《Science-Bros: the really long and twisty tale of Tony and Bruce.》Tony and Bruce have 12% of a moment... ish.


Bruce walked into the room and his heart sank further when he saw the condition Tony was in, and it was all his doing. He went over to the side of the bed and gently to his hand into his own.

Inside Bruces mind, the green giant monster known to all as the Hulk stirred, also seeing Tony laying still. He let out a growl, knowing Bruce would know he was awake.

Bruce closed his eyes shut when he hear the monster within growling. 'This....this it all you're fault and you know it! You must of done something to him. For god sake you tried to protect him and this is what he gets in the end?!' he said in his mind, talking directly to the Other Guy.

'I did nothing.' Inside the shared mind, the two could communicate perfectly well. It took a long time for Bruce to even consider it, and even longer for the two to use this as a normal method of communication. 'He was injected by one of the attackers.'

'That's not want everyone is telling me! Did you even see the look on Pepper's face?!' Bruce asked him, upset at the fact at whatever happens, he'll still be blamed for it, like always.

'Everyone else were too busy fighting, or were not even there! I saw him. I held on to Tony to make sure that his attacker couldn't change form and attack again!' Hulk roared, not happy that he had to prove himself again. Destroy one little town and the world hates you forever.

Bruce breathes in a little and looks over at the still face of Tony, gently reaching his hand to touch is cheek lightly. 'It doesn't matter anyway. They'll still lock us up despite the good deeds we do.'


'Why does everyone hate us?' Hulk looked at Tony for a second, before rephrasing what he said. 'Why does everyone except Tony hate us?' Without a surprise, tony had been the one to encourage the two beings to use the connection.

'They fear us. They assume we are something that can destroy and kill with no shame or sorrow.....or no heart. Fury fears me more, thinking I'm just like my father, that heartless bastard that ruined everything I hold close and loved.' Bruce paused and looks at Tony again. 'He doesn't see us as a monster or a heartless being. He trust both of us when no one did. He see a lot of potentials in both of us and does what ever he can to make our day better. That why I love him...'

Hulk grunted. 'I saw what was injected into him. It looked familiar. Would you be able to recognize it?' He asked, knowing that if they could wake Tony up, they won't lose the only person the two trusted, and loved.

'What was it? I'll see what I can do to save him.' Bruce asked the Other Guy as he scanned Tony's body from head to toe to see what or where was the cause of his condition.

Hulk pulled up the memory into the shared part of their minds, letting it play. Tony laid on the ground, while the Hulk ripped a near by robot in half before throwing those peices at others. He moved closer, turning around just as a masked person plunged a needle into Tony's neck. The Iron Man helmat sat a few feet away, indicating that the person had removed it. The chemical inside the syringe was clear, with small blue orbs inside.

Bruce eye widen and examined the billionaire's neck, seeing the dark area with darker nerve webs spreading where the needle once was. "I need to drain it out." Brice said outloud, as he fetches a clean needle to pull out the poison injection from Tony's neck.


The Hulk grunted again, which was normally his way of agreeing. 'How had the others missed it?'

'They must of been preoccupied with the others attacking, or SHIELD just wanted to blame someone for the mess.' Bruce said as he finished draining the poison out and cleans up the needle more, placing a small bandage on it.

'Will he be okay?' Hulk looked at Tony, hoping that he would wake up soon.

'We'll just give him a minute or so. He has to wake up' Bruce said as he took Tony's hand again, squeezing it gently.

Hulk watched Tony intently, almost wishing him to wake. After ten minutes, when both the gamma created being and the scientist almost gave up all hope, Tony stirred a bit, eyes flickering behind his eyelids.

[Is this a mean place to stop? Yes? GOOD! Ehehehehe. But really though, I hope that everyone is liking the story so far. And to make it easier, if you put it in your read list, or favourite it, then I'll mention you in one of my little Author Notes. But until then, TFG out!]

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