《The Impossible Girl》Four


Edward drove Bella home in her truck, planning on staying near by until Charlie went to bed. He winced, hearing Jasper's thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Bella noticed him wince.

"Jasper broke down. He blames himself," Edward sighed.

"But he had no idea!" Bella complained.

"I know," Edward said.

They soon pulled up into the gravel drive of Charlie's home.

"I'll be back soon," Edward whispered and planted a kiss on Bella's cheek. He disappeared.

Bella sighed and grabbed up her bag, slugging into the house.

"Bells?" Charlie called.

"Yeah, dad," she croaked. Damn it.

Charlie popped around the corner, looking concerned.

"Are you okay?"

"Um, yeah. Just a hard day."

"Where is Marrisa? Do you know why all of the ligh bulbs are busted?"

Bella's eyes widened. All of the lights? She then realized that she hadn't come up with a lie. She supposed she could tell half of the truth.

"She's... she's finally grieving," Bella said solemnly.

Charlie's face fell.

"She told me how it happened. How she lost her husband and daughter," she sniffed.

"How?" Charlie asked.

"Um, her husband died in the Civil War," Bella wiped away her tears. "Her daughter died when she was only three years old."

Charlie sighed, rubbing his face.

"She was murdered. She was just a baby! They broke into her house and made her watch!" Bella started to sob. She covered her face and willed herself to stop crying.

Charlie rushed to Bella and crushed her into a hug. He held her until she had ceased the tears.

"Where is she now?" Charlie gruffed.

"She's with Carlisle," Bella lied. "I took her to the Cullen's to meet them and she had panic attack. He's keeping an eye on her."

Charlie nodded. "Dr. Cullen is a good man."


"He is. I'm going to bed. Night," Bella sighed.

"Night," Charlie mumbled.

Edward was waiting, perched on her bed with a sympathetic expression. Bella walked right into his arms, wanting to be held. They lay down together, Edward humming her lullaby. Bella wondered if he'd go back home tonight.

"How long are you going to stay?"

"Well, Alice says that we won't be going back home until the end of the weekend," Edward said.

"What, why?"

Edward looked at Bella. "They need their time to grieve. As parents, as husband and wife."

Bella nodded. She couldn't imagine what losing your child was like. She had no idea the pain Jasper and Marrisa felt; she knew she didn't. The most she could do was offer her support.

"After this weekend is when we'll be training with the wolves," Edward mused.

Bella nodded in acknowledgement. She still hated the idea that everyone was fighting for her.

"Does Marrisa know about them?" Edward asked curiously.

"About the wolves? Knowing her, more than likely," Bella chuckled softly.

Edward smiled, glad to see his love smiling. Bella yawned suddenly, eyes drooping. Edward gently layed her down.

"Get some sleep, my love."



It was bright. Marrisa squeezed her eyes tighter, hoping to block out the redness. Her body felt relaxed, her eyes opened groggily. She was in a room filled with bookshelves. She sat up, taking in her surroundings.

She didn't know where she was. She jumped up, panicking. She could feel her abilities surge, making the room vibrate. The door to the room opened and she whirled around, throwing her hand foward. The intruder was forced into the wall, a few feet above the floor. She forced harder, crushing the wall behind the intruder. She froze when she saw his face.


He stared wide eyed at his wife, he had no idea that she possessed this kind of power. Her face nearly frightened him, as it showed no remorse. Marrisa jerked her hand back, letting Jasper free. He stumbled forward, gasping at the sudden fall.


She fidgeted with her hands and looked down, guilt and self consciousness radiated from her. Jasper slowly made his way to his wife, cupping her face in his cold hands.

"I guess I don't have to worry about protectin' you too much," he stated with a soft smile.

A startled chuckle escaped her lips. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, sweetheart," Jasper grinned.

He straightened up and led her out of the room and down stairs.

"I suppose breakfast is in order?" He asked.

Marrisa nodded excitedly. It had been a while since she has had a proper meal. As she stepped onto the cold, tile floor, she realized that she was barefoot. She looked down and saw that she had been changed into different clothing. She wore light blue, silk pants and a silk tank top.

"Did you change my clothes?" She asked.

Jasper shook his head while he fried some eggs. "Alice came back by after you had fallen asleep. I thought it was too soon for me to start removing your clothes without your permission."

Marrisa chuckled. "But you're my husband."

Jasper threw some bacon in the pan with the eggs, humming in agreement. "Alright then. Next time I'll remove your clothes."

Marrisa rolled her eyes and sat at the kitchen table. Once Jasper had finished cooking, he set the plate in front of Marrisa. There was a glass of orange juice next to the plate before she had taken her first bite.

"Thank you," she smiled at him.

Jasper sat across from her and watched her. He still couldn't believe that she was actually here. He realized that he never got the chance to ask her how it was possible. But, he waited. Instead of interrogating her, he looked her over. Her skin looked as smooth as porcelain, but she was tan. The light blue color of her sleepwear made her look darker than she was. Her hair was still in a braid from yesterday, long and subtly highlighted. He remembers clearly now, her hair used to be shorter and just a plain, medium brown. Now, it was lighter and had blonde highlights. He eyed her breasts quickly, noticing how her nipples had hardened slightly.


He met her eyes, taken aback at the sudden intensity. She had finished eating, plate pushed aside and her hands folded on the table.


She didn't waiver when she asked the question that Jasper dreaded to answer.

"How do you know Maria?"

Jasper exhaled. Suddenly afraid to look her in the eyes. He clasped his hands together on the table, more or less blurting out the words.

"Maria was the one that changed me."

Marrisa's heartbeat stuttered, then returned to a normal pace. No expression, no blinking. It was like she was staring through him. Then the house started vibrating. Flickering lights followed suit, the vibrating got stronger and there was a low roaring. Jasper immediately sent her a wave of calm, hoping to lessen any destruction that happens.

It was an ongoing battle for several minutes. Jasper straining to keep his wife calm so she doesn't destroy the house, Marrisa pushing against his power with sheer fury. Objects levitated, making Jasper push harder against Marrisa. After another minute, everything calmed. Jasper felt slightly drained, staring into the burning eyes of his wife.

"Tell me what happened."

Jasper sighed. He told her, though. He told her everything.

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