《A Billion Dollar Mistake》Chapter 15



Silence now filled the car, and I am so grateful for the fact that Mr Serious didn't try to say anything. I guess he is really smart when he wants to. It was now getting late, and the car was literally flying, because I don't think he is driving on the ground by the way he is speeding up. Isn't he going to get a ticket or something if he keeps it up? Not only that, I know I am going to die one day, but I don't think I want it to be today. If he would slow down just a little bit I thought holding on to my belt. Thank God I put on a seatbelt. I guess he read my mind when he spoke softly "Don't worry, I am an excellent driver"

Do I look worried? Even if I do, I have all the rights, considering this is the first time he is driving me around, also considering he doesn't like me. But he wouldn't risk his life right? I mean he doesn't seem like a murderer, but he still looks scary, but the good kind of scary, is there such a thing? He wouldn't want to risk my life either right? I mean, he doesn't hate me, I know that for a fact, or else he wouldn't take care of my red arms, right? 'Yeah, the red marks he caused' a voice in my head pointed out

"I have my permit if you want to see it" He said while looking for something in his pocket with one hand, steering the wheel with the other. Oh my God, is today the day I am going to die? This is really risky I thought looking up and seeing a car heading straight towards ours.

"Watch out Lik" I yelled, not even caring about anything else, actually, I cared about living

At the last minute, he turned the wheel and his car went on one side, and the other did on the opposite

"WHAT THE HELL? Don't you know I am too young to die? I don't need to see the permit just drive us safely please" I yelled trying so hard to calm my beating heart. Relief flood through me, today was not the day, I wasn't dead yet, since I could still feel my heart. But I still checked to see if I had a pulse or not. Anyways, Who drives and looks for stuff in their pockets on a small road? I don't know a lot about cars, but for sure, I am never driving with him, never again, that's a promise.


"I am young too you know." He added after few minutes. Oh lord, how I want to smack his head right now. Wait what? Did I just think that? Since when did I become so violent? Since when did I change from the all smiling innocent girl to someone who is thinking about hitting other people? Wow, marriage do change people.

"And Lik seriously?" He asked, raising a perfect eyebrow

"Well, I was not thinking properly, and that is short for Malik too. We were just about to die, and that is what you are thinking about right now? Wow"

"We are here" He said stopping in the middle of a parking, interrupting anything I had to say. Rude much?

We got out of the car, and someone came to greet us with a smile. I responded to the greeting while Malik just nodded his head. Couldn't he just say hello? He is such a weirdo.

"Uhm, Mister Sebastian is already in the airplane and is waiting for you. Mike said he will pick up the car and I will be bringing your luggage in the plane shortly." said the guy while bowing his head slightly, I guess as a sign of respect. I tried to help him and he shook his head and said politely,

"No ma'am I got this, but thank you for the thought" before taking the backpack from me

I turned around to hide the blush, he just called me Ma'am, like I was some important person.

"Who is that Sebastian guy?" I asked totally curious

"Well, it's Tony, before you ask anything else yes, I gave him that nickname"

"How did you know what I was going to ask next?"

"Uhm? because you are dumb and just so obvious?"

Okay, I was not expecting that at all, So I just followed him and glared at the back of his head, hoping he would fall and break his nose. Sadly, he didn't and since it was night, I just saw lights on the side of the road and after a while, we were in front of a beautiful airplane, not too big, or too small either, and on bold was written Qureshi. Wow, so this is how an airplane looks in real life?

"Close your mouth or you will swallow a butterfly" he said smirking. Butterfly seriously?


"Wait is this yours? Are we flying in this? seriously? This is going to bring us to London without dying on the way? I so wanna see the inside" I said a little breathlessly. His chuckle drove me out of my revery and I stared at him, did he just chuckle? That's the closest of him laughing I saw. Wow, guys, you should really clap for me, I made Mr. Serious Face chuckle

"Are you guys coming in or what" Asked a person from the door of the airplane, I guess I am going to finally see the inside, I am so excited, at the same time scared, but mostly excited. I picked the end of my dress and followed Malik inside, seeing as he left me since I was taking forever.

I was really surprised at the inside, not that I knew how it would look like. The interior was really well decorated, with a beige color as the main theme, there were really comfortable chairs, a table to eat, and mini TV's

"Beautiful right?" asked a voice next to me, I turned to see Tony smiling at me

"Pretty amazing" I replied grinning

"And check this out too, they have beds in the back"

"No way",

"Yes way"

"Are you guys going to sit down, or are you just going to stand there like a bunch of idiots?" He asked in a really bored tone.

Do you see why I say he is not a fun guy at all? Anyways I sat down and heard the announcement from the speakers. I can't tell how much I dreamed of being in an airplane.

"Why are you acting like it's your first time in an airplane?"

"Because it is my first time. Mr. Malik, you see, not everyone has money to throw like you, some of us, keep that for more more important matters." I said starting to get irritated. This man always brings the worst in me

"In your face Zaynie" said tony, laughing so hard that I felt bad for what I said

"Just shut up" he said in a flat tone, before taking out his laptop

"Good evening, This is the flight ACS 300, and it is about to take off. May you fasten your seat belt and follow the following procedures in case of an emergency. Our arrival is expected to be at 10 Pm in London . I hope you will enjoy your ride." said a voice with a hint of a British accent.

I love that accent, and sometimes I wished that is how I sounded when I was speaking English. Now that I am thinking about it, Malik also has a hint of the accent, if you don't really pay attention, you won't really notice it.

I was sitting next to Malik and facing Tony, but I really didn't mind, until I could feel the airplane moving slowly, and after like a minute, it started speeding up, oh my God, my heart was pounding so hard that I thought everyone on the airplane could hear it, and any time now, it was going to burst out of my chest, But I don't know if it is from nervousness or excitement.

I guess I even stopped breathing when I could feel us going towards the sky. A hand was on top of mine, just there as a reminder that I was not alone, and slowly, started making small circular movements, that calmed me. I could feel myself breathing normally again. I looked on my right and saw that Malik was not even looking at me, and I am pretty sure he could feel my gaze, but he didn't turn around to look at me and now, we were already in the sky and flying on a straight line.

I looked around and realized that Tony was staring at us, when his eyes found mine, he gave me the look, I just rolled my eyes and turned around from embarrassment, and also to hide the blush that was appearing on my cheeks. I heard his laugh echoing and could feel Malik looking at us suspiciously, so I just removed my hand from his, after noticing the dance that my heart was doing.

What the hell is happening? Why am I feeling weird? I thought as I was looking out on the window, at the dark sky, not really seing the stars.


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