《i'm right here || jasper whitlock》fourteen


Theresa held on to the door of Edwards Jeep as they drove into the woods, the trail getting bumpy.

"It'll be fun" Theresa muttered under her breath, saying the same thing that Bella said to her when she woke her up this morning to play baseball with a bunch of vampires.

"Do you guys really need to be this far in the woods to play baseball?" Theresa asked as Edward laughed lightly, "Yes. You'll see why."

Theresa sighed before turning her attention back to the window as they pulled up next to a bunch of other cars.

"We're here."

Theresa unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door, getting out.

She watched from afar as Jasper twirled his baseball bat and did tricks with it.

She stood there for a few more minutes just acknowledging how good he was with a baseball bat before walking over towards him.

"And since when do vampires like baseball?" Theresa asked Jasper as she stood in front of him, causing him to stop twirling his bat.

"Well it's the American pastime ma'am. Plus, there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play" Jasper said, causing Theresa to raise an eyebrow, "You'll see why."

"Edward said the same thing."

"You wanna play? Well take it easy on you, I promise" Jasper said with a smirk as he wiggled his eyebrows, handing the bat to Theresa, who shook her head.

"I'm not in shape to play with you guys, sorry, but I'll pass" Theresa said, laughing lightly, as she motioned at her body.

Before Theresa even knew what was happening, Jasper had her up against Edwards Jeep, standing in front of her, both hands on either side of her face. Theresa was shocked to say the least.

"That's the last time you are goin' to talk bad about yourself, you hear me?" Jasper asked Theresa as she took a deep shaky breath, "You are the most fuckin' stunning woman I have ever laid my eyes on."


That was the first time Jasper ever cursed in front of Theresa. She decided that when he cursed he was actually angry.

"It's time" Alice said with a smile as it started to thunder, causing Theresa to look over at her, interrupting the two lovers.

Jasper took his hands off of Edwards car and put them around Theresa's waist. He leaned in and kissed Theresa, catching her off guard. They hadn't kissed in public before this, but that's not what Theresa was thinking as they kissed. The only thing she could focus on when they kissed was Jasper. How soft and rough his lips were at the same time. How his hands always ended up with one at her waist and one lost in her hair. How he always kissed her like it was the last kiss the two would ever share.

"Hey Romeo!" Emmett yelled, causing Jasper to look over his shoulder, hands moved to both of them gripping Theresa waist, as Theresa hid her face in Jaspers chest.

"What!?" Jasper yelled back at his brother, frustrated that he broke up the moment between the two. "We got a game to play!"

Jasper turned back to Theresa, releasing her out of his grip, and kissing her forehead, before walking towards the others as Theresa took another shaky breath before standing up straight, crossing her arms, and speaking, "You can't just pretend that their isn't a huge weight difference between us" She said as Jasper turned around with a smirk.

"Just more to love and appreciate darlin'" Jasper said, winking, before jogging back to the game where everyone else was.

Theresa felt her swollen lips, before speaking under her breath, "Damn you Jasper Whitlock Hale."

"Heard that!" Jasper yelled to her from across the field, causing her to smile and shake her head.


Theresa took a deep breath before following Jasper back towards his family.

"Here you go. Brought this one just for you" Esme said to Theresa, handing her a baseball cap, as Theresa joined her at home plate.

Theresa took the baseball cap into her hands and acknowledged it. It was white and blue and it had the same symbol that Jasper wore on his bracelet on his wrist.

"Thank you. This means a lot" Theresa said as she smiled at Esme, and it was true. Theresa hasn't had a mother figure since her mother left her and her father. And now in Forks, she finally found one and found a family that she feels like accepts her, even if she isn't a vampire.

Theresa was brought out of her daydream as Alice threw the ball to Rosalie with lightning-fast speed, signaling that the game had started.

Rosalie hit the ball with the bat, the sound caused by the hit was loud. Loud enough that it sounded like the thunder that accompanied the rain.

"Now I get why you need the thunder."

The ball flew into the forest, Edward ran after it.

"That has to be a home run" Bella said as Esme shook her head, "Edward's very fast."

Rosalie runs from base to base as Edward runs out of the forest with the ball and throws it to Esme, who catches it as Rosalie slides onto the home plate.

"You're out" Bella said, causing Rosalie to glare at her.

Theresa's eyes widened as she walked over to Jasper.

"Good choice" Jasper said as Theresa raised an eyebrow at his comment, "Moving away from Rosalie when she's mad."

Theresa's mouth formed an "O" shape as she nodded, "Yeah, I didn't think that was gonna go well" Theresa said as Jasper laughed lightly.

"Jasper! Your up!" Emmett yelled, causing Jasper and Theresa to turn their attention back to the game.

"Hopefully twirling that bat did some good" Theresa said to Jasper as he walked up to bat, he smirked at her, "No offense ma'am, but I didn't hear you complaining about my bat twirling when you watched me earlier before sayin' hi."

Theresa blushed.

Jasper got in position to bat and Alice threw the ball at him. He hit the ball with his bat, causing a loud bang as it went into the woods.

"Foul!" Emmett yelled before laughing. Jasper glared at him and handed the bat to Carlisle who was up next to bat, before walking back over to Theresa.

"Wanna race?" Theresa asked Jasper, trying to cheer him up, since she noticed that he was still glaring at Emmett.

Jasper smirked, his full attention now on Theresa, knowing full well that he would win the race, "You're on."

"But I get a head start" Theresa said as Jasper nodded, "Fair enough."

Theresa smiled at him before starting to run towards the forest.

She was already there when Alice yelled, "Stop!"

"Theresa stop!" Jasper yelled, but it was too late. Theresa was already approaching where the ball landed.

"Hurry up slow poke!" She yelled as she turned her head to see Jasper no where near her.

"What-" Theresa said to herself, but was quickly cut off by her running into a tree causing her to fall to the ground.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A voice asked, causing Theresa to look up.

That was the moment that Theresa realized it wasn't a tree she ran into, but a vampire.

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