tony stopped for a second at the doorway, and gave Bruce a quick kiss to the cheek. "Let Hulk know that was for him too." Hulk grunted happily.

Bruce smiles back at Tony and said "I think he really appreciated it."

'I do. He's the only one I haven't had a single urge to smash.' Hulk added, not wanting to be left out.

Bruce kissed Tony on the cheek as well and said "The Other Guy said he likes it."

"Yes. Score one for Tony Stark." He tried to do a macho pose, but nearly fell due to not being able to hold his own weight.

Bruce chuckles a little as he holds Tony close, holding him upward as they walked over to Fury and the group.

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